DOOM 3 Wallpapers

Published by Newsfactory 0

Doom 3 Center have snagged themselves 3 new High-Res Doom3 Wallpapers.

Warp2Search Beta Design

Published by [NT] 4

Want to check out the upcoming new design of Warp2Search ? Click here Feel free to leave a comment or write in our forums here


Published by [NT] 5

Dear Reader of Warp2Search.Net,
I feel sorry about the downtime and trouble we had the past days but some muppets thought that it is funny to hack the site.
This has caused the downtime and we are still on it to recover hacked files and bring the site back to normal.
If you notice some trouble, missing files or other malfunctions of the site please leave a comment or post it in our feedback forums.
I would like to thank our host over @ Snoke.Nl for the night they have spent to bring the site back and for the phone call in the night telling me what has happened ;-).
Best and enjoy your stay,
Niels Thomsen
Warp2Search Webmaster


Published by Newsfactory 5

Is it just me that's getting Pop-up ads for Ringtones and that F***ing credit card page from Capital one! every time you refresh warp2 or open a second page for warp2.

These ads are coming from Bannerfarm! I'll check with NT to what's up?

Update: Until we can get this Fixed all stories today will have direct Links on the FrontPage.


Published by [NT] 3

Sorry for the downtime and lag of availability of Warp2Search the past days.
Our domain provider had to change DNS servers and i had to made a domain update.
That has caused the problems.
But now we are back on service. Thank you for your patience. Your
Warp2Search Staff

OnlyNewZ MP3 Player Beta 3

Published by Newsfactory 0

We are working on our own MP3 Player now and its already on Beta 3. I have a screenshot for you in our forum.

It uses about 4MB Memory and runs really fast. There is no installation file, just one file to run it, size: 528 KB. Nice huh ?View: the screenshot and leave a comment!

New News Poster !

Published by [NT] 2

Hi everybody, my name is Sergey and I am very excited to join as a news poster on Warp2Search.

[PM] has left Warp2Search

Published by [NT] 5

After three years of beeing the heart of Warp2search.Net, Peter Mertin ([PM], aka Rancho) has left Warp2Search.
He build up the site with me and he did a very great job as editor in chief and public relations manager.
It is very sad to see a friend going after this long time.
Warp2Search has to thank him, without Peter we never had made Warp2Search to the site it is today.
People are coming and going, but the job and the task will stay.
I wish Peter all the best for his future, I wish him the strength to walk his way and I hope to see you back on my site at Warp2Search. Bye bye buddy. Launched

Published by [NT] 0

Das hat die Welt gebraucht und jetzt ist es da,, das Diskussionsforum. Was soll das ganze ? Manchmal hat man so Tage an dem man einfach mal seinen Frust rauslassen muss, das Bedürfniss hat, diesen Frust öffentlich zu machen, aber nirgendwo gibt es eine Plattform dafür. Und diese haben wir nun mit geschaffen, eine Plattform für den Ärger des Alltags. Wenn Ihr Erlebnisse habt oder hattet und Ihr wollt einfach mal Euren Frust herauslassen, dann besucht uns einfach mal auf

Multivision Computers Cease Trading

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just a quick warning to all our UK vistors, seems that Multivision Computers have ceased trading but are still taking orders via their website and are still adversting in PC mags like PC shopper , PC buyer and others! So be warned

News source: The

ATi and SSAA

Published by Newsfactory 8

ATi said they'd support SSAA but never backed up their claim... except for Mac users that is. Make it clear to ATi that Windows users don't want to be treated like second class:

Warp2Search Announcing : Readers News

Published by [NT] 0

Dear Visitors and especially News Submitters,

We are happy to announce that we have included a new feature on Warp2Search which is called "User News Channel"
What does that mean: In the past we received a lot news submissions which we could not post on this website because of the heavy amount of news submissions and we had to select the most imporant ones.
A lot of users where dissapointed why their news were not published and with the new news-channel we are able to post all news which are submitted and important.

In the main menu and in the top of the site, there is a new option: Reader News, marked with a double head icon. The most important news will be published as always on the mainsite of Warp2Search. I hope you will enjoy this new feature and that you will submit many news which are important for you and you would like to share with the readers of Warp2Search.

Interested in posting news ?

Published by [NT] 5

You know hot news before anyone else and you want to share them ?
You want to post news about hardware,software, games and general topics ?
You want to reinforce the editors of Warp2Search ?

Get more informations and contact us over here

4 The Matrix: Revolutions Posters

Published by Newsfactory 0

You can tell the time is nearly here for the release of The Matrix: Revolutions! until then click on the poster to you're left for the other 3 posters.

Work At Futuremark!

Published by Newsfactory 0

Looks like Futuremark have a job opening!

Do you feel you have what it takes to work with the greatest team on the planet, and create mindblowing benchmarks and visuals with the latest and greatest hardware there is? Well, now is your chance! We are currently looking for:

Still Here

Published by [PM] 0

Just a quick note for everyone reading this site that I am still working with and for this site. Me that is Rancho* a.k.a [PM]. I had and still have a lot of personal matters to sort out but I am following the development of the site and the daily news as my time allows me to. I will resume posting news and reviewing hardware and software products in the near future to keep Warp2Search alive and kickin'. This site has become part of my life but I had to pay dearly because I have lost another one in return. I hope that our loyal readers may keep in mind that there is a life beyond cyberspace and a life next to Warp2Search - this site is run by enthusiasts for the community. We are investing into the site and love to see it grow. This however also comes at a price; work becomes even more time consuming and the financial pressure keeps rising accordingly - so please don't flame us for trying out several new ways of increasing revenue such as the full screen "Interland" ad. We have some things coming up for you so stay tuned and enjoy your stay. Thanks

Half Life 2 Benchmark?

Published by Newsfactory 1

Just a quick note as I've had quite a few emails asking, when are Valve releasing their Half Life 2 Benchmark! well from all the rumours and from what we know valve has been benching for a while on Nvidia and ATi cards, if everything goes well the benchmark should be out on the 30th of September which is Tomorrow? Hehe keep an eye on Steam! don't hold me to that as Valve has the final say.

AMD Processors Thermal Pad or Paste?

Published by Newsfactory 1

Well that a question, so what your answer Thermal Pad or Paste? for an AMD Processor

I bet you're all jumping up and down shouting paste ? well you'd be wrong and right!

German Forums Opened

Published by [NT] 0

Because of the big amount of german users on this site we asked you in the latest poll in our german section if you are interested in forums for german speaking visitors.
More than half of the people voted with yes and we decided to open up four test forums to see if those "language specific forums" are working out. I hope you will like them, so visit them over here.