Deutsche Foren Eröffnet

Published by [NT] 0

Wir hatten Euch in der letzten Umfrage danach gefragt, ob es Bedarf an deutschsprachigen Foren gibt und über 60 % stimmten dafür.
Für uns ist das der Anlass es auszuprobieren und haben vier deutschsprachige Foren eröffnet um die Resonanz darauf zu testen.
Ein Block mit den neusten Posts wird gerade erstellt, damit könnt Ihr hier direkt sehen, was gerade in den Foren besprochen wird.

zu den Foren und viel Spass.

NTL Family pack scam

Published by Newsfactory 1

This is for all you NTL customers that are on the Half price family pack £13.99p offer have you check your bill recently?

My NTL contract recently ran out and as their prices were to high for the Family pack , I decide to move but when I rang up NTL to cancel my contract they offered me their £13.99p half price Family pack offer to stay! so I did.


Published by Newsfactory 2

OK peeps, as we seem to have a lot of new visitors this just as a quick note to let you all know, that if you can't see a hyperlink but see a screenshot or a logo on the frontpage just click on them, as the hyperlinks will be behind the screenshot or a logo like the one below.

An Introduction To A New Warp2Search News Editor

Published by [NT] 7

My name is Steven Chalfont, aged 19 years old from the UK and I am very pleased to be able to introduce myself to you all, our valued readership as a new recruit taking on the position of a further News Editor to add to the already strong News Editorial Team here at Warp2Search.

My main aim shall be to initially bring you informative, interesting and relevant hardware industry news, followed by a roundup of the best hardware reviews news from around the Internet several times a week.

I truly hope that my addition to the team here at Warp2Search, as well as the content I post shall further improve upon the high standard of service we offer to our readership and increase your viewing pleasure.


Published by Newsfactory 2

Hi all just a quick note to let you Guy's and Gal's know that this afternoon my NTL Digbox decided to go on a walk about and the long and short of it is that I need a new Digbox that NTL have to send an engineer out for! two days for a NTL engineer but luck for me the old box is working again but if it goes down again I'll be out of action until I get me new box

Warp2Search Leser Feedback

Published by [NT] 0

Seit nun 3 Wochen pflegen wir wieder nun wieder kontinuierlich unsere deutsche Sektion auf der Warp2Search.
Auch durch unsere Newsposterin Kleo ist ein neues Gesicht zu unserem Team gestossen, die mit viel Einsatz ihrer "Arbeit" nach geht. Vielen Dank dafür, Kleo .
Wir möchten ein wenig Feedback von Euch, den Lesern einholen, um in Erfahrung zu bringen, ob wir was verbessern können, ob Euch Themenbereiche fehlen oder ob es so gut ist, wie es ist. Hinterlasst Eure Meinung, registieren ist in diesem Forum nicht notwendig, Ihr könnt einfach drauflos schreiben.

Zum Forum Topic

OCZ Technology Dual Channel DDR RAM Kits - Warp2Search Giveaway 2nd - 4th Prize

Published by [PM] 2

Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end at some point. As announced I have closed the Warp2Search 2nd Year Anniversary Giveaway now. As you know we still had 3 cool Dual Channel DDR RAM kits to give away to some lucky forum members, sponsored by OCZ Technology. The winners are as follows: Nebuchadnezar - USA, Han - Germany and Ruf - unknown country. Congratulations on behalf of the whole Warp2Search team and OCZ Technology! We will contact you via Email. You should claim your prize within 7 days, while we will pay all shipping and handling costs for you. Have fun with the memory.

Some Data Lost In Forums

Published by [NT] 0

Sorry guys, since the update a few topics and registrations which were made till yesterday and today in our forums are lost.

So if you are wondering where you posts went: they are in electronic heaven. Sorry for this :-(

Site Update

Published by [NT] 4

Dear Visitors, we have updated our site to a new version. Possibly some data like user registrations, some forum topics and else which were made in the last 2 hours are lost. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you notice any bugs, errors, missing links e.g. please leave a comment or post in our bug report forum over here.

We hope that W2S is more stable than in the past with this update. Also we will switch servers in the next days but we will inform you before that happens. Thanks a lot and enjoy your stay on our little community website.


DFI LanParty Pro875 Motherboard - Warp2Search Giveaway 1st Prize

Published by [PM] 5

Folks, I've been busy going through the submissions of correct and incorrect answer submissions, while preparing a track record for our sponsor DFI Europe. This took me a day longer than I initially anticipated. Now ... for the winner. The lucky person comes from Canada and goes by the forum nickname: The_Supporter. Congratulations on behalf of the whole Warp2Search team and DFI Europe! We will contact you via Email. You should claim your prize within 7 days, while we will pay all shipping and handling costs for you. Have fun with the motherboard.

W2S Second Year Anniversary Giveaway - DFI LanParty Pro875 Motherboard

Published by [PM] 0

I have just closed the winning thread. I will go over the submissions today and possibly tomorrow. The winner will be announced as soon as I have readied the sponsor statistics and done all the paperwork. Stay tuned and don't forget that you can still enter the Triple OCZ Dual Channel DDR Kit Giveaway! Real neat sticks-o-RAM if you ask me...

Warp2Search 2nd Year Anniversary Giveaway Update

Published by [PM] 0

Well folks, as promised here is another bag of prizes for you to win. This time around it's a total of 3 retail 512MB OCZ Technology Dual Channel DDR RAM kits. Rules are easy as previous. I know many argue about 1 time posters. Just keep in mind it's a random drawing. Check out the details of the kits, the rules and have fun winning. Just follow the link in the mainpage announcement. Cheers Rancho*

Warp2Search 2nd Year Anniversary

Published by [NT] 6

Yes, it's true, we already left 2 years of Warp2Search behind us and we are looking forward for many many years of Warp2Search to come.

Rancho* (Peter) and myself (Degger* a.k.a Niels) have started this site as a little personal website with some links and some similar news from what you see today. Back than a new Nvidia Detonator driver was released and we put up a local download mirror... the story somewhat had begun.

We wanted to create a site that combined the best of all: hardware & software news, driver downloads, reviews and gaming articles. Those who are regulars of our site, know that we're still trying to get closer to this vision. The hardware review part is what we are now concentrating on followed by a new cool design sometime in the future. And after all we had to realize that running a website of this proportion is not for free; we had to cut down on local downloads for this reason. We have to thank many people who helped to make this site become as large as it is today, especially our wonderful newsposters like NewsFactory, Supr3m3, BILDZeitung, Kyro, Lindz, Mark Fox and all the others who spend so much time on this site. We have got acquinted with many from the 'scene' and some have vanished with their sites along the way. Also we would like to thank our girlfriends who lost so much time because of Warp2Search.

And of course, thanks go out to you, dear visitors and webmasters of other sites for your really great support and your daily visits. Hope to see you all again in future!

Warp2Search 2nd Year Anniversary Giveaway Rules

Published by [PM] 3

DFI LanParty Pro875 Giveaway Ends July 4th - OCZ Technology DDR Memory Giveaway Ends July 18th To enter the giveaway you have to obey to the following rules: 1. The giveaway is open to participants worldwide. 2. Winners will be chosen randomly from registered Warp2Search forum users (our forum requires a seperate registration, different from your front page user account). 3. You have to read through the DFI / OCZ Technology promotional pages on Warp2Search and look out for the unrecognizable (the word will be xxxx'ed) word in the article. 4. Then navigate to either or and identify the true meaning of the xxxx'ed part. 5. Finally post into the Warp2Search giveaway DFI or OCZ Technology thread in our forums and send your answer for the searched word as a private message to the user "Giveaway". 6. Again: you have to post in the thread first (not the answer!) and then sent the private message with your answer to qualify. 7. Each user sending in more than one answer for every price available will be disqualified. 8. By participating, all entrants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the giveaway of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the giveaway have been made available to them in writing and they therefore understand and agree that neither Warp2Search, all organizations providing prizes, their participating sponsors, their agencies, and their immediate families, or their agents, affiliates, sponsors, representatives, or employees have any liability with respect to the entrants? participation in the giveaway or winning a prize and are not liable for any damages out of acceptance and use of a prize, including liability for personal injury and/or death. By entering into this promotion participants agree to be bound by these rules and the decision of the sponsoring station, which are binding in all respects. Browse The DFI LanParty Pro875 Promotion Pages or Browse The OCZ Technology Promotion Pages

Siggraph 2003 Show Reel - Call For Submissions

Published by NewsFactory 0

3ds max rocks! Siggraph is a one of the best opportunities to show your 3D animation work to the world.

If you have used 3ds max, character studio, and/or combustion and you've got some great work you want to showcase, we're seeking submissions for our Siggraph 2003 show reel. We're especially interested in design/viz, and architectural projects, as well as your broadcast, film, and games work.

Back Online Finally

Published by [PM] 4

All of you that have come to read W2S today, noticed our downtime for one week I assume. Initially this was a scheduled downtime but it lasted severely longer than we had anticipated. Read more...


Published by NewsFactory 3

Finally were back! I'd like to say thanks to all the webmasters that kept you updated with what's going on! Thanks Guy's! Now back to what we do best. Some of the posts that are coming up, you might have already seen elsewhere but as we're doing catch up this will only be for today!

eVGA GeForce FX5200 W2S Price

Published by NewsFactory 1

Just in case some of you missed this deal from eVGA's for the GeForce FX5200 128 MB/128-bit 2.8ns µBGA Memory 350 MHz Core Clock Speed ? 650 MHz Memory Clock Speed that Degger posted in the forum. Here's your chance to check it out again.

E3 2K3 Booth Babes

Published by NewsFactory 2

Homelan Fed has done a round up of all the best looking Booth Babes at E3 2K3! Hey Degger what are you doing there? Hehe.