DX 8.1 RC1 0695 Removed By M$ Request!

Published by [NT] 1

Hi everybody! We had to remove the download from the leaked DX 8.1 RC1 0695 drivers. I received an email from Microsoft that I have to remove them and I did. Sorry about that.
Stay tuned
Your Warp2Search Team.

On Website Development!

Published by [PM] 3

You may have noticed that a couple of very good and frequently visited websites have vanished from the internet scene. Such great sites as Tweakfiles.com, DailyRadar.com, 3DFiles.com and other sites have had serious troubles with their financing due to heavily decreased advertisement income. Now even Stomped.com is on the verge of non-existence. Therefore we thought about some way you can support Warp2Search. We found that adding more Ad's would not be appropriate cause it slows down the site and is not adding something to the site. Although the TechConnect network has good deals with most advertising companies we subscribed to the Amazon affiliate service. If you're an Amazon customer and want to support Warp2Search visit Amazon via our new button on the left and every purchase you make will grant us a small amount of money. You still get what you would buy anyway and you support us. Is that a deal or what? Thanks for your time. Your Warp2Search team.

Holy Cow! This Was Warp2Search??? ;-)

Published by [PM] 4

Well folks Degger* and myself just came across our old site archive and guess what we've found? The old html version of Warp2Search. I thought I just share this moment of remembrance with you all ;-) You can view a full screenie by clicking on the small picture. If I don't stop laughing myself I will suffocate. ARRRRGH...

Site Updated!

Published by [NT] 0

Hi folks!
At first i want to say: A few days ago we exceed the 200.000 visitors mark ! I think that is not bad after 3 months! We want to thank all our visitors and the other people who helped us to get popular! And I have added an Warp2Search newsletter @ the site. Subscribe for the freshest and fastest news here I also modified our forums, I hope you like them. Hit them hard by clicking here And I added another function, all registered users can delete their account themself.
But I hope you will not.. ;-)
Stay tuned!
Your Warp2Search Team!

Our Servers Are Slow...

Published by [NT] 1

Dear Visitors,
I think you have all noticed, that our site is damn slow the last weeks!
We are very sorry about it, but we can't do anything about it.

New Downloads Added! ZoomPlayer 2.00 Out!

Published by [PM] 0

Warp2Search has some new downloads available! AMD N-Bench. An AMD exclusive processor benchmark featuring 3D graphics. GL Excess. Stunning OpenGL demo & benchmark with cool soundtrack. Online Result Bowser available on products homepage. ZoomPlayer 2.00. Click the link to find out more on what ZoomPlayer does or click here to learn what has changed since 1.81.