Intel Prescott Benchmarked

Published by Newsfactory 2

The Inquirer reports that a Taiwanese site has benchmarks that compare a Prescott 2.8GHz against a Northwood 2.8GHz using a number of benchmarks.

Those benchmarks include a bunch of SiSoftware Sandra, CPUBench2003, and PCMark measurements. The table giving these is right at the bottom of the page, here.

New Volari XG45 Info

Published by Newsfactory 1

Volari Gamers reports that there is a mistake in the article written by The Inquirer about the XG45 :

The tapeout won't take place in March, the XG45 won't be taped out until Q3

It isn't just an upgrade of the V8 architecture with only Pixel/Vertex Shaders 3.0 thrown in it, it will be a "brand new architecture" with Duo GPU feature in it.

Power Supplies: The shocking truth

Published by Newsfactory 0

Here's a couple of articles that are well worth checking out! first up is this 15 PSU Roundup over at Toms Hardware Guide!

It happens more often than many users realize. An old graphics card or a slow processor runs smoothly and without a peep for weeks, and then suddenly, after a system upgrade, system failures start occurring with nasty regularity. Frequently users blame problems like this on sloppily programmed drivers or hardware mined with errors. But often it turns out that the power supply unit is simply no longer enough for the upgrade and the associated power requirements.

Neue, exklusive Reviews

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Rainer Teschke hat wieder zugeschlagen und diesmal folgende Produkte unter die Lupe genommen: Card Reader ICY Box 3,5? Extern Gehäuse MSI 865PE Neo2 Platinum Motherboard Die Reviews gibt es hier, inkl ein 2 Weltpremieren, lasst Euch überraschen.

Windows Mobile Smartphone 1.3 Megapixel Cam

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The "Remo" is a lightweight, Quad-band, GSM/GPRS, sliding smart phone with a 1.3-mega-pixel resolution camera and built-in flash and many additional features that shall be announced in the near future. "It shall be perfect for people who want more features in a smaller and lighter handset...

Prescotts I and II

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just spotted this bit of Info over at

Intel ought to have two product introductions within the next three months. They'll introduce Prescott in February, then they'll introduce Prescott in April.

No, unfortunately, I'm not repeating myself.

Intel 2004 CPU/Chipset Roadmap Update

Published by Newsfactory 0

AanandTech have thrown up their updated Intel 2004 CPU/Chipset Roadmap!

Just recently we brought you a quick guide to AMD's 2004 CPU roadmap, citing that Intel's was already known and easier to understand in the first place thus necessitating the guide to AMD's roadmap.

Sony PSP Info & Rumors Round-up

Published by Newsfactory 0 have posted a new article entitled Sony PSP Info & Rumors round-up: release date, price point, 3rd party publishers, ram upgrade! it's well worth checking out.

console launch year is a year full of rumors, announces, and mounting excitation. The Playstation Portable (now famous under its abbreviation PSP), is expected to be released in 2004 which means everybody is already speaking about this topic on a daily basis in our video games microcosm. Here below is the summary of the confirmed facts and most realistic speculations about the Sony PSP so far.

Nintendo Announces Its Next Handheld

Published by Newsfactory 0

It's called the "Nintendo DS," and it's a next-generation handheld with some big surprises. For one thing, it'll have dual flat-panel display screens. And it'll boast multiple processors, one for each screen and a gigabit of memory.

Windwos Mobile Hardware Images

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Windows Mobile?-based Smartphone is above all a great mobile phone. You can expect to find all the basic and advanced phone functions, but what makes it a smart phone is the Windows Mobile software that lets you e-mail, instant message, surf the Web*, listen to music, play games, and much, much more. The Smartphone is like no other mobile phone available today. Take this tour to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the Smartphone.

NV40 und R420 auf dem Weg

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Radeon 9800 XT (R360) und GeForce FX5950 Ultra (NV38) sind noch nicht alt, aber das "Wettrüsten" von ATI Technologies und nVidia geht weiter und die nächste Generation der High-End Grafikchips kündigt sich bereits an. Nach bisherigen, inoffiziellen Erkenntnissen wurde das Tape-Out des NV40 von nVidia im Dezember abgeschlossen, d.h. die ersten funktionsfähigen Musterchips sind gefertigt worden. Mehr Infos auf

ATI's R420 silicon ships to partners

Published by [NT] 0

The Inq revealed last week that the Nvidia NV40 chip had taped out. And now we know ATI's R420 has not only taped out but is a step ahead of the competition.
While ATI's R420 taped out about the same time as Nvidia's chip in December, it is ready to ship some samples of the chip to its manufacturers. We believe Nvidia will not send such samples to its manufacturers until the end of February.

X-micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router & PCMCIA WLAN Card Giveaway!

Published by [NT] 0

Hardware Pacers is hosting a giveaway on the X-micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router and the PCMCIA WLAN Card.

Giveaway End Date: January 30, 9:00 PM US Eastern Time / 6:00PM Pacific (Friday)

Takes place at: HardwarePacers

Review Links:


Athlon 64 3700+ and 4000+ coming soon

Published by [NT] 0

With people still gasping over A64 3400+ reviews, and Intel about to introduce the 3.4GHz models, some Prescott, some not, are we ready for the next round from AMD? Ready or not, they are coming at the end of March. Birds singing in our ears have told us that when the S939 boards are launched in about two months, they will be accompanied by A64 3700+ chips. If AMD keeps to the schedule, they will beat their own roadmaps, even if it is only by a day or two.

A Golf Putter PC Case Mod @

Published by [NT] 0

"I had a case design lost in my head when I found out that 2cooltek was having a case mod contest. This seems as good a reason as any, right! The idea is simple: take a standard ATX case, take a golf ball returner, and meld them together."


Capacitors on K8V Deluxe may deform soon after use

Published by [NT] 0

That was found in a hidden FAQ about the Asus K8V Deluxe

Q:I have heard some rumors saying that the appearance of some capacitors on K8V Deluxe may deform soon after use. Is that true? How do I check if my K8V Deluxe is affected, and what should I do next if mine happened to be like that?

ASUS mit Problemen mit Kondensatoren

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Allem Anschein nach hat ASUS große Probleme mit einigen Kondensatoren (CE18, CE19, CE20, CE21, CE22, CE25 , CE38, CE39, CE45) auf seinen K8V Mainboards und bittet die Käufer, sich bei Problemen an den entsprechenden Händler zu wenden. Dieses Problem tritt allerdings nur mit den Kondensatoren der Bezeichnung RLZ 0333 auf. ASUS will aber nicht sämtliche betroffenen Mainboards austauschen lassen, sondern bittet den Käufer erst bei Fehlern zu reagieren. Einen defekten Kondensator erkennt man leicht dadurch, dass er etwas aufgebläht aussieht und eventuell ausläuft. Nun stellt sich natürlich die Frage, warum gerade ASUS Probleme mit minderwertigen Bauteilen bekommt, denn eigentlich legt man hier besonderen Wert auf die Qualitätskontrolle. Mehr Infos auf ForumDeluxx

Xbox 2 CPU To Be A 65nm Part

Published by Newsfactory 0

TeamXbox reports that Last month, we posted an announcement made by Sony and Toshiba (one of the two Sony?s partners for the PlayStation 3) telling the world that trial production of chips (the cell) using a 65-nanometer manufacturing process would begin this March, with commercial production of the final chips expected for summer 2005.

Antec Misslead People on PSU Specs

Published by Newsfactory 0

AMDMD Forum, if you lived in europe and owned a true power 550 did you like i think it gave 32a on the 12v rail thats afterall what it says on their website, at least for now

well its not it is as allways has been it seems only 24a mind you they are tearing their specs on the website down as i type i understand! well im not happy are you! please note they allways have said the american version was 24a but the models sold in the rest of the world they claimed had 32a


ATI Improves Phone Play

Published by Newsfactory 0

ABC News have thrown up some Info on ATI's new Imageon 2300 chip! which is a 3D graphics chipset for cellphones!

The 3D part of the chip is based on some of the technology from the last of the old Rage series of desktop 3D graphics and some of the early Radeon tech, tweaked and shrunk down to cell phone size. There's enough integrated frame buffer in the chip for double-buffered 320x240 displays ? enough for modern cell phones ? and this can be supplemented by up to 2MB of off-die memory integrated into the chip package.