ATI?s Chipsets for AMD64 with DirectX 9 Graphics Uncovered

Published by Newsfactory 4

Xbitlabs reports that following the Wednesday?s claims from ATI Technologies President and COO, Mr. Dave Orton, Advanced Micro Devices uncovered some of ATI?s plans concerning chipsets for AMD?s 64-bit microprocessors during AMD Reseller Seminar in Korea yesterday.

Apparently, ATI Technologies has two core-logic products in the works for AMD64 platform ? the RS480 with DirectX 9.0 integrated graphics as well as discrete RX480.

Dual CPU Shootout: Opteron versus Xeon

Published by Newsfactory 0

Extreme Tech have posted their Dual CPU Shootout: Opteron versus Xeon!

We've been covering AMD's 64-bit x86-64 "Hammer" architecture for quite some time now and are intrigued by its combination of 32-bit compatibility and performance, as well as the promise of a 64-bit future for desktop PCs. AMD divides up their 64-bit world into the Opteron and Athlon64 lines.

AMD's 2004 Strategy

Published by Newsfactory 0

Thanks to Mackey D for pointing me in the direction of this article at

As we mentioned the other day, AMD appears to have come out with a new placement strategy for its processors. Essentially, AMD will make socket 939 their mainstream and better solution, and socket 754 their value solution. While it still looks like one socket too many, putting the two sockets into very different markets is acceptable and should reduce the confusion down to reasonable levels.

XGI Volari Duo Score 5370 On 3DMark2003

Published by [NT] 1

XGI said that its dual graphics processor Volari architecture will be available on December 8th. The firm, which previewed its architecture at last September's Computex, claims that its Volari Duo systems will nearly double the performance of what it describes as "traditional" GPU technology. It also said that it is collaborating with Intel, Microsoft, AMD and games and software developers to bring fast graphics applications to the marketplace. Presence PC benchmarked the "Volari duo" video card here.

Club3D Launches First XGI V8 Volari Duo Card

Published by [NT] 1

Club3D is the first firm to announce their XGI V8 Volari Duo card. The card has two V8 Volari cores which are running at 350MHz with 256MB DDR II RAM running at 400MHz. The card is DirectX9 compliant and features XGI's TruShader 2.1 engine.
More information here.

AMD Athlon 64 Chipset Royal Rumble

Published by Newsfactory 0

AMD has given us mainstream 64-bit processing and now we have a bunch of chipsets to join the joy ride. Today TweakTown pit's all the newest chipsets from VIA, SIS, nVidia and ALI and find out who our best choice is for our Athlon 64 powered motherboard!

Neue Handys im Dezember

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Ob Windows-Handy, die neue Nummer eins von Sony Ericsson oder Nokias Multimedia-Knüller: Die neuen Modelle im Dezember machen das Schenken einfach. Hier erfahren Sie, welche Handys, PDAs und Digicams sich besonders gut unterm Baum machen. Das Siemens SX1 gibt's erst im nächsten Jahr? Macht nix. Schenken Sie doch Sony Ericsson P900 oder Nokias 6600, die aktuellen Spitzenmodelle im Xonio-Ranking. Natürlich kommen rechtzeitig zum Weihnachtsgeschäft noch zahlreiche weitere Highlights in die Shops - darunter das Kamera-Handy LG G7050 und das Windows-Smartphone MPx200 von Motorola.

WaterChill? DYO components - up to 50% price reductions

Published by Newsfactory 0

asetek is very proud to introduce the new DYO [Do-Your-Own] WaterChill? components product line. With a little handy work any end-user can now get his hands on the high performance & quality water cooling components in the world - at the market?s LOWEST prices!

The WaterChill? DYO series, based primarily on the existing high-end WaterChill? components, represent dramatic price reductions up to 50% - when compared to the existing factory assembled WaterChill components.

Intel 865PE/875P/865P/865G Roundup

Published by Newsfactory 0

The have thrown up a 30 board, Intel 865PE/875P/865P/865G Roundup! Here's a snip.

Another important question - "how long is the life of motherboards on the base of i865PE and other chipsets?". In fact, the answer is in the problem of compatibility of these boards to processors built on the new Prescott core. If there isn't such a problem, then motherboards based on the i865PE chipset will be in demand by the users until the Tejas-core processors are released.

Fuji FinePix F610: 6 Megapixel Super CCD HR liefert 12 Mio. Pixel Output

Published by [PM] 0

Mit der FinePix F610 stellt Fujifilm eine kompakte Digitalkamera im vertikalen Design vor, die es in sich hat. Ihr besonderes Kennzeichen versteckt sich im Innenleben: ein Super CCD HR mit effektiv 6,3 Millionen Pixel. Hiermit wird jetzt auch bei Kompaktkameras im Konsumerbereich eine Ausgabe von 12 Megapixel erreicht, was größere Fotoabzüge erlaubt, ohne Abstriche bei der Qualität hinzunehmen. Die neue FinePix verfügt über einen 3-fach optischen Zoom mit umgerechnet 35 bis 105 Millimeter Brennweite. Fotografen, die gern experimentieren, werden viele interessante Features vorfinden: Die leicht zu bedienende FinePix F610 ist voll manuell einstellbar und bietet etliche Motivprogramme sowie Automatik-Einstellungen. Die Markteinführung wird im Februar 2004 erwartet, der Preis wurde noch nicht genannt.

AMD Athlon 64 Chipsätze von NVIDIA, VIA, SiS und ALi im Vergleich

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Bisher finden sich auf Mainboards für AMDs Athlon 64 zumeist die Chipsätze von NVIDIA oder VIA. Mit ALi und SiS treten nun zwei weitere Chipsatz-Hersteller in den Ring, was zu einem Vergleich anregte (Artikel in englisch). Die Kandidaten: ALi M1687 + M1563 NVIDIA nForce3 150 SiS755 + SiS964 VIA K8T800 Während sich der SiS755 gleich an die Spitze setzen kann, liegt ALis M1687 auch nicht weit zurück (es scheint, als hätte ALi ganz besonders eng mit AMD zusammengearbeitet). VIAs K8T800 erlaubt sich - wie NVIDIAs nForce3 150 - den ein oder anderen Ausrutscher, dabei sind die Performance-Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Chipsätzen überraschend groß - immerhin sitzt der Speichercontroller ja in der CPU.

Has AMD Castrated Overclocking?

Published by Newsfactory 0

IP-konfig have posted new article entitled Has AMD Castrated Overclocking? . It's well worth a read!

If you're an overclocking freak, yes. With its latest release of the 64bit processors, mainly the Athlon 64 and the Athlon 64 FX, AMD is not allowing much room to the 'push for more' world. It's quite sad for a lot of us who enjoy looking for our CPUs upper limits--hitting them feels so darn cool, ya know.

AMD Athlon 64 Performance Computing - The Heat Is On!

Published by Newsfactory 0

TweakTown collected high-end performance parts from AMD, ABIT, ATI, GeCube, Mushkin, Maxtor and Thermaltake and built the fastest possible Athlon 64 desktop computer around. The heat is on - become part of the action and read about what this high-powered system is capable of!

Intel Prescott 2.8GHz CPU Benchmarks

Published by Newsfactory 1

OC Heaven have thrown up some benchmarks for Intel's 2.8GHz Prescott processor with a FSB 800MHz! one thing that seems strange is that the processor shows up as a 3 GHz part in Sandra results! Here's a snip as the sites in Taiwanese.

Although belongs to Pentium 4 Prescott has several editions. On the structure Prescott will release Socket 478 and LGA 775, seems like Socket 423 and later Socket 478 of original Pentium 4. New Prescott Socket 478 structure compact to Pentium 4, that is to say can be used on i875P and i865 main board according to Prescott stander, Rex will explain follow.

Intel Mobile Celeron Processor Now At 2.50Ghz

Published by [PM] 0

Intel Corporation yesterday introduced the Mobile Intel Celeron processor at 2.50 GHz for mobile PCs. These processors deliver the right combination of features at the appropriate price point for the value PC market segment. Based on Intel's 0.13-micron process technology, the Mobile Intel Celeron processor delivers Intel technology, quality and reliability to the value PC consumer market segment. The processor features a 400 MHz system bus, 256 KB of cache and is designed to fit into a 35-watt thermal envelope, making the processor suitable for full-size and thin-and-light form factors. The processor is also compatible with the broad range of hardware and software available today. In 1,000-unit quantities, the Mobile Intel Celeron processor at 2.50 GHz is priced at $149.

Nvidia 5900XT Info

Published by Newsfactory 3

Saw this: Oh and I also found an interesting new enrty in the .inf file, for real:

NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0332.1 = "NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT"

Read More.

Gizmos, Gadgets and Goodies Guide #4

Published by Newsfactory 0

It's time for TweakTown's forth Gizmos, Gadgets and Goodies Guide where they look at new and funky products from Everglide, Antec,, Kore Computers, ThermalTake and TekGems.

Uttar's final editorial, and it's a good one.

Published by [NT] 15

Go to "Not For Idiots", home of GPU rumor watch and read this editorial NOW! Uttar is closing down NFI and he is going out with a bang and not a whimper with a tell-all editorial on his views on nVidia and their latest woes/fiascos and the way they deal with rumors and information.
It can be hard to believe the misinformation customers and employees get is increased by incompetence. Here's an excellent example, the register usage and FP16 vs FP32 performance problems-time and again noted as the key failure of the NV3X architecture-remains unknown to the NVIDIA PR department responsible for dealing with its ramifications! As late as September 2003, a prominent employee in NVIDIA public relations sincerely claimed to me that FP16 is simply two times as fast as FP32. Problem is, in real games, you'll have a hard time making it run even 45% faster. With such ridiculously high expectations when it comes to your hardware, it's not hard to understand why nobody at NVIDIA seems worried-they got the "fastest" card on the market, after all.
A fascinating and provocative read, I highly recomend it! 8) thanks Digital Wanderer