Chaintech launches smallest desktop PC

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IMO-Desk is an upgradeable Desktop PC for DIY users and it features the fastest CPU including Intel Pentium and AMD Athlon XP series processor up to 3.06GHz, DDR 400 memory to 512MB and ATA133 hard drive up to 120GB. The 15-inch LCD monitor panel incorporated guarantees for brighter screen, faster reaction response and wider angle. Other features include onboard 6-in-1 card readers, remote control to turn on/of the IMO-Desk, various expansion ports and optional wireless LAN antenna. The Ultimate performance and abundant features proves IMO-Desk to be the highest value PC with most affordable price in the market!

Read more here

Radeon 9800 XT Im Test

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ATI verspricht, dass der Radeon 9800 XT (Codename R360) im Vergleich mit dem Radeon 9800 Pro (R350) eine etwa 10 bis 15 Prozent höhere Leistung bietet. Dafür hat die kanadische Grafikchip-Schmiede u.a. die 256-Bit-Speicherschnittstelle überarbeitet und Chipkomponenten umgeordnet, so dass der Chiptakt auf 412 MHz und der Speichertakt auf 365 MHz (730 MHz DDR) angehoben wurde. Der ebenfalls in 0,15 Mikron gefertigte Radeon 9800 Pro schafft es im Vergleich dazu auf 380 MHz Chiptakt und auf 340 MHz Speichertakt. Dabei sind laut ATI die 412 MHz nicht das erreichbare Maximum, sondern ein auch für hohe Gehäuseinnentemperaturen bis 55 Grad Celsius sicherer Wert. Bei besserer Kühlung sollen sich auch Taktraten bis 430 MHz erreichen lassen. Der ganze Test bei

Athlon FX-51 2.2Ghz @ 3.05Ghz!

Published by Newsfactory 2

This just in from

We have some nice results from a Japanese overclocker where he has overclocked his Athlon FX-51 (2.2Ghz) to over 3Ghz! The SuperPI 1M calculation scored an impressive 29s.

Intel Prescott benchmarks

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just spotted this bit of news over at

A Taiwanese site claims to have benchmarked the 478 Prescott chip, in an article you can find here in Chinese. The site also gives prices for Intel chips, and prints a page from Intel's latest roadmaps which we can verify is authentic, because it is similar to the last one we saw in the Porcupine, a few weeks back. Intel is hoping to fix the Prescott power glitch, sooner rather than later.


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Auf der US Seite des Grafikkartenherstellers Hercules ist ein Bild einer abgedeckten Grafikkarte aufgetaucht.
Die Umrisse der Karte deuten auf ein Doppellüftersystem oder eventuell ein Doppel-Prozessoren System hin.
Viel Raum zum spekulieren. Das Bild gibt us unter mehr

Hercules Little Teaser

Published by [NT] 2

Thanks to X-Reaper for this information, he found a little, teasing picture on Hercules homepage.
What Hercules is hidding ? Double FAN graphics card or a card with a double GPU ?

Decide for yourself by clicking read more and take a look.

Playscreen Tablet Style Portable DVD Player

Published by Newsfactory 0

Cdfreaks reports that JoyTech claims to have launched worlds first ?Tablet Style? Portable DVD Player with Integrated 16:9 Widescreen 7inch TFT Monitor. At only £299.99 from the truly portable device comes complete with a Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery, and In-Car Adapter for true ?Play Anywhere? entertainment. It also uses Integrated Stereo Speakers, combined with full Dolby Digital and DTS compatibility.

36 Lüfter im Soundcheck @

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Wir haben uns stattliche 36 Lüfter (80mm und 120mm), von angeblich ultrasilent bis high performance kommen lassen und auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. Der Unterschied zu bisherigen Lüftervergleichen liegt allerdings darin, dass wir uns nicht auf die Angabe der reinen (und sehr schwer vorzustellenden) dB(A)-Werte beschränken, sondern uns die Mühe gemacht haben, zu jedem Lüfter ein Video/Soundfile zu erstellen, damit jeder Leser selber die Möglichkeit hat sich einen Eindruck über das Laufgeräusch des Lüfters zu machen.

Athlon 64 Chipset Comparison

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Looking for an Athlon 64 Chipset but not sure which one to get ? then head this way to AMDZone as they check out the latest chipsets from ALi, Nvidia and VIA! Here's a snip.

I've posted up my comparison of three Athlon 64 chipsets. The ALi M1867, Nvidia nForce 3, and VIA K8T800 chipsets are pitted against each other using the Athlon 64 3200+ with the Opteron 246 thrown in for good measure. We use VIA's HyperTransport analyzer, compare on features, pricing, and availability, and conclude that performance alone is too similar to draw distinctions on speed alone.

TweakHound asks - Abit IC7-Max3, Worth the upgrade?

Published by Newsfactory 0

This is the first Abit motherboard I've ever used for my personal computer. I'll be switching from the Asus P4PE motherboard. All equipment will remain the same except the board and memory. I'm upgrading my Mom's computer from a P3, 1GHz system and giving her my P4PE. I've no illusions about this upgrade. I was ready to skip the Intel 865 and 875 motherboards all together and I don't expect any real benefits except for the addition of the dual channel DDR and maybe a little better overclocking.

The Athlon 64 FX at 2.8 GHz

Published by Newsfactory 2

AcesHardware have snagged a AMD Athlon 64 FX that's clocked at 2.8 GHz and have thrown up some benchmarks for you're viewing pleasure! Here's a snip.

So there I was, quite impressed with the performance of the AMD Athlon 64 FX-51. Then I get a call from Denmark: "would you like to give a 2.8 GHz Athlon 64 FX a test run?

Hyper-Threading-Technologie für Notebooks

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Intel will künftig auch Pentium-4- Prozessoren für Notebooks mit der so genannten Hyper-Threading- Technologie (HT) ausstatten. Das teilt der US-amerikanische Chiphersteller mit Deutschlandsitz in Feldkirchen bei München mit. Mit Hilfe von Hyper Threading, das bisher bei Desktop-PCs zum Einsatz kam, können Prozessoren zwei von einander unabhängige Befehle gleichzeitig bearbeiten.

AMD64: AMDs 64bit-Architektur Im Detail

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Um AMDs 64bit-Architektur für die x86-Welt zu verstehen, muß man zunächst einmal einen historischen Exkurs zum Anfang der x86-Technologie machen. Vor 20 Jahren stellte die damals hauptsächlich für Speicherchips bekannte Firma Intel einen Mikroprozessor namens 8086 vor, der die eher theoretische Architektur des von-Neumann-Rechners mit einigen Änderungen in die Realität umsetzte. Bis dato wurden Prozessoren speziell für eine Aufgabenstellung entwickelt und konnten dementsprechend auch nur für diese Aufgabe eingesetzt werden. Ein auch nur ähnliches Problem konnte mitunter die Entwicklung eines komplett neuen Prozessors bedeuten. Von Neumanns Rechenmaschine hatte einen entscheidenden Vorteil: sie konnte für beliebige Aufgaben eingesetzt werden, indem sich durch ein Programm gesteuert wurde. Dieses Prinzip findet sich in allen heutigen CPU-Architekturen wieder; sei es x86, Sparc, Alpha, MIPS, ARM oder andere. [...] Den ganzen zehn seitigen Artikel bei K-Hardware

AMD 64 FX unlocked?

Published by Newsfactory 0

Thanks to Anton Nilsson at Nordic Hardware for sending over the Info:

In our review of the Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz Extreme Edition, we mentioned that it was an unlocked engineer copy. We surely hope that the 'real' P4 EEs will be unlocked as well, as this is a CPU for the enthusiast market. We do not have any information about regarding this, however, a piece of very interesting information about Intel's arch-rival AMD's enthusiast processor Athlon 64 FX and its multiplier is at hand.

ATI Radeon 9800XT & R420 and Nvidia NV40 Photo's

Published by Newsfactory 0

We have the first photo's of ATi's upcoming Radeon 9800XT graphics card and possible the world?s first photo's of the forthcoming ATI R420 and the Nvidia NV40?

update: We now also have some Photo's of XGI Volari V8 Duo graphics card

Be warned: RADEONs 9800/9800SE are different

Published by Newsfactory 1

Just spotted this bit of news over at

Troubled news come from our videolab. Currently there are multiple Radeon 9800SE models in the market that differ just fundamentally! So you can easily be fooled by unfair traders offering you a bad product. But let's put things in order. The clock speeds are 325/540 MHz and everything seems to be good, but! This card has a 128-bit bus! If you remember, we've posted a photo of PowerColor's 9800SE before. The trick is the PowerColor's model bases on 9700 Pro PCB with 256-bit bus. But Sapphire's 9800SE features 128-bit bus only. What you should pay attention to first: Sapphire's 128-bit 9800SE have black PCB, while PowerColor's 256-bit 9800SE have red PCB.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ and Athlon 64 FX-51 Debuts

Published by Newsfactory 0

It's the 23rd September 2003 and the NDA's have been lifted off AMD's new Athlon64 processor in the shape of AMD's Athlon 64 3200+ and Athlon 64 FX-51 CPU's! Here's a list of sites that have posted their review! I'll add more links as I find them.

ATI Radeon 9800XT and 9600XT Details Finalised

Published by Newsfactory 0

It seems that The Inquirer's little furry friend has scooped the finalised Spec's for ATi's soon to launched Radeon 9800XT and 9600XT graphics cards! and don't forget these babies come with Half -Life 2 inside.

Even though I knew at the time of my last story a week ago , I found it hardly possible to believe that the final clock speed is actually 412MHz for the GPU and 730MHz for memory.

NV38 & NV36 Photo's

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just spotted this bit of info at

This thread in our forums which presents two upcoming products from NVIDIA: NV38 and NV36. The pictures were taken from Computex 2003. has the scoop! click on the Photo for more Pics.

Sapphire presents Dualchip Radeon 9800 PRO card

Published by Newsfactory 2

During a meeting at the Computex 2003 exhibition in Taiwan Sapphire had a very interesting prototype to present, the Radeon 9800PRO MAXX! This card has 2 Radeon 9800PRO chipsets on it.