Duron Revived In Shape Of 256K Barton?

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Distributors claim today that AMD will release Barton processors with 256K cache to PC manufacturers but the chips won't be sold through the channel.

And the same sources reckon that AMD will revive the Duron name, and rate them at 1.4GHz, 1.6GHz and 1.8GHz, rather than use a PR rating.

Gigabyte Announces Intel 865PE-Based Motherboards

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Taiwan-based Gigabyte Technology on August 13 announced its new Pentium 4 Titan GT platform series.

Based on Intel?s 865PE chipset, the Titan GT series support up to 800Mhz FSB (front-side-bus) and Hyper-Threading Technology Pentium 4 processors and feature dual-channel DDR400 memory, the AGP 8x graphic interface, Serial ATA (SATA) interface and Intel?s Pro Gigabit LAN controller.

Mobo Makers Report Lukewarm Sales Of 848P Boards

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Sales of motherboards using Intel?s 848P chipset have faced a lukewarm market response under anticipation of pricing pressure from Taiwanese IC designers, according to sources at Taiwanese motherboard makers.

Athlon 64 Supply To Be Limited Until 2004 - Report

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AMD Athlon 64 processors are going to be hard to come by in the months following the chips launch on 23 September.

So claim unnamed Taiwanese mobo-maker sources cited by a DigiTimes story on chipsets today. Said sources claim the chip will be made available in limited quantities but should enter volume production early next year.

DRAM Sales To Rise 35% This Quarter

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DRAM sales will be 35 per cent higher in Q3 than Q2, market watcher Gartner Dataquest has forecast.

Memory sales traditionally rise in the third quarter - the 'back to school' season - but there are indications that the increase will be higher than usual, driven by growing demand for DDR SDRAM, largely due to the adoption of Intel's i875, i865 and, more recently, i848 chipsets.

NVIDIA Market Share Hammered By ATI

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A report from Mercury Research on the third quarter 2003 graphics market, indicates that ATI has gained market share at the expense of its fierce enemy, NVIDIA.

The report forecasts that 48.9 million graphics chips were shipped in Q2, a figure that's down five per cent from the previous quarter but 16% up year on year.

Intel Chipset Roadmap Emerges

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The integrated version of Intel's Grantsdale chipset will tape out during the week commencing 29 September, if a development schedule posted on the web today is accurate.

NVIDIA Drivers Reveal GeForce FX SE Parts

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NVIDIA's Detonator 45.23 drivers reveal something the company might not have wanted us to know yet: The names of three new graphics chips it has yet to launch.

ECS To Start Shipping ATI Graphics Cards This Quarter

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With an ambition to move into the high-end market, Elitegroup Computer Systems (ECS) expects to start shipping high-end graphics cards with solutions from ATI Technologies by the end of this quarter, according to the company.

Iomega To Re-Enter Removable Hard Drive Biz

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Iomega is getting back into the removable hard drive market, years after relegating its Jaz drive to its legacy product file.

The new release, as-yet unbranded and known for now as the Removable Rigid Disk (RRD) system, will offer 35GB per disk. Each 2.5in disk is housed in a cartridge "smaller than a deck of playing cards", Iomega claims. The RRD drive will fit into a standard 3.5in bay, the company said.

Big Blue To Make NV36, NV40 Chips

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While NVIDIA executives at a conference call last week never let the phrase "IBM Microelectronics" pass their lips, it appears from a report today that the second source foundry still has a deal to make chips for it.

A report in the Economic News said that Big Blue will make NV36 and NV40 chips for NVIDIA, while TSMC will make RV360 and R420 graphics chips for ATI.

ASUS Introduces Intel 848P Motherboard

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Taiwanese firm ASUS said it has introduced the P4P800S-E, a board that uses the Intel 848P chipset.

This supports not only Pentium 4s that use the 800MHz front side bus, but ASUS claims that it will also support future Prescott processors.

GeForce FX 5700 Spec's

Published by Newsfactory 1

Crow at Darkcrow.co.kr sends word that after sneaking into a MSI technical forum that was held in Korea! they now have some photo's of slides that were shown at the forum for Nvidia's NV36 aka GeForce FX5700.

New Intel Roadmap ?

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Olcay-Its.de have snagged the new Intel Roadmap.
It show´s Intels planings up to Intel Tejas Processor with 4 Ghz in Q4 2004.
We can not confirm if the roadmap is real.

Thx to WinFuture FYI.

MSI Board mit i848P Chipsatz

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MSI hat heute das erste Board mit i848P Chipsatz namens MSI 848P Neo vorgestellt. Der i848P bietet die Unterstützung von Single Channel PC3200 Speicher, FSB800 und ähnelt dem i865 in Architektur, Layout und vor allem den Features wie AGP 8x und Hyper-Threading Support. Der Chipsatz ist mit 32,00 $ nur einen Dollar billiger als der Vorgänger i865P (Dual Channel Support, FSB533), der nun allem Anschein nach ausläuft. Das MSI 848P Neo wird in veschiedenen Versionen und Ausstattungsklassen erhältlich sein und sich preislich an den Boards mit i865P Chipsatz orientieren. Mehr Infos und Details bei ForumDeluxx

Transcend: mobile 2,5-Zoll Festplatte mit max. 40 GB

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Nachdem Transcend schon die schnellste 2 GB CompactFlash Karte - Transcend 2 GB 45X CF - high speed CompactFlash - Speicher mit Datenübertragungsraten von knapp 7 MByte/s - heraus brachte, folgt nun die mobile 2,5-Zoll Festplatte mit 40 GB.

Transcend ist ein taiwanischer Hardware-Hersteller. Die Transcend USB 2.0 Mobile Festplatte wird es in drei Ausführungen geben, 30 GB oder 40 GB mit einer maximalen Datentransferrate von bis zu 480 Mbit/sec oder nur als reines Festplatten-Leergehäuse im Metall-Design mit einem Gewicht von 105 Gramm.

HP: Photosmart Drucker 7000er Serie - Photosmart 635 - Movie Writer dc3000

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Echte Schwarzweiß-Fotos mit acht Farben - die neuen HP Photosmart Drucker der 7000er Serie

Vier neue HP Photosmart Drucker: Modell 7260, 7660, 7760 und 7960.
Die Geräte sind mit elf verschiedenen Speicherkarten-Typen kompatibel und drucken Bilder in zwei Formaten: DIN A4 und im klassischen Fotoformat 10 x 15 Zentimeter. Die Druck-geschwindigkeit liegt bei Farbe zwischen 12 Seiten (HP Photosmart 7260) und 16 Seiten (HP Photosmart 7960) pro Minute. Bei Schwarzweiß sind es 16 bis 21 Seiten. Photosmarts 7660, 7760 und 7960 haben eine spezielle graue Fotopatrone und verbessern so bei Schwarzweiß-Fotografien die Schattierungen. Das Modell 7960 druckt als erster HP Drucker mit der neuen HP PhotoREt Pro Precision Technology und verfügt damit über acht Farben gleichzeitig. Die vier neuen Photosmarts sind mit der HP Photo & Imaging Software ausgestattet und ab September im Fachhandel erhältlich. Das Einsteigergerät HP Photosmart 7260 kostet 99,- Euro, der 7660 149,- Euro und der 7760 199,- Euro. Das High-end-Gerät HP Photosmart 7960 ist für 399,- Euro erhältlich (alle Preise sind unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen).

TSMC And UMC To Ramp 0.13-Micron Capacity

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Both Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) have experienced continuous growth in 0.13-micron capacity utilization. While TSMC is already running at full capacity, UMC also expects to reach its full capacity in the fourth quarter of this year, sources said.