Tyan announced their new ATI based flagship graphics accelerator earlier this month. Tyan already introduced hardware monitoring with the predecessor but now adds fan speed control, advanced cooling system, and overclocking support. Utilizing the newest version of the Tyan Graphics Monitor (TGM v3.0), the Tachyon G9800 PRO-M is the only graphics card in the market which allows the advanced gamer such control and flexibility.
Hynix To Sell 1-Gbit DDR2 DRAM Early '04
Troubled Korean DRAM maker Hynix Semiconductor Inc. said Monday (August 11, 2003) that it has developed a 1-Gbit synchronous DRAM that complies with the DDR2 (double data rate 2) standard.
Athlon 64 3100+ Processor Photo
Just got word that OCworkbench have snagged a high resolution photo of AMD's Athlon 64 3100+ Processor! Click here to have a look
Athlon 64 CPU Photo
Just spotted this bit of news at The Inquirer.net.
A picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes, so we will give you a picture and leave out the comments. Just for the record, this is a genuine picture of Athlon 64 CPU that works just fine. We scrubbed the numbers so our source didn't get burned.
Update: This should have you AMD fanboy's jumping for joy! if the latest rumour that AMD will announce the Athlon 64 CPU tomorrow Tuesday are true?
A picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes, so we will give you a picture and leave out the comments. Just for the record, this is a genuine picture of Athlon 64 CPU that works just fine. We scrubbed the numbers so our source didn't get burned.
Update: This should have you AMD fanboy's jumping for joy! if the latest rumour that AMD will announce the Athlon 64 CPU tomorrow Tuesday are true?
Comparison of 14 CAD/DCC Workstation-graphic cards
3DChips have thrown up their comparison of 14 CAD/DCC workstation graphic cards! well worth the read.
While NVIDIA released its Quadro FX 3000(G) of which PNY (www.pny.de) could send us a test sample just before the release of this review, ATI?s FireGL X2 and FireGL T2 took their time despite the fact that they were internally preannounced by ATI. Just one day before the official launch of the two cards the FireGL T2 reached us and one day later the FireGL X2 came with the needed certified ?common driver?, which was also used to test the remaining ATI cards
While NVIDIA released its Quadro FX 3000(G) of which PNY (www.pny.de) could send us a test sample just before the release of this review, ATI?s FireGL X2 and FireGL T2 took their time despite the fact that they were internally preannounced by ATI. Just one day before the official launch of the two cards the FireGL T2 reached us and one day later the FireGL X2 came with the needed certified ?common driver?, which was also used to test the remaining ATI cards
Microsoft is reinventing the mouse wheel
Just saw this at Bink'spage. Microsoft is reinventing the mouse wheel, adding Tilt Wheel Technology for horizontal scrolling and smoothing the vertical-scroll motion, the company said yesterday. The tilt wheel allows users to scroll left and right as well as up and down without having to use the on-screen navigation bars. This can be handy when working on a large spreadsheet or trying to view an unwieldy Web site, Microsoft said.
Nforce 5 to be released Q1 2004?
The Inquirer's mole has been a busy bee and has turned up some more rumours that Nvidia will be launching a Nforce 5 chipset for the Pentium 4?
AN ANALYST at Nvidia's conference call last night tried to get CEO Jen-Hsun Huang to answer a question about when the firm will license Pentium 4 technology.
AN ANALYST at Nvidia's conference call last night tried to get CEO Jen-Hsun Huang to answer a question about when the firm will license Pentium 4 technology.
NVIDIA NV36, NV38 and NV40 Rumours
Just spotted this bit of Info at Nvnews.net
As we all know, our Uttar has been a busy bee by keeping us all informed about the upcoming products from NVIDIA and ATI. There seems to be some more information about NV36, NV38 and NV40. You can get the scoop here:
As we all know, our Uttar has been a busy bee by keeping us all informed about the upcoming products from NVIDIA and ATI. There seems to be some more information about NV36, NV38 and NV40. You can get the scoop here:
Coolermaster Aerogate I
Datafuse.net have thrown up their Preview of the Aerogate I, and probably one of the first reviews around about the product! Here's a snip
Coolermaster is slightly shifting from its original thought: delivering cpu-coolers, now they already ship cases, mousepads, fanbusses and other accessories. It's not the first company that makes this transfer, it must be because the big money is in that sector. Anyways, let's continue the review shall we. This fanbus might be a tad more expensive then others, but if you want to differ yourself from fellow modders/enthusiasts, it's certainly the way to go.
Coolermaster is slightly shifting from its original thought: delivering cpu-coolers, now they already ship cases, mousepads, fanbusses and other accessories. It's not the first company that makes this transfer, it must be because the big money is in that sector. Anyways, let's continue the review shall we. This fanbus might be a tad more expensive then others, but if you want to differ yourself from fellow modders/enthusiasts, it's certainly the way to go.
9800 Pro vs 9700 Pro @ TheCrucible.ca
TheCrucible.ca is proud to announce the posting of an article describing the price vs. performance aspects of the Radeon 9700Pro vs. the 9800Pro.
Well, considering the numbers we have seen here, it comes down to a simple question. Is it worth it to spend the extra dough and get a 9800 Pro? Yes and no
Well, considering the numbers we have seen here, it comes down to a simple question. Is it worth it to spend the extra dough and get a 9800 Pro? Yes and no
Project Blue Ice @ Tweaknews.net
Many of you may have been following Blue Ice from a few of the forums I post in, but this is the real deal? More detail, more pictures, and more depth. I'm very excited to release Blue Ice, as it has taken me a lot of time and effort, and thanks to many-a-sponsor, she's now complete!! Well enough crap? Onto the mod!
Heatpipe VGA Cooler: ZM80C-HP / ZM-OP1
Seems we missed this news but Zalman announced a new heatpipe VGA cooler the ZM80C-HP which comes with an optional ZM-OP1 a 80mm slim fan and a fan grill. It can be attached without using a supporting bracket.
World Exclusive - Gainward CoolFX Pic
Bit-Tech have what they claim is the World Exclusive photo of Gainward's CoolFX Water-Cooling solution for the FX GPU.
Opteron 140-146, nForce 3 & SK8N
X86 Secrets have thrown up their comparison of the Opteron 140/146 against an Athlon XP 3200+ engineering sample and a Pentium 4 3.2GHz engineering sample! as the site in French here's a translation by Google.
In short, all this small world being more or less available and the tests of our French fellow-members being long in coming, we thus got Asus SK8N equipped with the nForce3 as two Opterons: model 140, given rhythm to 1.4 Ghz which is the first processor x86-64 in term of accessible price and one 146, given rhythm with 2 Ghz, and which enables us to extrapolate without too much problem the performances of Athlon 64.
In short, all this small world being more or less available and the tests of our French fellow-members being long in coming, we thus got Asus SK8N equipped with the nForce3 as two Opterons: model 140, given rhythm to 1.4 Ghz which is the first processor x86-64 in term of accessible price and one 146, given rhythm with 2 Ghz, and which enables us to extrapolate without too much problem the performances of Athlon 64.
AMD preparing Athlon 64 FX ?
AMD's Athlon 64 - already the source of much speculation over the number of pins each packaged chip will features, 754, 939 and/or 940 - has become embroiled in rumours centring on the company's FX nomenclature. AMD will launch the Athlon 64 on 23 September, that much is known. But German web site Planet 3DNow is claiming it will ship a chip called the Athlon 64 FX alongside the regular Athlon 64. Read More
Intel Confirms High Dissipation of the Prescott
There has been a Japanese report some time ago, that reported that Intel's new Prescott processor will have a higher dissipation than expected, not less than 100W! The Inquirer.net has spoken to someone from Intel about this..
For More Information Click Here
For More Information Click Here
AMD Processor Pricing
Today AMD has published their new processor pricing list, which has the new Operton 246 included.
The price for the Operton is announced with $794 (1000-unit tray quantity).
The complete list is available at AMD Homepage. Info found at HardTecs4U
The price for the Operton is announced with $794 (1000-unit tray quantity).
The complete list is available at AMD Homepage. Info found at HardTecs4U
Xoro HSD 400 - DivX-fähiger DVD-Player mit VGA-Ausgang
Im Xoro HSD 400 MPEG4-Player arbeitet nicht etwa ein Sigma-, sondern ein neuer ESS-Chipsatz, so dass es sich um den ersten MPEG-4-/DVD-Player mit integrierten Dolby-Digital-Decoder für 5.1-Kanal-Raumklang handeln soll. Ausserdem soll es sich um den ersten MPEG-4-/DVD-Player handeln, der mit einem VGA-Anschluss ausgestattet ist, um das Videosignal an einen Monitor oder Projektor auszugeben. Mehr Infos zu diesem Gerät auch bei Golem