Budget Dual-Channel PC3200 Roundup at Gamingin 3D

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Gamingin 3D.com have thrown up their budget Dual-Channel PC3200 Roundup.

$#@%! That's what you're thinking, aren't you? You just laid down some good coin for your RAM, and now you find out this dual-channel motherboard you've been drooling over wants "dual-channel certified" RAM. Nuts to that! While you may end up having to get new RAM, you're NOT going to pay an arm and a leg for it... and you sure as hell aren't going to pay 20% just to have your RAM dual-channel" certified

What Is The Radeon 9900?

Published by Newsfactory 3

just spotted this bit of Info at Nvmax.com!

Since ATi has officially released no information yet on the card this is all based on rumour, speculation and educated guess work, although it is likely to be somewhere near the truth.

Athlon 64 Pin-Count

Published by Newsfactory 1

Are you confused as to how many pins the Athlon 64 is going to have? Is it a 754 pin or 939 pin model? AMDZone has the official word from AMD regarding the Athlon 64 pin count.

I got my chance to ask AMD today about the whole Athlon 64 / Opteron socket situation.

3dfx Rampage Preview

Published by Newsfactory 2

NextHardware.com have finally thrown up a preview of a card that's not been seen for two years since the death of 3dfx! The 3DFX Voodoo 5 6000 rev. "A3" with 5.4ns SD-RAM a.k.a Rampage. At its final stepping Rampage' DDR memory bandwidth would have been rated at 12.8GB/sec, easily slaughtering the GeForce3?s 7.36GB/sec. NextHardware claims that this is the only working prototype available worldwide.

OCZ Flower Mini-Sinks

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Today OCZ Technology announced the availability of the OCZ Flower mini-sinks: small heatsinks featuring textured fin technology and pure copper construction. The OCZ Flower mini-sinks are an ideal solution for cooling mosfets, power regulators and other small system components that produce heat.

Sony PSP Specs Revealed

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ING.com reports that at a press briefing held in Japan today, Sony Computer Entertainment at last revealed detailed specs for its PSP (PlayStation) portable system. Although first unveiled at E3, Sony left showgoers in the dark about what form the system would actually take. Today's announcement covers most bases, from planned CPU speed and memory space all the way to networking ability.

If you find yourself salivating at these specs, you're not alone. Unfortunately, Sony shared nothing but words today. A prototype of the PSP will debut at E3 of next year (May of 2004) with 2004's Tokyo Game Show (September of that year) expected to bring with it the unveiling of the system's game lineup.

Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer Platinum Update

Published by Newsfactory 2

FuZe at Hardware Online.dk sends word that Rancho* seems to have missed the news, that Microsoft is also going to launch 4 new wireless optical mouse editions in Metallic Red - Steel Blue - Blue Moon IMD - Periwinkle. Click on the mouse image for more info on these models.

Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer Platinum - October Launch

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Microsoft is usually refreshing their desktop hardware products about once to twice a year. We have learned that the Redmond based company has a new wireless optical mouse lined up for this years fall-winter season. The peripheral desktop device Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer Platinum will be available in at least four different designs, including a black leather version. Also in the line up is a new Natural MultiMedia Keyboard. If you hit read more we have a couple of photos and specifications for you.

Acceleon: Neues von den BitBoys

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Golem: Der finnische Grafikchip-Hersteller Bitboys Oy kündigt mit der Acceleon Visual Platform eine Grafiklösung speziell für Spiele-Handhelds, Mobiltelefone und PDAs an. Im Kern besteht die Lösung aus einer Software, die auf einem von drei verschiedenen Grafikchips aufsetzt, und je nach verwendetem Chip die zur Verfügung stehenden Grafikfunktionen in Soft- oder Hardware ausführt. Mehr...

BitBoys: Acceleon Announced

Published by Newsfactory 0

Looks like BitBoys are making a return with the Acceleon? family of graphics processors G10, G20, G30 for PDA's at SIGGRAPH 2003.

The Acceleon G30 graphics processor takes handheld graphics hardware to a completely new level and opens up new worlds to be visualized in full color 3D graphics. Increased functionality and support make Acceleon G30? the most complete solution of the Acceleon? family, allowing for perfect functionality in any device type.

Preliminary GeForce FX 5700 Specifications

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Xbitlabs Anton Shilov has scooped some preliminary GeForce FX 5700 aka NV36 specs that he can't resist to share. We'll just have to wait and see if these spec's turn out to be true but for now click Read More.

More On Prescott Support - TDP Too High For Current Motherboards?

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This japanese PC Watch article reporting on Prescott's anticipated power consumption may be the answer on the recent discussion on today's motherboards being capable of Prescott support or not. According to the article, the 3.6 GHz Prescott (0.09µ Pentium 4, 1 MB L2 cache, 16 KB L1 data cache, etc.) was originally expected to have a maximum TDP (Thermal Design Power) of 89W, but it is currently at 103W. By comparison, the 3.2 GHz Northwood has a maximum TDP of 82W. Additionally, the article also states that Intel's future core, Tejas, was planned to start at 100W, but this could change as well with this latest development. Because the higher TDP of Prescott current mainboards may have been compatible with the first power design of Prescott but are not anymore with the revised one. We will update you on the story as it develops.

Abit IC7-MAX3 To Support Upcoming Prescott Processor

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ABIT has announced the IC7-MAX3, the heir to the fabled MAX series with the latest unique ABIT Engineered solutions, including ABIT OTES cooling. For users who require maximum security and storage, the ABIT MAX3 features 6 channel serial ATA RAID with the Silicon Image 4-port serial ATA RAID controller plus native 2 channel support, as well as ABIT's latest ABIT Engineered feature: Secure IDE?. But what is most exciting about MAX3 is that it features the most advanced cooling technology ever seen before on a motherboard. The product is aimed to deliver a whole load of features in addition to those provided by the standard IC7 and IC7-G, but probably the main advantage of the IC7-MAX is guaranteed support for Intel Prescott processors, Intel?s next hot chip code-named Prescott.

Canon Launches World's First Film Scanning Capable 2400 X 4800 DPI CIS Scanner

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Canon U.S.A., a subsidiary of Canon Inc. today announced the world's first film-scanning capable CIS scanner that is bus-powered with up to 2400 x 4800 dpi - the new CanoScan LiDE 80 Color Image Scanner. Appealing to style-conscious users in need of a serious scanner, the new flagship model features high image quality in an ultra-slim design. "With the LiDE 80 scanner, we continue to deliver new and innovative digital imaging and scanning technologies that meet the needs of today's customer," said Yukiaki Hashimoto, senior vice president and general manager of the Consumer Imaging Group at Canon U.S.A., Inc. "Our new scanner provides consumers and small business owners with a versatile, high-resolution scanner that fits the decor of virtually any environment."

Neue Creative WebCam NX - Casio DigiCam - BenQ Notebook

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Neue WebCams von Creative garantieren smarten Einstieg in die Video-Kommunikation

Beide WebCams zeigen sich in einem neuen Gewand, das mit seinem Bi-Color-Design (WebCam NX: weiss-blau, WebCam NX Pro: silber-anthrazit) optisch eine hervorragende Figur macht und sich zudem als äußerst praktisch erweist. Der abklappbare Standfuß macht den Einsatz der WebCams in allen Bereichen möglich, ob stationär am Monitor bzw. Flatscreen oder aber unterwegs am Notebook.

Nvidia NV38 - A NV35 Refreshment?

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NVNews have posted on their front page what they call a reliable prediction, while a forum discussion is taken the word further. As of now no official references have been made to a NV38 VPU chipset. NVNews speculates that NV38 is a counter-product to ATI's R360. R360 will be a clock enhanced 9800 series VPU if you believe in the rumours so far. The same applies to NV38, which has to be scheduled for a 2003 Fall release if the above scenario is true. NVNews further believes that NV38 hits the streets with the following speeds: Core 500MHz, Memory 550MHz (raw), 1000MHz (effective) [Ed.: or did they mean 1100?] while likely being dubbed as GeForce 6000/Ultra or 6900/Ultra.

Zalman TNN 500A - Complete Heatpipe Cooled Case

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Zalman will be adding a new product to their CNPS (Computer Noise Prevention System) product lineup soon. We've seen excellent CPU coolers and heatpipe VGA coolers from the korean company, before but the TNN 500A will be nothing like you've seen before. The yet unannounced TNN 500A is a completely silent aluminum chassis that functions as a massive heatsink itself. No big deal so far? Right, but add some copper heatpipes to the mix and we might see a decent product. The chassis will feature six 6mm (diameter) CPU heatpipes capable of dealing with 150W/s heat transfer rate. Today's high end CPU's heat transfer is lower than 85W.