Microsoft Calls AMD X86-64 Operating System Anvil

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Just spotted this @ The

We have absolute confirmation that there is an X86-64 version of Windows for the Hammer platform and rather suitably Microsoft has codenamed it Anvil. The source added that Microsoft is describing Anvil as bringing 64-bit computing to the masses, a phrase that will make Intel cross when it reads this article.

Nvidia nForce2 C1 Stepping

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This just in from Visionary @ ... As AMD is launching the 400Mhz FBS Barton core with Athlon XP 3200+ in May to counter the 800Mhz P4s, VIA and SiS have already gotten their chipsets ready to support that. VIA is planning to release KT600 codenamed KT400A-CE with VT8237 Southbridge while SiS has announced the SiS748 chipset last month that is paired up with SiS963L Southbridge.

DDR400 With Athlon XP Platform: Performance And Future Potential

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Xbitlabs Ilya Gavrichenkov has posted his editorial called DDR400 SDRAM with Athlon XP Platform: Performance and Future Potential. With the new Athlon XP processor and Nvidia's nForce2 revision 2 mainboards hitting the market very soon, this should increase the performance of Socket A processors to a whole new level.

They are going to answer a few important questions in this article. First, an estimate of the performance growth provided by 400MHz bus. Second, they will check the capabilities of available DDR400 memory modules. Third, we will see how memory timings affect the overall system performance. Go ahead and reveal the potential of your Athlon XP based system.

Magic Athlon XP 1800+! Thoroughbred B

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OcPrices has taken AMD's New Athlon XP 1800+! CPU that utilise Thoroughbred B0 core for a spin! Here's a byte.

Here at OcPrices, we have a relatively large turnaround of AMD processors, and in constructing a couple of machines of late, I have noticed a phenomenal increase in overclockability. My latest wunder-chip is a Malaysian XP1800+, with the following stepping:

AXDA1800DUT3C 9253666260114 JIUCB 0250WPPW ©1999 AMD

NV 36+ Details

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Yesterday we got our hands on some exciting details of upcoming Nvidia Nv36+. Hit Read More for details

New Athlon XP Thoroughbred B0 1600+ - New Overclocking Sensation?

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This article over @ should put a smile on your face! For all the AMD Fans out there.

Advanced Micro Devices company has added a new processor to the list of its CPUs that utilise Thoroughbred B0 core. From now, all AMD Athlon XP chips with 256KB of L2 cache, including the lower-end 1600+ models that are even absent in the official price-list, use the latest revision of the 0.13 micron core.

Innovision GeForceFX Cards Pics

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Just got word from Julio Franco at the that they have snagged some photo's of Innovision GeForceFX cards and while your there, scroll down to the next article for eight secret facts about Nvidia's NV35.

Innovision sent us some information regarding their upcoming GeForceFX 5600 & 5200 cards, we have posted a few pictures of the boxes and the cards themselves as well as information on the software bundle these cards will carry.

SSE Technology In New Intel Prescott Processors

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Just got word that Lev Dymchenko at Xbitlabs has posted his 8 page editorial looking at SSE technology that's going to be implemented when Intel's new Prescott Processors are released. Here's a snip:

In our detailed technology coverage we are talking about the SSE technology implemented in new Intel Prescott processors, its exciting history, its peculiarities and advantages offered to the software developers. Also we are going to compare the cons and pros of the new SSE instructions with AMD x86-64.

Sparkle - Prolink GeForce FX 5200 Previews

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Just got word from Crow at that their Sparkle and Prolink GeForce FX 5200 graphics card previews are up! After seeing some benchmarks for the FX 5200 graphics card this card is no better than Nvidia's MX440 8X?! Save your pennies and get yourselves an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro as there should be some bargains to be had when the 9600 Pro is out.

Clash Of Professional Titans: Wildcat VP, Quadro XGL, Fire GL 8800

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Looking for a professional graphics card but not sure which one to get? Then check out this article @ Reactor

Although new professional 3D graphics cards with DirectX 9.0 support are just around the corner, a lot of users are looking forward to buy previous-generation graphics cards since their price is now more or less affordable, while they still perform very well in all professional appliactions. Read our new article Clash of Professional Titans: Wildcat VP, Quadro XGL, Fire GL 8800 and find the most in-depth research about geometry capabilities of the 3Dlabs Wildcat VP, Nvidia Quadro4 XGL, ATI RADEON 9700 and FIRE GL 8800 graphics processor.

ATI Radeon 9700 Pro - 9800 Pro Comparison

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Brent Justice over @ [H]ardOCP has updated his Radeon 9800 Pro review by adding a Radeon 9700 Pro vs. 9800 Pro comparison that was missing from his review: We take the two cards and compare them clock for clock and also take the soon-to-be released benchmark from UbiSoft's Splinter Cell for a drive.

The Radeon 9800 Pro was announced and reviewed almost three weeks ago. The Radeon 9800 Pro uses the newest VPU core from ATI which is codenamed R350. The 9700/Pro and 9500/Pro are based on the R300 VPU for comparison. Also announced three weeks ago was the 9600/Pro, based on the RV350 VPU and the 9200/Pro based on the RV280 VPU.

New Intel Processors: Prescott & Tejas Information

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Japanese website PC Watch Impress has compiled the latest information on Intels upcoming processors. While Prescott will feature the much anticipated 800Mhz FSB, Tejas will introduce an even more impressive front side bus of 1066Mhz. Prescott is scheduled to be released in Quarter 4 this year and will be technically limited to maximum speeds around 5Ghz. Tejas, which is slated somewhere in 2004 / 2005 will reach core clocks of 4.4Ghz at launch. To position their new high-end processors Intel is improving HyperThreading technology on both processor cores as well as adding significantly more cache (Prescott: 16Kb L1 cache, 1Mb L2 cache). Read more for the updated specifications on both processors.

Corsair Announces Hydrocool Water-Cooling Product Family

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Corsair Memory, Inc., an industry leader in ultra-performance DDR DRAM modules for gaming and overclocking applications, has announced the development of a new high efficiency external water cooling unit for performance computing enthusiasts. This product is designed to provide up to 200 Watts of cooling while significantly reducing fan noise. The first in a family of cooling products, the HydroCool200 uses patented cooling technologies from Delphi Thermal Systems, the world's largest manufacturer of liquid-based cooling systems. Corsair, using Delphi's unsurpassed expertise in thermal physics, has engineered a feature-packed product that sets new standards in water cooling integration and performance.

Designer Micro Cube

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Rainer sends me some words that he has some nice picture and informations about a Designer Micro Cube online.

Check it out for yourself if you would like it. The case is not available in normal stores, it is handmade for any customer and no mass-production. This case supports Micro ATX hardware only. Get more information by clicking on the picture.

Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB $5**

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Want to know how much an ATI Radeon 9800 256MB graphics card is going to cost? Then click on the ATI logo.

Gigabyte Announces 7VAXP-A Ultra (KT400A) Motherboard

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Seems we missed Gigabyte's press release in late February. Gigabyte Technology announced their VIA KT400A chipset based high-end platform - GA-7VAXP-A Ultra motherboard which supports the latest AMD Athlon? XP Barton processor. The GA-7VAXP-A Ultra belongs to new product family known as the K7 Triton series. GA-7VAXP-A Ultra is based on the previously well known GA-7VAXP Ultra, designed to meet the demands of present and future intensive application needs. Offering a variety of new and unique features, GA-7VAXP-A Ultra series enhances PC system performance and stability.

AMD's Move To A 400MHz Bus Speed - What Can We Expect?

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PCstats have posted an editorial, which takes a look at what you can expect from AMD's 400MHz FSB processors, when there released. Here's a snip.

While AMD just recently increased the AthlonXP bus speed from 266MHz to 333MHz in October 2002, there has been a lot of talk lately about the AthlonXP moving to a 400MHz bus speed as early as the third quarter of 2003. As most overclockers already know, FSB (Front Side Bus) speed is very important to overall system performance. As we have seen in the past with the Intel Celeron line of processors, a low FSB can severely limit the overall system performance of a processor regardless of what the CPU clock speed actually is.

Athlon XP 1600+ T'Bred 'B'

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Thanks to the guy's at VR-Zone for the heads up.

Apparently, AMD has added another speed grade into their current T'Bred "B" product line which is the XP 1600+ running at 1.4Ghz with a default VCore of 1.6V. XP 1600+ is expected to be even cheaper than XP 1700+ which is priced at US$54 and we can expect great overclockability from this chip like the 1700+ and 2100+. It is still unknown when the XP 1600+ will be in retail.

First Opteron Pricing

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Just spotted this @ Those guys now have a list of more than 30 Opteron integrators that are ready to storm the market with 1U, 2U and 8U Opteron rack servers. This special page, on which integrators like Angstrom, Alinéos, NTSI, Polywell are listed will be updated on a daily basis.

Hercules Radeon 9800 Pro Card

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Hercules, ATI's first tier hardware partner in Europe, has provided a first product shot of their upcoming Radeon 9800 Pro graphics card. The card features a brighter blue PCB than what we are used to from the earlier 9700 Pro and again sports the well received copper cooling solution and memory heatsinks. The card comes at standard clock frequencies: 380Mhz core / 340 memory on a 256bit bus with an initial 128Mbyte setup. Read more for the photo.