Half-Life 2: In Action

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The peeps at Gayspy were given a chance to take Valve's latest baby for a spin and have posted their 3 page report, which includes the first look at live gameplay!

Last week, we presented our massive Half-Life 2 preview, based on a trip to Valve Software during which we saw roughly a dozen short demonstrations of the company's new Source engine in action. This week at E3, in a theater at the ATI booth, Valve Managing Director Gabe Newell took us another tour, showing us a (mostly) new series of roughly a dozen demos, as well as a very brief look at the game being played live in front of us.

x86-64 Bit Half Life 2

Published by NewsFactory 1

Just saw this bit of news at Amdzone.com:

We have learned today from AMD and confirmed with Valve here at E3 that there will be a x86-64 port of the Half Life 2 client. This is in addition to the x86-64 port of the Counterstrike server that will be available soon. We saw the Half Life 2 demonstration and it looked amazing. Doom III and Half Life 2 will sell some video cards.

Enter The Matrix Patch v1.51

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Gamers Hell reports that Atari has issued the first patch for Enter The Matrix, bringing Shiny's action game to v1.51. No details are available right now about the changes it brings, but the update is for all versions of the game.

John Carmack On DOOM 3

Published by NewsFactory 7

GaySpy check's out John Carmack's Chats about tech and design decisions behind DOOM 3, as well as the state of games development at this years E3 Show! Here's a snip.

Amidst the noise and bustle of the Expo, it was a relief to get into the relative quiet of a conference room. On stage sat John Carmack, id Software co-founder and arguably the most influential gaming graphics programmer in the world. He was there to talk about DOOM 3, as part of a public interview hosted by Newsweek technology editor N'gal Croal, but DOOM 3 was only part of the discussion. During his hour-and-a-half talk, Carmack touched on the problems associated with building graphically intense titles, the time needed to create modern content, challenges faced by small developers, and even eclectic topics such as rocketry or creating an online "metaverse."

E3 2003 9 Half-Life 2 Trailers

Published by NewsFactory 1

Want to watch the 9 Half-Life 2 trailers available at Gamespot for free? Yes, I hear you cry! Then click on the HL2 logo and scroll down to jjjayb post at Rage3D forum and follow the instructions or here at Shacknews.

E3 2003 Rogue Squadron 3 Trailer & Screenshots

Published by NewsFactory 4

LucasArts has now launched the official Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike website. All included X-wings, B-wings, speeder bikes, AT-STs, tauntauns. You?ll have to master them all to save Luke, Wedge, Han, Chewie and Leia from Darth Vader and his Imperial forces in this return to the classic Star Wars trilogy.

Far Cry E3 Trailer

Published by [PM] 1

Who says a decent FPS game can't come from Germany? Uh, well check out this amazing trailer from Crytek showcasing the game coming this year. Far Cry is set in the future that features exciting new elements and 3D worlds set in both vast detailed outdoor and indoor areas. Far Cry will showcase the latest AI and physics technologies to recreate the most believable character movements, as well as realtime 3D atmospheric sound rendering, weapon bullets and footsteps as if you were there, in the game.

Halo 2 E3 Trailer

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Gamers Hell have got themselves a leaked 40 MB Halo 2 E3 trailer.

A brand new Halo 2 trailer, showcasing Bungie Studios' upcoming sequel for the Xbox. Pushing the Xbox hardware to its very limits and utilizing Xbox Live in a way that Bungie believes will redefine online play.

Half-Life 2 Trailer

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There's 9 Half-Life 2 trailers available to download from Gamespot (need to be a member) and there's also a free 11.9 MB movie teaser in the QuickTime format at IGN.

Thanks to Philibob! I'll add more mirrors as I find them.

New Full Doom III Trailer

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Doom3vision.de has news that Gamespot have a new 3 Minute Doom III Trailer offering a different video from the xbox one everyone's seen. online in 36MB (QuickTime) and 26MB MPEG MP 9 format!

Read More for Links

Unreal Tournament 2004 Announced

Published by [PM] 2

Atari is bringing Unreal Tournament 2004, the newest edition of the definitive virtual blood sport, to personal computers this Fall. Unreal Tournament 2004, like its predecessors, is being co-created by Epic Games Inc. and Digital Extremes. The game will be shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, May 14 - 16, in Petree Hall, room 4003. Read more...

New Doom III Trailer

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Doom3vision.de has news that Gamespot have a new Doom III Trailer online in 36MB (QuickTime) and 26MB MPEG MP 9 format! But after trying to get to the Gamespot server: it's only for registered Gamespot members.

E3 2003 Star Wars: Republic Commando Trailer

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Lucasarts has released an E3 trailer of Star Wars: Republic Commando (working title), a dark and intense first-person shooter for the Xbox video game system and PC. The game will utilize an enhanced version of the acclaimed Unreal engine technology. Expected for release summer 2004, Star Wars: Republic Commando will present a dramatic military-style action experience from the point-of-view of an elite squad member of a Republic Special Operations unit.

BF1942: Desert Combat Mod 0.35e Out

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DesertCombat .35 is aimed as a patch release to .3, it adds mainly bugs fixes and balancing from user feedback, we are listening to everything you are saying and .35 is just that. .35 is not aimed at a huge vehicle release, that will come in .4 but there are some cool new things in .35 such as a new weapons system. Weapons are more accurate now when crouching or lying down, adding to realism. New A-10 cluster bombs, new Iraq BRDM2 Spandrel tank killer as well as some new hand weapons like the Iraq Anti personel mines and Stinger missles for those pesky helicopters.

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 Demo

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Gamers Hell reports that Aspyr and Beenox have released a playable demo of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4, allowing you to try out this imminent PC conversion of Activision Inc.'s ultimate skating challenge. The demo lets you play several levels from the full game.

New Doom III Screenies & Doom III Trailer

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Here we go peeps: some new Doom III screenies and a Doom III trailer, even though it's for the X-box! Who are we to complain! So that confirms that Doom 3 is headed to the Xbox.

Update: We now have some mirrors for the Doom III Trailer.