Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne Announced

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Rockstar Games, the renowned publishing division of Take-Two Interactive, today announced Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne, the next installment in the blockbuster Max Payne franchise. Developed by Remedy Entertainment, Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne for the PC is expected to hit retail shelves Fall 2003.

Vampire: TM Bloodlines To Use Half-Life 2 Source Engine

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Now that's a little surprise for all action RPG fans out there. Remember Vampire: The Masquerade back from 2000? Well than be prepared for Bloodlines the sequel. Bloodlines changes the player view to first person while maintaining a certain RPG style not further commented. The upcoming role playing game is in development at Troika for about 18 months now and it will be shown at E3 (where else) by publisher Activision this week. Here is a snip from Gamespot:Plans for Bloodlines had to be kept under wraps until now to wait for Valve to release all the recent details on its upcoming game, because many of Bloodlines' technical strengths are drawn directly from the engine. Troika is taking full advantage of Half-Life 2's advanced character animation system, dynamic AI, and its robust scripting tools. Boyarsky confessed that there will be some major world-changing scripted events later in the game, as well as many cool sequences along the way.

Halo PC: The Way It Was Meant To Be

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Gamespy has a world exclusive preview and went to the offices of Gearbox Software in Plano, Texas. With Microsoft's acquisition of developer Bungie, the game became an Xbox-only title, leaving PC gamers with two options: buy an Xbox, or wait for the PC version. Now it's only a few months away and it has multiplayer gameplay modes... The bottom line, however, is that after watching the game run for nearly five hours, it looks every bit as good as the Xbox version. According to Pitchford, the game should run well even on low-end systems, provided you have a good video card, so you won't need to break the bank on a new rig to play it.

Impossible Creatures Bonus Creatures Unlock Tool

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Relic Entertainment has issued an unlock tool for Impossible Creatures, liberating ten more creatures that were included in their recent genetically-enhanced 3D real-time strategy game. The creatures are: Dolphin, Garfish, Horse, Kangaroo, Moose, Rattlesnake, Raven, Walrus, Warthog, and Wooly Mammoth.

E3 2003 Games Trailers

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Gamers have posted a roundup of all the latest E3 2003 Games Trailers!

Backyard Wrestling (6.5 MB) Battle Mages (33 MB) Fair Strike (16 MB) Metal Gear Solid 3 (2 MB) Metal Shell (18 MB)

Live For Speed Patch 0.2D4

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Independent developed online racing simulator Live for Speed! has a new Patch out v0.2D4!

Patch D4 is now available. It includes important multiplayer fixes and international keyboard support. It has been tested thoroughly by the forum users, and has now become the offical patch. Please check the readme.txt file for installation instructions because there is a new font file included (international character support).

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

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Just spotted this at!

Konami has released a new preview trailer of their highly anticipated tactical espionage action game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. This time Solid Snake has resumed the role of the lead character. In the trailer you can see Solid Snake eating snake(!), chased by enemies in the jungle, and fight back in the fire

New Grand Theft Auto PC Screenshots

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Screenshots from the final version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the PC. Only the first thumbnail has 4xS FSAA and 8X Anisotropic Filtering! Click Here

Mario Kart Double Dash & F-Zero GX footage

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Just spotted this at ..... Thanks to some quick on the draw internet users, we've got footage of two of Nintendo's hottest games coming at E3! Now in DivX format!

With a giant THANKS to "GodsHand" at the Gaming Age Forums, we have managed to get the Mario Kart: Double Dash and F-Zero GX footage that was shown on CNN Headline News today. GodsHand edited the video to crop out the CNN bar, and it looks great.

Games Screenshots

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Here's a roundup of the latest Games Screenshots at!

Half-Life 2 screenshots Half-Life 2 is the eagerly-anticipated sequel to Valve Software's acclaimed 1998 first-person shooter.

Black & White II screenshots New screenshots for Black & White II, the 3D god-playing strategy sequel being crafted at Lionhead Studios,

New Chaser Demo

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An updated single-player demo of Chaser, the futuristic first-person shooter in development at Cauldron, is now available. This version 1.30 demo addresses clipping issues, sound problems, bugs with weapon selection and the action mode, and more. As before, the demo offers a Training Center tutorial and the Little Tokyo mission.

Half Life 2 Previews

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As the NDA's have come off Half Life 2! Here's around up of all Half Life 2 Previews on the net!

New FarCry Screenshots

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Dzjepp writes FarCry is the highly anticipated upcoming 3D FPS title from Crytek Studios, featuring extreme long terrain and view distance, coupled with lush enviroments! ActionTrip posted a new preview of the game this week. Here is a small bit of that preview:

The Hulk Demo

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Universal Interactive has released the playable demo for The Hulk, allowing you to get all angry and green in the upcoming third-person action game by Radical Entertainment. This demo contains two levels, one playable as Bruce Banner and the other as the Hulk

HALF-LIFE 2: The Full Preview

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Just got this in my email box from GaySpy!

Today at 3:30! Half-Life was arguably the greatest PC game of all time. After over four years, we've finally got a look at the sequel -- and WHAT a look! Page after page of info on the hottest PC title this year. Hit GameSpy at 3:30 PM Pacific to see it all!

GTA: Vice City for the PC hits the Streets

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II was just over at The browsing their Forum when I spotted this posted by Joker100.

Just been looking on the GTA forums and a guy reckons he has the PC version. He has screenshots of the CDs and the box. They look pretty authentic to me

Click on the GTA logo for the screenshots.

The Sims 2 Screenshots

Published by NewsFactory 0 reports Sims 2 has just been announced ,the 3D sequel to the ridiculously popular virtual life simulator by Maxis and Electronic Arts. Our game section for this title is now online, offering the first four officially released screenshots.