UT2003 Mod UnWheel Alpha Demo

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It's finally here the first Alpha Demo of UnWheel for Unreal Tournament 2003.

UnWheel is a driving modification for Unreal Tournament 2003. The idea behind UnWheel is not to create the ultimate racing game, or the 4x4 simulation with the best physics, or to specialise in any one area as other modifications and games do, but to simply create an assortment of gametypes and vehicles with the focus on fun driving, whether it be racing, rallying, or simply freestyle driving around! Thanks to Unreal Tournament 2003's support for extremely detailed models, you'll be driving some of the highest quality cars and trucks available, created by SupermotoXL.

UT2003 DC Invasion Bonus Pack

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Planetunreal.com reports that the final version of the Dead Cat Invasion Map Pack (for UT2003) has been released. It contains 8 new maps and 8 new specialized weapons. Definitely give it a download if you?re a fan of the invasion game type.

New Xbox Pads Revealed

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Here's some photo's of Microsoft's new Xbox joypad?s available in Green and Blue! The Pic's come from Totalvideogames.com and while your over there you might want to check out their Xbox Music Mixer article.

TRON 2.0 Movie

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Monolith Productions has released a new movie trailer for TRON 2.0, revealing more from their upcoming virtual-reality 3D action game. The movie comes in low and high quality sizes, and provides more than two minutes of cutscene and gameplay footage to introduce the game's back story and features.

No One Lives Forever? 2 - Toolkit

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Sierra Entertainment : has released the No One Lives Forever? 2 - Toolkit!

The No One Lives Forever 2 Toolkit, including the NOLF 2 Editing Tools and Source Code, are provided "as-is", and are not officially supported by Monolith Productions, LithTech Inc., or Sierra Entertainment. AN INSTALLATION OF THE GAME MODIFIED BY THE TOOLS CANNOT BE COVERED BY TECH SUPPORT. For community-based peer-to-peer support and discussion, visit the No One Lives Forever Forum.

Chaser Demo

Published by NewsFactory 1

Another magazine cover disk upload comes around, as the playable demo of Chaser is now available to allow you to try out this upcoming sci-fi first-person shooter by Cauldron. Details on the contents of the demo are not yet available.

Will Rock Demo Released

Published by NewsFactory 7

The Will Rock demo is out!

The demo offers one level from the full game. Please note that you MUST have Direct X 9 installed and that your video card MUST support hardware transform and lighting (in other words, it will NOT work with 3DFX Voodoo series of cards, Kyro, Kyro II, SiS Graphics Chips/Cards, and a few others)

Gran Turismo 4 scans

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Just word from our bro's at Neowin.net that they have got their hands on the latest Gran Turismo 4 scans from UK car magazine Evo.

Star Trek Elite Force 2 Demo

Published by NewsFactory 7

Ritualistic.com has news that the Star Trek Elite Force II single player demo is here.

This 118MB download contains a small portion of gameplay from two of the missions in Star Trek Elite Force II. Within the demo, you will fight against several Exomorph creatures, which represent a small sampling of the wide variety of monsters and different humanoids you will encounter in the full version of the game.

And while were on the news of demo's Unreal II:The Awakening demo and the Vietcong single-player demo have been released.

Day Of Defeat 1.0

Published by [PM] 1

Day of Defeat (a.k.a. DoD) is the latest online action experience from Valve, makers of Half-Life and Counter-Strike. Stationed in the heart of WWII's European Theater of Operations, players join the ranks of an elite military squad entrenched in battle. Each team has several player classes, that give each squad member a unique role. These include scout, infantry, sergeant, machine gunner, and more, each with a unique arsenal of historical weaponry at their disposal. Day of Defeat includes an expansive collection of missions based on key historical battles. And a near infinite number of additional missions, created by the online development community, are available for download.

DOOM III Interview

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GameSpot's henchmen managed to kidnap ID's Software's lead designer Tim Willits and drilled him for info! Look at the screenshot to the left that Tim Willits handed over! Here's a byte.

GameSpot: There's so much anticipation for Doom III at this point that it seems larger than life. Will the final game be as revolutionary as many expect it to be?

One Must Fall: Battlegrounds

Published by NewsFactory 1

Any of you guys remember the game One Must Fall 2097 (published by Epic Megagames)? Well, the developer Diversions Entertainment is planning to release its sequel, One Must Fall: Battlegrounds, and doing what no PC game has really done before : create the first online multiplayer 3D fighting game for the PC.

Masters Of Doom: The Monster Is Unleashed

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Gamespy have posted part 3 from David Kushner's upcoming book, as ID puts the finishing touches on what is one of the landmark games in the industry.

GameSpy takes a three-day journey through chapter nine -- The Coolest Game -- of David Kushner's forthcoming book. This chapter chronicles DOOM's development, from John Romero's wickedly evil demon designs to Carmack's late-night marathons testing multiplayer to the final moment id's Jay Wilbur uploaded the shareware version and released it upon the world. Along with the exclusive, we've managed to roundup an interview with author David Kushner; another with John Romero, Tom Hall, Jay Wilbur, Sandy Peterson, and Mike Wilson; and have assembled our own retrospective of id's games.

Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield Multiplayer Maps

Published by NewsFactory 5

3DGamers reports that Ubi Soft has released two multiplayer maps for Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, expanding their recent squad-based tactical shooter. The Close Quarter map is a larger close combat level that supports all gameplay modes, while the Zen map is a small symmetrical level that supports only Team survival mode.

Kreed Movie

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Just saw this at the Burut website, the studio behind Kreed: Today we present in-game video from KREED. During 2 minutes and 37 seconds you can watch some gameplay moments of the game, some special effects and parts of cut-scenes. We have made two versions of the video - one is in high quality (640*480) and it's about 40 Mb, and another is low-quality - 13 Mb. We strongly recommend to download the high-quality version to know more about KREED.