No One Lives Forever 2 Multiplayer Demo v1.3

Published by NewsFactory 0 has news that Monolith has released a new multiplayer demo of No One Lives Forever 2 version 1.3!

The demo offers three maps from the full game that are playable in Co-Operative, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Doomsday modes, and also includes a dedicated demo server.

Half-Life 2 Preview

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just got word that have posted a two page preview of Half-Life 2 for the Pc with images! Here's a byte.

Unfortunately I don?t have a team of lawyer?s working for me in the background, so I can?t let you see the nutty looking realism of the completely new graphics engine. There are sites out there with scans, which I recommend you track down rapido, but some of the pics in the Zone are new; the images of the emotional ranges on the faces of characters is stunning, looking damn close to those featured in Nvidia's Dawn demo.

UT2003 Mod - Minions Of Destruction

Published by NewsFactory 0

Minions of Destruction: CyberSports brings enhanced InstaGib play to both Capture the Flag and Double Domination, although the games can be played as non-InstaGib games too! The enhanced InstaGib play sports a brand-new ASMD Mk2 Shock Rifle with two distinct modes for both rampaging offense and determined defense!

SLAY: Slaughter v0.666 Alpha Demo

Published by NewsFactory 1

Gamers Hell reports that Dark Alliance Software has released the alpha demo of S.L.A.Y.

This demo offers: 5 weapons, 2 complex arenas (one suitable for 'One-on-One', the other for 'Slaughter'), 6 characters and a short Tech Demo level, all fully playable in both multiplayer (up to 6 players, over the modem or in LAN) or in BotMatch singleplayer.

E3 2003 Game List Update

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Gaming have updated their list of games that are going to be at E3 2003 and added a Pre E3 page with all the latest news!

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is approaching rapidly and Gaming Horizon has a full list of what games we can expect to see at this upcoming event. SSX 2? Halo 2?

Like this news that the Xbox version of Counter-Strike have been slowly reaching the web lately and the latest batch comes in the form of screenshots. So without further ado, view the new 16 screenshots below.

Halo 2 Magazine Scans

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just got word that have snagged some scans of Halo 2 from the next issue of the Official Xbox Magazine.

Clan Tools 1.6

Published by NewsFactory 0

Clan Tools v1.6 has been released.

Clan Tools is a package with a bunch of programs designed to help online gamers. You'll get a IRC Scorebot which supports quite a few games, a Clan Manager to keep your business in a clan under control, NTP Alarm to synchronize your system with an exact time, and a customized mIRC.

GTA: Vice City Movies

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A bunch of movies showing off the upcoming PC version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City are now available at 3dgamers and Gamers Hell.

No fewer than seven, albeit brief, gameplay movies of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City are now available in one convenient download.

Half-Life 2 Roundup

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just got word have posted a 3 page HalfLife 2 roundup that covers all the scans and screenshots from around the web!

Half Life 2 has come out of the closet and the hype has begun with images from several Mag's being uploaded onto the web.

Splinter Cell European Retail Patch v1.2b

Published by NewsFactory 0 reports that following on from last week's US update, a European version 1.2b patch for Splinter Cell, the third-person stealthy action game by Ubi Soft Montreal, is now available as well. As before, this update includes a small diagnostic / benchmarking tool that was inadvertedly left out of the v1.2 patch, along with all the changes from all previous patches.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance - Version 1.01

Published by NewsFactory 0

Finally a fix for ATi card owners! This patch only fixes issues associated with ATI Radeon 8500 and above. Owners of video cards other than the aforementioned cards should not apply this patch.

ATI Radeon 8500 (9100) support enabled.
ATI Radeon 9000 / 9000 Pro support enabled.
ATI Radeon 9500 / 9500 Pro support enabled.
ATI Radeon 9700 / 9700 Pro support enabled.
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro support enabled

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map Test

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Activision has released the promised map test for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, the upcoming free multiplayer first-person shooter by Splash Damage and Mad Doc Software. This test release contains the Fuel Dump map, one of the six levels that will be in the full game, and comes in Win32 and Linux flavors.

Half-Life 2 Preview

Published by NewsFactory 1 have posted a short preview of Half-Life 2 with a few screenshots. Rancho*: Well there is another little piece of interesting news in there: Half Life 2 will be shown on the ATI booth at E3. 'Get in the game' vs. 'The way it's meant to be played'... Here's a snip:

Half-Life 2 is scheduled to hit store shelves Sept. 30. Developed once again by Valve and published again by Vivendi's (V: Research, Estimates) Sierra games division, the game will put players back in the familiar shoes of crowbar wielding hero Gordon Freeman, battling aliens from the planet Xen.

Unreal Tournament 2003 Retail Patch v2225 Released

Published by NewsFactory 0

There's a new Unreal Tournament 2003 patch out version 2225, which you can grab here and the full changelog here. This release includes a huge number of changes in the gameplay, weapons, AI, engine, networking, spectator, mod support, WebAdmin, D3D/OpenGL and sound/music departments, including the removal of the CD check and the addition of the UTClassic mutator.

Thanks to SIRUS.

Half-Life 2 First Information - Screenshot

Published by NewsFactory 4

Gamers Hell have posted the first info about Half-Life 2!

Half-Life 2 takes place in a Eastern European city, called City 17. It happens a short time after the end of the first game. Earth is once again under attack by aliens from Xen, and you, Gordon Freeman (now working for a secret government agency) have to save the day. Valve promises 12 chapters and almost 40 hours of gameplay.

Half-Life 2 Screenshots

Published by NewsFactory 1

Thanks to BradfordPimpo at Futuremark we have the first Screenshots of Half-Life 2!

Read More

Splinter Cell: 2 Called Shadow Strike

Published by NewsFactory 1

Just spotted this at GameSpot: In its half-year financial reports, Ubi Soft made brief mention of several upcoming games, including Splinter Cell: Shadow Strike and Ghost Recon 2. Several other games were mentioned as being key products for the company within the coming months as well, such as Beyond Good and Evil, Batman 2, Charlie's Angels, Prince of Persia, and Myst Online. Unfortunately, no additional details were revealed about these upcoming games.

Half-Life 2 Approaches

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just spotted this at Although incredibly brief this is probably deserving of a full news item all by itself since it's the first direct correspondence from Valve Software on the topic. We just got this very brief statement from Valve Software:

Half-Life 2 will be shown at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Update: I've posted the Half-Life 2 pic on the cover of PC Gameplay magazine! Hit Read More...

Vietcong Mature Patch Petition

Published by [PM] 0

As you may remember the US version of Vietcong has been released with a 'Teen' ESRB rating. The Vietcong community has started a petition to developer Pterodon and publisher G.O.D Games for a mature patch that enables content that is present in the UK english version. Word is that publisher G.O.D were taking this step ('Teen' rating) to be allowed to sell the game in supermarkets and the like. Pterodon developers have stated that a patch could be ready within twelve hours if enough votes are cast. Sign up to the petition.