Arcturus Interview

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There's an interview with the developer of an upcoming new game called Arcturus along with some exclusive screenshots over at Xabre Gamers. Thanks SimonP.

Described as a heavily action-based game with strong real-time strategy (RTS) elements, it is a vehicle-based game offering non-linear progression. The action takes place in extremely large 3D environments and players will be able to take either side in the conflict in both single and multiplayer modes.

Splinter Cell US Updated Retail Patch v1.2

Published by NewsFactory 0

Ubi Soft as issued a minor update of the US retail version 1.2 patch for Splinter Cell released early this week. Word is the patch "is essentially the same with the addition of a small diagnostic tool that was left out of the first one," and as before this release implements a variety of graphics enhancements and fixes, as well as gameplay tweaks and other bug fixes.

Enter The Matrix Documentary Clip & Screenshots

Published by NewsFactory 0

This documentary shows just how tied together the Enter The Matrix game is to the Matrix: Reloaded film ? and how the game will take you places the film doesn?t, giving you the ability to experience and explore environments you see in the film.

E3 2003 Game List

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Just spotted this at Gaming

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is approaching rapidly and Gaming Horizon has a full list of what games we can expect to see at this upcoming event. Soul Reaver 3? Halo 2? Check the entire list at Gaming Horizon!

The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon Screenshots

Published by NewsFactory 0

The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon?, the second expansion for its RPG-of-the-Year, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® for PC. Scheduled for release in May, Bloodmoon takes you to the frozen Island of Solstheim where the Empire is establishing a new mining colony - a venture being threatened by the prophecy of the Bloodmoon and rumors of werewolves.

Secret Weapons Over Normandy Announced

Published by NewsFactory 0

Inspired by its celebrated Secret Weapons? series of classic World War II flight combat games, LucasArts announces Secret Weapons Over Normandy, which brings the historic air battles of that era to PlayStation®2, the Xbox? video game system from Microsoft, and PC this fall. Secret Weapons Over Normandy presents a dynamic, deeply engaging story-driven flight action experience that puts players in control of authentic World War II aircraft and challenges them to undertake the war's most dangerous missions.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Retail Patch v1.2.0

Published by NewsFactory 0 reports that NovaLogic has released a new patch for Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, upgrading their new tactical shooter to version 1.2.0. This release adds more cheater validation checks and a new server option, tweaks several single-player levels, and fixes an "erroneous punting problem.

{DH} vs. {W2S} Gaming Weekend

Published by NewsFactory 1

Hi all , as you know the {DH} vs. {W2S} Gaming Weekend starts tomorrow! so if you still want to join in I'll see you on the DH server in 10 mins and again tonight at 9 pm Uk!

MOHAA V1.11 IP is no password needed

and one last piece of news is that the {W2S} Gaming Clan Forum is open! So stop by and tells us what games you would like the {W2S} Gaming Clan to play.

Enter The Matrix Goes Gold

Published by NewsFactory 2 reports that Atari and Shiny Entertainment are pleased to announce that development is complete on "Enter The Matrix" for the PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system, the Xbox(TM) video game system from Microsoft, the Nintendo GameCube(TM) and the personal computer.

Asheron's Call 2 Free Trial

Published by NewsFactory 1

Now you can try out AC2 for free, with no obligation and no credit card! Just download the Free Trial Setup, put in a fresh new account, and you'll soon be playing.

Kreed Beta Sign Up

Published by NewsFactory 0

The Kreed Public Beta Sign-up is now open! As promised in the news section two days ago (15th of April), today beta-testing of the KREED project started. To take part in this program you need to read and complete the registration form. Please, write as wide information in every field as you can, try not to skip any fields. Also, if you have anything you like to mention (for example, participation on the Burut CT forum) don't forget to write it the field "why should we choose you as a beta-tester". Don't be afraid to write too much information about yourself, it will be useful anyway.

Matrix Times Six?

Published by NewsFactory 5

PC.IGN.Com are reporting that the upcoming Enter the Matrix game will come on 6 CD-ROM discs.

Can you PC gamers cope with a 6-disc version? Guess what? It'll cost "more," too. Infogrames reps didn't bust out the specifics, but we do know the PC version will be somewhat pricier than its console counterparts. So, can you cope? It looks like you'll have to. Time to clear up your games rack, I guess. The game is now only one month away from its May 15th, 2003 worldwide release. Is this the future for high-content PC games over the next couple of years? We'll see.

Doom III Preview

Published by NewsFactory 0's David Kushner has posted his 3 page preview of Doom III called Prepare to Meet Thy Doom. Here's a snip:

John Carmack's game engines set the standard for PC graphics - and legions of gamers and the industry love him for it. Now he's brought the world to the brink of Doom III.

RtCW: Enemy Territory Test On The Way

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just spotted this at Thanks to Activision's Hellchick for passing along the following note:

We're currently doing a private beta of a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory test. This test will have one map and we're planning on releasing it sometime in the next week. Stay tuned, we'll have more info for you as we get closer to wrapping up the private beta. Players will NOT need Return to Castle Wolfenstein to play Enemy Territory (or the ET test we're releasing soon). ET is a free stand-alone game, so anyone who wants to play will be able to download it.

Half-Life 2 Teasers

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just spotted this at

It looks like we're finally about to see Half-Life 2 announced. The most recent issue of Edge magazine overseas is carrying a simple ad with just a crowbar (seen here) and you'll note that the shadow completes the numeral 2. Edge magazine can most closely be compared to the now defunct Next-Generation magazine we had here in the US. Oh, and the May 16 date refers to the news stand date of the magazine.

TOCA Race Driver Upgrade - v11_120

Published by NewsFactory 0

Codemasters have released a new patch which upgrades TOCA Race Driver for the PC to version 11_120.

Date Uploaded > 9th April 2003: Description > Once installed this upgrade will give improved LAN and internet stability. LAN and internet game modes now allow up to twelve players. Improved wheel force feedback.

Splinter Cell European Retail Patch 1.2

Published by NewsFactory 0

There is a new patch for Splinter Cell, upgrading the European edition of the stealthy third-person action game by Ubi Soft Montreal to version 1.2. This release implements a variety of graphics enhancements and fixes, as well as gameplay tweaks and other bug fixes. The US patch is expected soon. This release adds the anticipated benchmark mode!

Final Fantasy XI Public Beta Test

Published by NewsFactory 0

Final Fantasy XI Public Beta Test: Welcome to the application for the PlayOnline, Tetra Master, and FINAL FANTASY XI Public Beta test. The goal of this Public Beta process is to test connectivity to the PlayOnline network as well as give a few lucky players a sneak peak at the FINAL FANTASY XI and the PlayOnline network. To be considered for participation in the Public Beta test program, you must completely fill out and submit the online application form below.

Indiana Jones And The Emperor's Tomb Demo

Published by NewsFactory 0

Join daring archeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones as he travels to 1935 China to prevent a powerful artifact from falling into evil hands. Indy's latest globe-spanning adventure takes you from the jungles of Ceylon and underwater palaces in Istanbul, to the deadly streets of Hong Kong and beyond.