C&C: Generals 1.5 Patch

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Electronic Arts has released another patch for C&C Generals, bringing EA Pacific's 3D RTS to v1.05. The patch fixes various issues and introduces usual balance adjustments. Brazilian, Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, and Spanish can be found on this EA FTP directory. Click on Read More... to see what's new and a direct download link.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Details & Screenshots

Published by NewsFactory 2

Just spotted this @ Ritualistic.com:

They've gotten hands on the May issue of Computer Gaming World, featuring a well written two page preview of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. A handful of new screenshots is included along with many new details summarized below:

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Retail Patch v1.1.0

Published by NewsFactory 0

3dgamers.com reports that NovaLogic has released the first patch for Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, upgrading their new special forces tactical FPS to version 1.1.0. This release provides fixes for three single-player and three multi-player bugs, including some issues with claymore mines.

Duke Nukem 3D Source Code v1.5

Published by NewsFactory 2

In a surprise release, 3D Realms sends along the source code for Duke Nukem 3D, allowing you to tinker with their 1996 first-person shooter. Compiling the source will require Open Watcom 1.0 or Watcom C v10.0 or later, and while the release is unsupported, it falls under the terms of the GPL! GNU Public License.

RTCW Add-On Not Cancelled Afterall?

Published by NewsFactory 2

I surfed through RTCW.com and saw that Enemy Territory is still there. What does this mean? http://www.activision.com/games/wolfenstein/

Look for yourself.. Has ID forgotten to take it off, or are they planning a release afterall? Rancho*: Read some magazines... Enemy Territory will be released out of it's finished multiplayer components with ten playable maps. Probably free of charge it will be downloadable from community sites.

Jedi Knight III Revealed

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just got word the guy's at Jedi knight II.net have revealed some Jedi Knight III Info! Here's a snip.

You know those moments when a simple day is turned into pure excitement? That about sums up my feelings when I went to the mailbox today to grab my issue of Gamestar, Germany?s Number One gaming mag. So I take a look at the cover to see a female Twi?lek wielding two lightsabers! ?What the hell? was naturally my first thought before I see the words next to it: Jedi Knight III Revealed. World Exclusive.

Devastation Patch Coming

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Arush Entertainment and Digitalo have posted new information on the upcoming patch for their recently released first person shooter build on the latest Unreal engine. The patch will also work on the MP demo.

Shadowbane Problems On ATI Cards?

Published by NewsFactory 0

MR B at Rage3D has posted a Shadowbane fix for any of you that are having problems playing the game!

Verzaubert was kind enough to inform me of a solution to graphical problems in Shadowbane. Vosx of Ubisoft support has done a forum post stating the fix for those experiencing font corruption and missing text. Here's the temporary fix, while a new driver may be just around the corner:

Xbox: TOCA Pro Race Driver Review

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Games Domain.com have posted their look at the Xbox version of the racing game of the year TOCA Pro Race Driver.

Right after 2D fighters, racing games currently seem to take the brunt of cracks about the shallowness of videogames. Even first-person shooters (which, God knows, can be bad enough) still seem to fare better overall in terms of play value. Racing games these days had best bring something new to the table. UK developer Codemasters has long been known for its nigh-unwavering, passionate attention to racing games of all kinds, but it's been argued that the human touch in racing games has been... lacking.

Unreal II: The Awakening Patch Released

Published by [PM] 1

Craig Lafferty, associate producer at Legend Entertainment, has just announced on the Infogrames community forums that the highly anticipated patch for Unreal II: The Awakening is now available for download. To update select the autoupdater in the start menu. The file is about 4MByte in size. A manual download is being set up at the moment.

UT2003 2218 Beta Patch

Published by NewsFactory 0

As everyone's busy hunting down the Nvidia Detonator 50.xx drivers we seem to have missed this UT2003 2218 Beta patch that was available to download @ Beyondunreal.com.

Devastation MP Demo Performance Fix - Patch Soon

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Arush Entertainment and Digitalo have made the first fix available for the Devastation MP demo that was released yesterday. It addresses the extreme frame rate loss and connection lags that people are experiencing. Digitalo's Vic DeLeon posted on the Bluesnews message boards that a complete patch fixing server browser issues, miscellaneous gameplay issues, physics, and other problems will be released soon.

Live For Speed 02 Demo

Published by NewsFactory 1

Independent developed online racing simulator Live for Speed! Free demo testing.

Soon to be available commercially. Live for Speed was developed by 3 guys with two of the guy's coming from the Black and White team. This game is an UNBELIEVABLE driving sim. Gran Turismo3 meets Nascar 2003.

Chrome - Beta Signup

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Chrome is a tactical shooter that brings a new twist to the FPS genre with its unique combination of established FPS standards and truly innovative elements. Players take on the role of Logan, and using a system of implants, are able to alter his abilities in order to survive the 14+ action-packed missions. Logan will take part in breathtaking chases in futuristic vehicles, become a silent assassin striking at unwitting enemies, and use his heavy plasma gun and implant enhanced muscles to storm through enemy lines. Publisher StrategyFirst has opened up the public beta application form. The open beta will begin on April 7th and will run until May 9th. Apply here

Elite Force II Box Art

Published by NewsFactory 0

Activision has unveiled the box art for the highly-anticipated game "Star Trek ? Elite Force II." The first person action game allows players to resume the role of Alexander Munro, chief of Starfleet's elite security unit known as the Hazard Team.

Devastation MP Demo

Published by NewsFactory 0

The Multiplayer Demo for Devastation is now available for download! Featuring awesome weapons, cool in-game physics and both Death Match and Capture the Flag gametypes, the demo will give you a good taste of what Devastation Multiplayer is all about.

IGI 2: Covert Strike Safemode Fix

Published by NewsFactory 0

3DGamers.com reports that there is a tiny patch for IGI 2: Covert Strike, addressing graphics problems in the stealthy first-person shooter by Innerloop Studios. The safemode fix changes "DirectX settings in your computer's registry related to graphical performance," is unsupported by publisher Codemasters, and is "intended for advanced computer users only" in case you can't play the game or experience "critical graphical issues".