Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children DVD Review

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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is a movie sequel to the game Final Fantasy VII. If you are unfamiliar with FFVII, buy it off of Ebay and spend the twenty hours it takes to beat it. You will be hopelessly lost without the background, and believe me; the movie is well worth the time.

Hi-def Narnia action for 360

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Xbox 360 owners can watch the trailer for the upcoming fantasy movie blockbuster The Chronicles Of Narnia in glorious high-definition. The clip is available for download from the Live Marketplace in 720p-friendly format.


First Look at the X-Men 3 Teaser Trailer

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While in Vancouver visiting the set of X-Men 3, and several other online journalists were asked by Hugh Jackman, in full Wolverine garb, if we had seen the teaser trailer. When we said we hadn't, he said, "Oh, you've got to see it!" Little did we know that he hadn't seen it either and was actually on his way to check it out.

Coming Soon

Doom: A Movie Review

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Ars goes to the movies. We sent Dave Girard to an advance screening of Doom, starring Karl Urban and The Rock. Read on for a review of the latest title to go from the PC to the theaters.


Lucas on the Star Wars TV Projects

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Variety says George Lucas addressed 4,000 computer pros at the annual Siggraph computer graphics conference and tradeshow in Los Angeles on Monday. He confirmed that Lucasfilm is already at work on the two "Star Wars" TV series.

Coming Soon

Doom Movie Trailer

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IGN FilmForce is proud to present the online exclusive teaser trailer for the forthcoming Doom motion picture. The Universal Pictures film, based on the best-selling first person shooter of the same name and its subsequent videogame sequels, isn't due in theaters until October 21st, but you can get an early peek here.

Doom: the Movie Details

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Photos and plot details emerge for the Doom movie - a $70 million adaptation of a decade-old computer game. Is it doomed to flop?


Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

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Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is an epic science fiction parody. Production of the film begun six years ago, the original intention being to produce a 15-minute special effects clip. Our ambition grew in pace with our abilities, however. Apart from the title, the film we are about to release has very little in common with our first drafts.

Star Wars: I.M.P.S The Relentless (not Ep. III related)

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With everyone in a Revenge of the Sith frenzy, I had to help make sure this little (not really little, though, as it's rather ambitious) fan-made gem doesn't get overlooked. So, for those who want even more Star Wars after Ep. III: I.M.P.S. Chapter 1. It's the first episode (seven more to come) of the spiritual successor to TROOPS. 208.4MB, 21min 15sec. Slow download server but there's a decent torrent available. Far from canon, but it has good FX, is well put together overall, and it's hilarious! Thanks to Zaphod

The Hitchhiker?s Guide to the Galaxy Review

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Hey folks, Harry here with the very first film review of HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY - now both Moriarty and Quint were going to attempt to break into this screening all undercover style, and I've yet to hear if they've succeeded or not. On other news - CHUD has images of the toys we'll all be getting soon enough!

Ain't It Cool News

Spider-Man 2

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The Movie Box have added the new Spider-Man 2 30 Sec. TV Spot that featured Audioslave's 'What You Are' that aired during the Laker game last night.

Aliens vs. Predator

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Apple has just added the all new internet-only trailer for Alien Vs. Predator that was aired on MTV.