Drivers , Bios and Firmware Updates

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at have posted Drivers , Bios and Firmware Updates for the following makes.

Abit, Asrock, Asus, Enmic, J Mark, Lite On, Logitech, Netgear, nVidia, Plextor, Realtek, Samsung, Sony

New Realtek ALC AC97 Audio Driver v3.73a

Published by Newsfactory 1

Realtek released version 3.73a driver for their ALC AC97 audio chipsets. The driver supports all ALC series audio chipsets from ALC100 up to ALC850 mainly used as onboard sound on various motherboards.

ForceWare 80.40 Beta

Published by Newsfactory 2

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 80.40 Beta for Windows 2000/XP! Dated: Jun 30, 2005! Thanks to 3DChipset

Forceware 77.70 Go

Published by Newsfactory 0

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 77.70 for Windows 2000/XP for Nvidia's mobile chipsets!
Dated: 09/06/2005

nForce Driver 6.66 x64

Published by Newsfactory 1

Here's a new set of nForce3/4 Drivers version 6.66 for Windows XP 64-bit from Asus.

The 7x.xx ForceWare Driver's Comparison @ 3DChip

Published by Newsfactory 0

Now we can present the bigest drivers comparison that was ever made on 3DChip. We have testet 7 ForceWare drivers in two conduits with the single GPU and SLI GPU power in one review with 420 benchmark results! We have tested the ForceWare v.71.89, v.73..00 Beta, v.76.44 Beta, v.76.50 Beta and the newer v.77.13 Beta, 77.62 Beta and the new ForceWare 77.72 from nVIDIA. Whitch driver is the best in single and SLI perfornace? Get the information in our newest driver's comparisonon on 3DChip.

Radeon Omega Drivers 2.6.42 (Cat 5.6)

Published by Newsfactory 0

These drivers are based on the Cat 5.6 (Cat 5.5 where skipped) and they now include a customized version of ATI Tray Tools instead of Radlinker. Go to the ATI Radeon section and take a look at the readme while downloading so you know the latest changes and additions to this set.

NGO ATI Optimized Driver v1.5.6 x64

Published by Newsfactory 0

As you know ATI has released the Catalyst 5.6 driver for the Microsoft Windows x64 platform, unfortunately this driver only supports Radeon 9500 and above. Have no FEAR! The NGO ATI Optimized Driver is here with support for ALL desktop and mobile radeon cards.

Logitech SetPoint 2.40 build 855

Published by Newsfactory 2

If you were using Logitech MouseWare with a Cordless Click! or a Cordless Click! Plus mouse, installing SetPoint on top of MouseWare will transfer control of your mouse from MouseWare to SetPoint. MouseWare will no longer recognize your mouse. If you were only using one mouse with MouseWare, you can now uninstall MouseWare and use SetPoint!

NGO ATI Optimized Driver v2.5.6

Published by Newsfactory 0

The NGO ATI Optimized Driver is a tweaked version of the ATI Catalyst driver. The main purpose is to satisfy the users with a better performance and a better image quality. The Driver has support for all Radeon cards.

Official Forceware 77.72

Published by Newsfactory 9

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 77.72 for Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP and for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition! Dated: June 22, 2005

ATi Catalyst Driver Info

Published by Newsfactory 5

The sad news, the old control panel as we know it will cease to exsist after August ! The 8.16 driver is the last one with the old control panel. Starting at 8.17 only the CCC version will be released. And thuss all next generation products will need to be configured through the CCC.


Forceware 77.50 WHQL

Published by Newsfactory 2

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 77.50 WHQL for 32-bit & 64-Bit versions of Windows! Dated: Jun 20, 2005!

Forceware 77.40 64-Bit

Published by Newsfactory 1

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 77.40 for 64 bit versions of Windows! Dated: Jun 16, 2005! Thanks to