Catalyst 6.4 Out

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Today ATI released Catalyst 6.4 for your download pleasure.

Catalyst® 6.4 introduces a Windows MCE Video Conversion utility. This utility allows users to convert video content that is recorded by MCE, or video content that is available to MCE, to variety of different formats. The video content can be converted to MPEG-2, MPEG-4 SP, MPEG-4 AVC and Windows Media. Ipod Video and PSP video are listed as separate formats for easy recognition.

SFFT Driver Alpha 37 - Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP

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This is the first SFFT driver release, for 3dfx hardware and Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP Operative Systems, based on the new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards.

Xtreme-G 84.30 v2

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TweaksRUs have released the tweaked version of Nvidia Forceware 84.30. This is already shaping up to be a popular driver, so don't forget to download XG tweakerizer to get even better graphics and performance from it!

ForceWare 84.30 Performance Analysis

Published by Newsfactory 0

Today we?re going to test all the ForceWare 84 Series in both performance and image quality fields. We spent the entire weekend making this juicy roundup for your viewing pleasure; so which driver is the fastest? And which one is providing the best image quality?

ForceWare 84.30 for Laptop and Desktop GPUs

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Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 84.30 for Windows 2000/XP! These Drivers come from Dell for their Mobile laptops go6800 and Quadro go1400. Your going to need a modified .inf file if your card is not listed! Dated 03/22/2006

ForceWare 87.45 for Windows Vista

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NVIDIA released following alpha drivers for Windows Vista February Customer Technology Preview (CTP) build 5308.FebCTP_Final.060217-2200 or higher. The current ForceWare driver is a preview release that will enable you to test the basic features and capabilities of the new operating system. This driver has no performance optimizations included and has received limited stability testing.

VIA HyperionPro 5.08A

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There are three main differences between a VIA Hyperion 4in1 driver package and a VIA HyperionPro package, detailed below. All other recommendations remain.

''Chuck'' Patch - Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion For ATI

Published by [NT] 1

This patch enables HDR effects plus AA at the same time. It?s called the ?Chuck patch? in honor of our guy that found a way of enabling this functionality. Of course the reason why this is so important is Oblivion is one of the best looking games available in the market. Enabling High Dynamic Range and Anti Aliasing effects make this game look even better. Needless to say only ATI can support that configuration. So the Catalyst team is giving a special present to owners of ATI cards, an image quality experience unrivaled by any other. This proof of concept driver has something for image quality freaks and performance junkies (and even for both at the same time). This patch provides:

VIA HyperionPro 5.07B

Published by Newsfactory 0

There are three main differences between a VIA Hyperion 4in1 driver package and a VIA HyperionPro package, detailed below. All other recommendations remain.

XTreme-G 84.22.v2 Released

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XTreme-G drivers are modded with the goal of a balance of increased IQ (image quality) with little or no decrease in performance in games. A small increase in benchmark performance is often realized, many times.

Realtek AC97 Driver v3.85

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Realtek released version 3.85 driver for their ALC AC97 audio chipsets. The driver supports all ALC series audio chipsets from ALC100 up to ALC850 mainly used as onboard sound on various motherboards.

XTreme-G 84.25 Released

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NVIDIA's Forceware 84.25 is supposed to be the wonder driver for "Oblivion", but we've gotten mixed responses about this driver. It seems good in games, but a little slower in benches.

XTreme-G Tweakerizer 84.21 Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

This is the first official release of TweaksRUs's new XTreme-G Tweakerizer, a program that will convert your installed nVidia Forceware driver to an XTreme-G Forceware tweaked driver. You will have exactly the same outcome as installing the old XTreme-G .v2 driver package!