This month we're a little late with our ATI Catalyst analysis but here we are again to check out the latest version. Nothing too much has been mentioned by ATI in terms of performance changes but let?s run our usual suite of benchmarks and see what happens.
ForceWare 87.43 For Laptop and Desktop GPUs
Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 87.43 for Windows Vista 32bit/64bit! Your going to need a modified .inf file if your card is not listed! Dated 03/03/2006
XTreme-G 83.91 x64 Released
x64 users, if you've been feeling neglected of late, fear not! TweaksRUs has just released XTreme-G 83.91.v2 x64! This should be considered beta as we don't have a lot of test results yet.
Catalyst Vista Beta Driver 3 for build 5308 of Vista
Quick note to let you know that ATI has just published the latest Catalyst beta driver for Windows Vista. This one is to be used in conjunction with build 5308 of Vista. Our dedication and involvement with Microsoft Vista will ensure that all ATI users will have the best Vista experience the day the operating system goes live. ATI
Official nVidia ForceWare 84.15 WHQL
Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 84.15 WHQL for Windows 2000/XP! Dated: March 9, 2006
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook Driver 02.08.0004
This download contains an improved version of the driver found on the Sound Blaster® Audigy 2 ZS Notebook installation CD. It also supports Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition.
ATi Catalyst 6.3 with Control Panel
We have noticed that some people still prefer to use the old ATI Control Panel over the Catalyst Control Center. As a result I have decided to incorporate the Control Panel into the newly released Catalyst 6.3s.
nVidia ForceWare 84.20 Official Beta
Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 84.20 for Windows 2000/XP! Dated: March 9, 2006
Catalyst 6.3 Out
Today ATI released Catalyst 6.3 for your download pleasure.
This release note provides information on the latest posting of ATI's industry leading software suite, Catalyst®. This particular software suite updates both the ATI Display Driver (version 8.231), and the Catalyst® Control Center (version 6.3). This unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability. The ATI Catalyst® software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.
This release note provides information on the latest posting of ATI's industry leading software suite, Catalyst®. This particular software suite updates both the ATI Display Driver (version 8.231), and the Catalyst® Control Center (version 6.3). This unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability. The ATI Catalyst® software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.
ATI Catalyst 6.3 Build 8.231 WHQL with Control Panel
Our bro's over at Station-Drivers send word that they've snagged a set of ATi Catalyst 6.3 Build 8.231 drivers with Control Panel version for Windows 2000/XP and Windows XP 64bits! Dated 21/02/2006
ATI v8.23.7 Display Drivers
Yet again ATI continues in their monthly ritual of releasing new Linux display drivers that are accompanied by the release of their usual Windows CATALYST suspect. The candidate taking center stage today is v6.3 for Windows CATALYST, while the Linux version making its presence known is v8.23.7. While no X1000 series support has been added in this March release, there are a handful of prominent changes that many Linux ATI users can expect to find beneficial this month.
SFFT Driver Alpha 36 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
It's on line the latest release (Alpha 36) of SFFT driver for 3dfx hardware and Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP Operative Systems. It comes out with two packages, one for VSA-100 cards, and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 are supported as well, and one for Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards. Download it Here
NVIDIA's OpenGL Anisotropic Filtering on Trial
Recent days have seen the emergence of fresh accusations of dodgy 'optimisations' in NVIDIA drivers, suggesting that all was not right with their 'High Quality' filtering mode in OpenGL games. Elite Bastards put that theory to the test.
Xtreme-G Forceware 84.12 v2 Released
Those incredible guys at XG ('nough shameless self publicity) have done it again - the tweaked version of Nvidia's Forceware 84.12 (the latest official beta) has been released!
Official Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility
The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility installs to the target system the Windows* INF files that outline to the operating system how the chipset components will be configured. This is needed for the proper functioning of the following features:
Realtek AC97 Driver v3.84
Realtek released version 3.84 driver for their ALC AC97 audio chipsets. The driver supports all ALC series audio chipsets from ALC100 up to ALC850 mainly used as onboard sound on various motherboards.
NVIDIA SLI Patch For Any Motherboard
A while back Asrock published a SLI enabling patch for their ULi chipset based motherboards that have two PCI-Express slots. Various rumors suggested that the patch would also function under other chipsets as well, and allow users with other chipsets to use SLI on their non-SLI motherboards. Unfortunately the original version of the patch installs only on ULi 1695/7 chipsets - you couldn?t use it if you didn?t have a motherboard with that particular chipset.
nVidia ForceWare 84.12 Official Beta
Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 84.12 for Windows 2000/XP! Dated: March 2, 2006
Advanced Video Playback Catalyst 6.4
ATI have made further video quality updates with the Catalyst 6.4 drivers, which should be available for download in April 2006. We've added the scores from the 6.4 beta driver into the HQV scoring table below.
ULi SLI Detonator Driver Patch Leaked
Upcoming core logic company ULi may be NVIDIA's newest addition, but the company still has an ace or two it hasn't shown