Catalyst 5.12 Dual-Core Optimisations

Published by Newsfactory 0

Today we are taking a short look at a feature included in ATI's Catalyst 5.12 drivers - Dual Core optimisations. The article also includes a Q+A session with Phil Rogers. Phil is ATI's senior software architect and as a whole it makes for very interesting reading.

Radeon Omega Drivers 2.6.87 (Cat 5.12)

Published by Newsfactory 5

This one didn't took long! :D My new Omega Drivers based on the Cat 5.12 are ready! Go to the ATI Radeon section and take a look at the Readme while downloading so you know the latest changes, additions to this set and some important notes or warnings.

Catalyst 5.13 Next Week

Published by Newsfactory 0

The driver isn't just bug-fixes and X1600 support, but rather has some interesting features to boot. When we talked to the father of Catalyst suite, we learned that the goal of 5.13 is being a "video driver" and bringing a lot of AVIVO marchitecture to life.


ATI Catalyst 5.12 Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

The new set of drivers for ATi- powered graphic cards is finally out! Version 5.12 brings some nice fat improvements in performance. Read more for the Changelog and Download links.

Nvidia Unified (nforce 2/3/4) 8.22

Published by Newsfactory 0

This driver set was assembled (remixed) by our forum user HLH & semi-forum user Squall and have been tested on NFORCE 2 and 4 platforms. It contains all of the latest drivers, install at YOUR OWN RISK of course.

Guru of 3D

Logitech SetPoint 2.47

Published by Newsfactory 0

If you were using Logitech MouseWare with a Cordless Click! or a Cordless Click! Plus mouse, installing SetPoint on top of MouseWare will transfer control of your mouse from MouseWare to SetPoint. MouseWare will no longer recognize your mouse. If you were only using one mouse with MouseWare, you can now uninstall MouseWare and use SetPoint!

Catalyst 5.12 More Dual Core Friendly?

Published by Newsfactory 2

Friday afternoon we got an email pointing us to the latest beta driver from ATI. One of the key features of this driver is a performance boost for dual core systems. Building a driver to take advantage of parallel processing is quite a task, and extracting any noticeable performance gain out of it is even more difficult. So we are here today to see just what ATI has gotten out of their efforts thus far.

Radeon Omega Drivers 2.6.83 (Catalyst 5.11)

Published by Newsfactory 0

Ok, it took me a little while cause I was beta testing something new for this release and I wanted to make sure it worked. Now all the work is done and my new Omega Drivers based on the Cat 5.11 are ready for public release!

Realtek AC97 Driver v3.80

Published by Newsfactory 0

Realtek released version 3.80 driver for their ALC AC97 audio chipsets. The driver supports all ALC series audio chipsets from ALC100 up to ALC850 mainly used as onboard sound on various motherboards.

XG WarCat 5.11 XT

Published by Newsfactory 0

Today TweaksRUs releases, the long awaited, XG WarCat 5.11 XT , tweaked ATI display driver .

VIA HyperionPro 5.06A

Published by Newsfactory 0

There are three main differences between a VIA Hyperion 4in1 driver package and a VIA HyperionPro package, detailed below. All other recommendations remain.

Official Forceware 81.95 WHQL

Published by Newsfactory 0

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 81.95 WHQL for Windows 2000/XP and Windows XP 64bits!

NVIDIA Forceware 81.67 WHQL 32/64-Bit

Published by Newsfactory 0

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 81.67 for Windows 2000/XP and Windows XP 64bits!! These Drivers come from HP . A modded inf (from Pieter at LapTopVideo2Go) is included to allow the use of these drivers with many more cards than they were released for!

nVidia ForceWare 81.94 Performance Analysis

Published by Newsfactory 0

We saw the release of the nVidia Forceware 81.84 BETA drivers last month and performance improvements with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 processors was very impressive to say the least. The new drivers really helped begin to make use of that second core we have with the X2 processor.

Software Mod For Turning Your Radeon 9500 Non-Pro Into A 9700

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just got word that the Software Mod For Turning Your Radeon 9500 Non-Pro Into A 9700 , 9800SE and 9800 PRO guide has been updated for combination with the Catalyst 5.11 drivers! If the softmod succeeds your card will behave exactly like a 9700 and 9800 PRO (8 pipelines, 256bit bus) card.

ForceWare 82.04

Published by Newsfactory 1

Here's a new set of Forceware Drivers in the shape of 82.04 for Windows 2000/XP! These Drivers come from ASUS . A modded inf (from Pieter at LapTopVideo2Go) is included to allow the use of these drivers with many more cards than they were released for! Release Date: September 23 , 2005