Quiet Your Xbox 360 Guide

Published by Newsfactory 1

The Xbox 360 is one of the noisier console systems on the market, and the biggest culprit is the loud whirring of the optical drive during gameplay. We crack an Xbox 360 open to see if we can reduce the noise with a few minor adjustments.

PS3 Blu-Ray Movie Dumped, New PS3 firmware doesn't halt Dump Commands

Published by Newsfactory 0

Yep you guessed it, just as the PS3 blu-ray game images have been managed to be dumped from Linux, the same can now be said for their movie counterparts. There was a few initial problems in dumping the blu-ray movies as the file system is UDF 2.5 but the stock PS3 Linux kernel supports v2.01 only.

Nintendo Wii Review

Published by Newsfactory 1

Nintendo throws its hat in the next-generation console ring with the release of the Wii. How does Nintendo's tiny console with the novel controller scheme match up against the heavyweights from Sony and Microsoft?


Devhook Method coming to PS3?

Published by Newsfactory 0

Deadsoulasis (443 posts) of the MC forums says don't rub your eyes folks, a Devhook method on the PS3 is close. He says the PS3 game image files are similar to the PSP and has managed to get images of RR 7 and Resistance running off the HD.

First Ever PS3 Blu-Ray Game Image Leaked to Web

Published by Newsfactory 0

The console hacking group 'Paradox' has released 'the worlds first accessable PS3 rip'. Previously it was announced how a Blu-Ray game disc is rippable via running Linux on the PS3, it is possible that other 'groups' will begin to release PS3 game images online with the aim of helping potential hackers get to grips with the protection.


Sony Launches PSP 3.01 Firmware

Published by Newsfactory 0

This software update may include security patches, new or revised settings and features and other items, which will change your current operating system. We encourage you to check this page from time to time for software updates and to always maintain your system to use the latest version of the system software.

Sony Launches PSP 3.00 Firmware

Published by Newsfactory 0

This software update may include security patches, new or revised settings and features and other items, which will change your current operating system. We encourage you to check this page from time to time for software updates and to always maintain your system to use the latest version of the system software.

XBOX 360 vs. Playstation 3 - A Game Developer's Perspective

Published by Newsfactory 5

As always with gaming consoles, we all have our favourites. Whether it's Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, everyone seems to have their own agenda for picking their favourite. Sometimes it's simply brand loyalty, sometimes it's because of a single game franchise.

Freeware PS3 Video Converter Released

Published by Newsfactory 0

Give it up for the Red Kawa, they have released a freeware video converter for the PS3. It will convert many of the popular file formats such as DivX into ones which are able to be played back by the PS3 operating system.


XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 2.0.1

Published by Newsfactory 0

Team-XBMC and The XBMC Project is proud to announce the release of XboxMediaCenter 2.0.1. XBox Media Center (XBMC) is an award winning, free and open source media player for the Xbox? game-console. XboxMediaCenter 2.0.1 point-release source code has now been set in our CVS, and all XBMC users are highly encouraged to upgrade to this version.

Ridge Racer 7 on PS3 - Sucks (Graphics Wise)

Published by Newsfactory 3

Dream Gamers conducted a graphical comparison between Xbox 360's Ridge Racer 6 and Ridge Racer 7 on the PS3. You'll never guess what their comparison shows, the PS3 version is lacking detail in certain areas!


Xbox 360 HD DVD Addon - Works on Windows XP/ Vista PC's

Published by Newsfactory 0

360 Insider reports that the HD-DVD drive works fine with Vista. They hooked it up to a PC running Vista RTM, and what do you know, it recognized the drive and it installed without encountering any problem.

PS3 Accepts Any Third-Party HDD & Test

Published by Newsfactory 0

According to the PlayStation 3's included Safety and Support manual, the system will accept any 2.5" Serial ATA hard disc drive, and not only officially licensed Sony products. This opens up the possibility of installing a much larger drive than what the system comes with

Review of XBOX 360 HD-DVD add-on

Published by Newsfactory 0

They are looking to make the Xbox 360 the centerpiece of the living room and this little drive is another step in the right direction