The Xbox 360, isn't that nifty?

Published by Newsfactory 0

This weeks Fuse Fuzz Friday is packed to the rafters with Xbox 360. We've seen it all this past week. So let's run through it as fast as possible and let's get this whole botch behind us.


How To Get Original Xbox Game Support for Xbox 360

Published by Newsfactory 0

Original Xbox game support enables your Xbox 360 video game console to play an array of games from your original Xbox video game console. A list of games that are currently backward compatible is available and we will continue to add support for additional games over time.

Xbox 360 Crashing Like Mad

Published by Newsfactory 0

Jsgongwon, one of our forum members, reported that his newly bought Xbox 360 keeps crashing while playing Project Gotham Racing 3 in single player mode. Several people seems to get crashing 360s. It doesn't seem to be related to a specific game, as we get reports of the Xbox 360 crashing with several games. And it's not all the same Error-number either (E79, E74, E64, real crashes, ...).


Microsoft Xbox 360

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Xbox 360 is here and it has your living room squarely in its sights. This time around Microsoft?s next generation console promises to have something for everyone, but what does it have in store for you?


Xbox 360 Review

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Xbox 360 is officially available in the U.S. today. PC Magazine reviewed the system, and found that game-playing is impressive in every aspect. The wireless controller is well designed and solidly constructed. The only negative is that load times haven't been improved over those of existing consoles.


X-BOX360: Zero-Hour Live Coverage @

Published by Newsfactory 0's own Striker777 takes us live inside the X-BOX360: Zero-Hour release party.

For those of you that are following the X-BOX360 hype, you may know that tonight is the beginning of Zero-Hour, Microsoft's official release party of the X-BOX360 to 3,000 lucky winners in a recent contest.'s own Striker777 was lucky enough to score a ticket to the event, and brings us live photos from the top-secret event. Click the picture below to be taken to a thread with updates throughout the night.

Perfect Dark Revolutionized?

Published by Newsfactory 1

First Hideo Kojima says that the Xbox 360 could power the upcoming Metal Gear PS3 game, and now Rare says that the Revolution?s controller could work with Perfect Dark Zero.


Atari is Back

Published by Newsfactory 0

Atari Flashback 2 is a functional replica of the original 2600, right down to the joysticks and the ports they plug into. There are numerous classic games hard-wired, including Pong, Asteroids, Centipede, Pitfall, and Fatal Run. The entire thing costs just $29.99. The only quirk? Since the included games are a mix of Atari originals and home-brewed knockoffs, some of the graphics are even worse than you remember or might expect.

Inside Microsoft's Xbox 360

Published by Newsfactory 1

With anticipation and excitement building, we got our first Xbox 360 in house and of course, took it apart.

Xbox 360 Hands-On

Published by Newsfactory 2

I received an Xbox 360 debug unit, spiffy metal briefcase of accessories and retail unit last week. I also got five games, though only four will work.

PlayStation 3 Won?t Play Used Games?

Published by Newsfactory 0

The latest rumor, generated from several patent sites, claims that Sony has secured a patent for a disk technology that prevents the use of used, as well as pirated, software. From the registered patent description:


Xbox 360 Q & A: Backward Compatibility & List

Published by Newsfactory 1

One of the questions surrounding the launch of Xbox 360? is backward compatibility. We know many top titles from the original Xbox® will play on the new console, but which ones? How will the whole process work?

Is the XWand the Revolutionary Xbox 360 Controller?

Published by Newsfactory 0

It appears Nintendo and Sony aren't the only industry leaders working on a true 3D controller. Microsoft has a working proto type for the "XWand". This interesting device seems to serve a more general audience with applications for more of an everyday use.


Gaming Consoles: The Story Thus Far

Published by Newsfactory 0

The much-awaited console from Microsoft is scheduled to launch on November 22nd, 2005, which is not too far from now. This console is one of the key points of battle between not just Microsoft and Sony, but also between NVIDIA and ATI.