Nero Burning ROM

Published by Newsfactory 0 reports that yesterday Ahead Software released a new version of its burning software suite. There is no changelog so we do not know whats new.

NeroVision Express

Published by [NT] 0

Nero Vision Express has been relased yesterday.

NeroVision Express 2 leads you comfortably through the whole process of making video CDs, Super VideoCDs or high-value DVDs.

VSO Software BlindWrite 4.5.4 Out

Published by [PM] 0

Blindwrite Suite is a set of tools to reproduce or clone any CD, even protected ones. Blindwrite Suite is the most powerfull tool to create a perfect copy from your original CD for personal private copy. Blindwrite Suite can also create CD audio from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, WMA, Monkey's audio and be used with a CD-Rom emulator like Daemon Tools.

Nero 6 Recode Introduces 'Bug' That Could Wipe Your Harddrive

Published by Newsfactory 1

Thanks to for the heads up!

The German online magazine reports that Nero 6 contains a 'bug' that could delete your entire harddrive. The bug is introduced with the Nero 6 Recode project. Bug might even not be the correct word for it, it seems more that Ahead forgot to limit the feature to empty the destination folder for temporarily files.

Nero 6: Schwerer Bug kann Ihre Festplatte löschen!

Published by [PM] 0

Bei der Verwendung des in Nero 6 enthaltenen Spezialtools "Nero Recode" kann ein Bug dazu führen, dass im Extremfall die Festplatte gelöscht wird, berichtet die PC WELT. Nero 6 war am vergangenen Wochenende erschienen und enthält neben der eigentlichen Brenn-Software auch zahlreiche Tools für Spezialaufgaben. Darunter "Nero Recode", das es Anwendern - ähnlich wie DVD Shrink und Clone DVD - ermöglichen soll, den Inhalt eines DVD-Films auf die Größe eines handelsüblichen DVD-Rohlings zu komprimieren. Wie die PC WELT herausgefunden hat, kann die Verwendung von "Nero Recode" - das derzeit als "0.90 Beta-Version" gekennzeichnet ist - für den Anwender allerdings schlimme Nebenwirkungen haben. Der Grund: Im Tool steckt ein schwerer Bug, der dazu führen kann, dass der Inhalt der gesamten Festplatte binnen Sekunden im Nirvana verschwindet, ohne dass der Anwender es verhindern kann.

WinOnCD 6.0 Service Pack 2 (6.02)

Published by Newsfactory 0

Just spotted this over at WinOnCD 6's second service pack has been released by Roxio.

WinOnCD 6.02 is a maintenance release of WinOnCD 6 PE and DVD. There have been numerous improvements and fixes. The following list contains a selection of the most important changes that have been made in WinOnCD 6.02.

NeroNet RC1

Published by [NT] 0

NeroNET is a network-capable extension of the Nero burner program, which can be used in an IP-capable Intranet. The aim is to give all intranet users easy access to all available recorders. In this system NeroNET consists of two components: NeroNET-Server and Nero (Client). As NeroNET-Server, it will run on all computers with burner capability ('Burn servers'). Nero (Client) runs on one users computer. If the burn server is also equipped with a printer, the newly burned CD can also be matched with the appropriate label, made possible by the accompanying Nero Cover Designer. The Nero version that you are already familiar with represents the Client and is extended by the NeroNET-Server version.

WinOnCD 6: Gratis-Update mit neuen Features

Published by [PM] 0

Roxio bietet jetzt ein neues Service Pack für sein Brenn-Programm WinOnCD 6 zum Download an. Das rund 16 MByte große Update soll einige Features der Software verbessern und das Tool um neue Funktionen bereichern.

Nero 6 Leaks To Web One Week Before Release

Published by [PM] 3

A blow in the face for Ahead Software Germany has taken place as early as Thursday this week. Working full versions of Nero 6 Ultra Edition have been leaked to the world wide web including all advertised applications like NeroVision Express 2, Nero ShowTime, InCD 4, Nero Burning Rom 6 etc. The leak is about 400MByte and a key generator is already circulating on relevant websites and P2P file sharing systems. So far Ahead Software has not reacted to the leak as it is spreading wildly through the internet. Nero 6 will officially released on July 18th.

VSO Software Blindwrite 4.5.3 Out

Published by [PM] 0

Blindwrite Suite is a set of tools to reproduce or clone any CD, even protected ones. Blindwrite Suite is the most powerfull tool to create a perfect copy from your original CD for personal private copy. Blindwrite Suite can also create CD audio from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, WMA, monkey's audio and be use with a CD-rom emulator like Daemon Tools. On a sidenote VSO Software will be beta testing Blindwrite Suite 5 soon. Read more...

Nero Burning ROM 6 Preview

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just got word from our good friends at, that they've published their 9 page preview of Nero Burning ROM 6! Here's a snip:

Today we have the privilege to show you a preview of this new Nero 6 software. Thanks to Ahead we received a copy of the new Nero Burning ROM software and we can show you what you can expect from this new version.

Nero Burning Rom 6 Screenshots

Published by [PM] 0

German online portal T-Online has previewed Nero 6 with a short descriptive featurette of the innovations Ahead Software has developed. Included are some screenshots that show the overhauled user interface and some sub-tools. Read more to view.

Easy CD-DA Extractor 6.0.0

Published by NewsFactory 0

Easy CD-DA Extractor is a powerful and easy digital audio extraction utility that makes digital copies from audio CDs and saves as audio files such as MP3, Windows Media Audio and Windows Wave. You may use built-in encoders, get plug-ins for other free encoders, or use any Windows audio compression codec. Features include: CDDB, ID3 and WMA tags, file converter with batch support, tons of files can be converted to a different format simultaneously, serves also as a MP3 and WAV decoder and sound normalizer.

Nero Burning Rom Released & Additional Updates

Published by [PM] 0

The demo time frame of Nero expired today. Naturally Ahead Software, the company behind the most famous CD/DVD burning application Nero Burning Rom released the latest update. Again the changelog is not yet available as this story is posted. Read more...

Nero Burning ROM On July 18th

Published by [PM] 1

Ahead Software Germany today revealed first facts about the upcoming successor of Nero 5.5. The german company is going to release the highly anticipated new version on July 18th via web download and through conventional retail channels. Nero 5.5 will be upgradeable through a web download for $39.99 or you can buy the full version for $59.99 (download version) or $79,99 for the boxed version. Higher prices apply to Canada/USA and Mexico. Read more...

GoldenHawk CDRWIN 3.9D Released

Published by [NT] 0

GoldenHawk has posted a new version of CDRWin on their website, as most of the time there is no changelog available, but we suspect that the software will support some more drives after the upgrade. CDRWIN is a CD recording program supporting binary (.BIN), cue sheets (.CUE), overburning, MP3 burning, disc copy, track ripping, and much more. Click on Read More... for download links.