SiS Xabre II In March?

Published by [NT] 0

The SiS Xabre II, which will support AGP8x as well as DX9 features (Pixel and Vertex Shaders 2) and will feature 8 pixel pipelines, should be announced on the 12th of March. We have found on SiS' site a reference to this upcoming announcement.

Check out the details at: XabreGamers.

Net Copyright Getting Silly

Published by [NT] 0

It seems like the RIAA and the MPAA are really out to get everyone at the moment, and day by day we hear more of their activity in trying to shutdown peer-to-peer network sharing. ZD-Net published a quite chilling article showing a law actually passed in 1997 in the US could see anyone going to jail for up too 3 years just for having software on their harddisk over the value of $2500.

Who Protects Us From The Protectors?

Published by [NT] 0

The United States - On the brink of war, with many elements of it's country's defense in the hands of the All Knowing - Hyper Secure Department of Defense... or so we think. Just how stupid could they be: ?

S3 DeltaChrome To Outperform The Competition?

Published by [PM] 6

As reported by TheInq: VIA's graphic arm, S3, launched the Delta Chrome chip, formerly codenamed Columbia, we have tried to dig out some new information about it, and now we have some. The chip will be clocked at 300MHz+ for the graphics processor and 300MHz+ for memory, and will use plain DDR. The second version of the card will work on 240MHz+ for the graphics engine and 300MHz+ for memory. Sounds a bit ridiculous for a $90 circuitry and 20.000 3DMarks. We'll see.

What Would You Like To See In 3DMark03?

Published by Newsfactory 3

I was just over @ and I see Solomon has a new post up asking the question What would you like to see in 3DMark03 ? Well I would like to see them add some sort of speed read out of your card! What about YOU?

Solomon: As the subject implies. What would you like to see added in the newest incarnation of Futuremarks benchmark program. For me? I would like to see some sort of timing feature included in all results. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how long a system can seriously run the program before it locks up your computer.

New way of distributed systems.

Published by Newsfactory 0

Most of us have taken a look at software like SETI@home and other similar distributed system programs (Genom project etc.) You contribute some of your computer time to analyze some bytes of code to find patterns (or not) which you send to a central database... Some users who spend a lot of their CPU time get rewarded and get a diploma(?) or a tshirt (wow).

Thieves steal processors worth $12 million AUD

Published by [NT] 0

Thieves stole £4.6 million ($A12.86 million) worth of computer chips from an unattended truck near London's Heathrow Airport yesterday, police said. The shipment of Pentium 4 chips had been flown into Britain from Miami, Florida, and was en route to an unknown destination, London's Metropolitan Police said.
warp2... www.the full story

Neue 3D Chat-Welt

Published by [NT] 0

In dieser neuen Chat Community erstellt sich jedes Mitglied ein persoenliches Ebenbild, welches dann 3 dimensional mit anderen "Menschen" Kontakt aufnehmen kann.
Dabei ist eine sehr individuelle Gestaltung moeglich!
So kann man sich auf verschiedenen Plaetzen treffen, wie z.B Ferieninsel, Golfplatz oder Kaufhaus...

ATI Does Not Honor Their Claims?

Published by [NT] 2

During the recent interview with ATI at Driverheaven the Vice President of Software made it clear that ATI does not currently intend to honor the claim of supporting Super Sampled FSAA as advertised here:
ATI Claim Mirror1
ATI Claim Mirror2 Since ATI says they will listen to the consumers a poll is made in the Rage3D forums. I suggest that anyone who wants this specific feature and those who'd like to see ATi honoring their claims in general read the thread and then cast their vote. Find the forum thread here: Rage3D Forum POLL:- Should ATI bring us Super Sampling as promised?

FireWire 2 - Hitting 800 Mbps?

Published by [NT] 1

"SAN FRANCISCO - Apple may be planning to announce FireWire 2, or FireWire 800, a new high-speed 800-megabits-per-second FireWire standard, at the Macworld Conference & Expo opening here Tuesday.
The hint surfaced when hard-drive vendor SmartDisk - several hours after announcing its introduction of desktop drives that connect to Apple systems using the new 800-mbps FireWire standard - asked that the news be "killed due to premature release."
The aborted news suggests what Steve Jobs, chief executive officer of Apple, may be announcing in his keynote speech at Macworld Expo Tuesday." Do MAC users really need this speed? Why can't Steve Jobs think of speed = the CPU speed, compatibility, and stuff like that? Well I don't really care, cause I wouldn't use a MAC anyway. For the full read warp 2 ...

PIR Has Issued A Call For Nominations To .ORG Advisory Council

Published by [NT] 0

Read this on; The Public Interest Registry (PIR) has issued a call for nominations to .ORG Advisory Council. According to the notice, the PIR will create a .ORG Advisory Council to focus solely on .ORG issues, to be made up of leadership from the broad spectrum of the noncommercial world. These issues may range from policy to the introduction of new services, and the Council will serve as an ombudsman-type resource for management as it seeks to incorporate the broadest possible input for important decisions. Does this mean Verisign does'nt anymore own the .ORG domain names...
For full coverage warp2...

Tech-Critic giveway winners announced

Published by [NT] 0

Tech-Critic Recently held a great big Christmas Giveway with nice software titles and it was posted on Warp2Search. Some of you guys might have entered and the Winner List has been announced! You can check out if you won anything by Click
Click Here To see the winner's List! Congratulations to you that won! If you did'nt win well you still won something! Not a Software title but something else! To find out? Check it out!

TheInquirer Says Microsoft To Reveal Windows Source Code To India

Published by [NT] 0

I am from India, so was very excited (for .200 secs) reading this babble on TheInquirer . 'MICROSOFT IS GETTING SO DESPERATE to convert the Indian sub-continent to Windows it is prepared to share the Windows source code with a select band of government bodies. A story in the Economic Times of India says the software monopolist has proposed to the Indian ministry of information technology to share the Windows source code with one unspecified government body. A Microsoft spokesman in India contacted by the publication confirmed the company was "evaluating the idea" of sharing the code but wouldn't be drawn further.' For a very interesting read warp 2 The also warp over 2 The Economic Times Of

The Inquirer Says 'ATI's R350, RV350 Ala Radeon 9900 Pro Taped Out @ TSMC'

Published by [NT] 1

If I like to read rumours, these are the ones I like to read: THE INQUIRER has received several tips recently regarding ATI's R350 and RV350. The first reiterates that ATI's R350 is being built on a 0.15 micron process. ATI's RV350 mainstream part is however being built on a 0.13 micron process. What is new is that both the R350 and the RV350 have already taped out with their production partner TSMC, which did not do quite as good a job with their friend Nvidia.

Wireless Electricity Becomes a Reality

Published by [NT] 0

Just saw this article posted on PCMAG.COM. Here is a snip :-
" Imagine a world where all your portable devices can be charged and powered simply by placing them on a desktop. Chip manufacturer MobileWise has gone well beyond imagining such a world and this week unveiled "a conductive solution" that it believes can make it all possible. " For full read warp2...

The Power Of Email

Published by [NT] 2

This article is written in english and german, the english users will find the article @ read more Eine Email setzte alles in Gang. Bundesbürger Christian Stein schrieb eine Email an seine privaten Kontaktadressen mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung und der Aufforderung an die Leser, dem deutschen Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder als Weihnachtsgeschenk im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "das letzte Hemd" zu schicken.

Wörtlich heisst es in der Email: Hallo erstmal,

es ist bald wieder Weihnachten, und da wird es langsam Zeit, sich über die Geschenke für unsere Lieben Gedanken zu machen, zum Beispiel für unseren Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder. Was mag der sich besonders wünschen? überleg
...klar... will unser letztes Hemd, und das schicken wir ihm jetzt alle!!!"
gefolgt von der Adresse des Bundeskanzleramtes in Berlin. Read More

[H]ardOCP: Fault Lies In Human Error Not Intel Coercion

Published by [NT] 1

Please be advised of the latest new article concerning [H]ardOCP over here.

"Honesty & Integrity:

If you think [H]ardOCP has been not been founded on honesty and integrity over the last five years, then you might as well stop reading now, as what I have to say will not pertain to you. We are an enthusiast site that existed before we were called "enthusiasts". We have watched the community grow and we have grown with it. Our readers are our peers and our number one concern, and never think any different.

HardOCP and faked P4 3.06GHz results

Published by Newsfactory 0

I was just over @ our Affiliate site! when I noticed this Post! HardOCP and faked P4 3.06GHz results

Shame, shame shame! You cheat on your wife; you?re going to get caught... You steal a car from a car dealer; you?re going to get caught... It?s just the same as if you publish invalid benchmarks in a formal review presented to thousands of potential (mislead) buyers; you?re going to get caught out one way or another by someone who is paying closer attention than you would have thought and hoped wouldn?t.

MIG 21: Classic Mach 2 Russian Jet Fighter For Sale

Published by Newsfactory 0

MIG 21, The Mach 2 Russian fighter with spare engine, rocket pods, missile rails, spare parts, training, manuals, FAA licensed, tow bar, start cart. This was the high performance threat faced by NATO for 20 years and will outrun most F-16s. Fast climb is Mach 1.8.

MIKOYAN MIG 21 PF, 1965, S/N: 761811, N21PF, 660 TT, 150 SHSI, MIG 21 PF single seat fighter, Mach 2.1. Initial rate of climb 36,090 ft/min, serv. ceiling 69,000 ft., NATO designation "Fishbed". Single Seat, 660 TT, Eng 150 hrs, King Txp, Apollo GPS/Com, 110 gal drop tank, Hot eject seat, Start Cart, Spare Brakes/Tires.

That should sort it! Thanks to Oh did I say Ebay?

Men Plan To Collect, Return AOL CDs

Published by [NT] 2

Two California men rebelling against a sea of America Online promotional compact discs have got mail like never before.
People around the world have sent Jim McKenna and John Lieberman more than 80,000 CDs offering trial subscriptions to AOL's Internet services. They say when they collect a million, they'll go to the company's front door in Virginia to say, "You've got mail." Read More...