Getaway in stockholm III

Published by Newsfactory 1

A classic two-seater with a midmounted engine, a fast boat and a helicopter - all three perform in this third documentary about a high speed pursuit through the night of Stockholm. A Honda NSX is in he hands of one of the world's most famous traffic violators. Onces again Mr X. challenges the swedish police department in this favourite movie for speed freaks when he sets a new record racing through Stockholm. A journey through the city at speeds so high that even the helicopter has a hard time catching up, he jumps into a fast boat, everything to escape the long arm of the law.

Philips Soundcard On The Way

Published by [NT] 0

There's a new soundcard on the way from Philips. Should be made known soon. There was a page online that had some info, but has been removed. I managed to save the page in .MHT format. So if desired I could mail it.

The new soundcard from philips is coded the PSC708, so it is one step above the Acoustic Edge. The new cards name and picture have not been online yet.

The register goes Left&Right On Intels LaGrande scheme.

Published by [NT] 0

You might think this hardware business is as clean as fountain-water, you get what you see not like that software smuk(wait i m also in that business); but wait everything might/or is about to change, and the grim thing is it might happen even without our knowledge. Thomas C greene of the The takes a look at intel's ....


Published by [NT] 1

snip from"The new fuss film LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS has been leaked on to the Internet, it was claimed on Sunday -- more than 4 months before its release. In a stunning slap at Hollywood and its ongoing copyright battle with digital swappers, Internet users boldly began trading copies of the latest RINGS on Sunday. "

Beyond The Tera Byte!

Published by [NT] 0

Did you know that names are already flying about for different sizes used to mensure computer memory beyond Tera Bytes? Oh yeah I just bought one of those new 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 byte hard drives last week and it's full already. Now all I need to do is find a way to back it all up.
Press Read More for further info... Thanks Derek Bain for this one one ;-)

Google Speaks Klingon!

Published by [NT] 2

After normal languages like english, french, german, dutch and so on, it is now possible to see the Google Searching Interface in the Star Trek language Klingon.
LOL! Google support Hacker, Pig Latin, and Bork-Bork as well. So head over to the Google Preferences and switch your favourite language to Klingon.

New Year, New Wallpaper?

Published by [NT] 0

It's a fresh start, so why don't get a fresh and cool looking wallpaper? I found a little site with some nifthy designs. Check it out, if you have some time:

Happy New Year...

Published by [NT] 0

Now it´s time for me to go to a New Year Party.
We wish you all the best for the next year and we hope, that all your wishes comes true. ( Newer and more faster drivers for your Radeon or you nVidia card ;-)
Keep care of your fingers when you re allowed to make some fireworks in your country and remember: Don´t drink more than we would do!
To our guest from europe i would like to say:
Say good by to your old money, say hello to the EURO.
I hope that our politicians doing the right thing. Cya next year on this channel. Take care!
Your Warp2Search Team Closes Its Doors!

Published by [NT] 1

Saw it just over @ The Tech Report that the next great site is about to close its doors. It's hard to believe, but the home of a huge chunk of the "Quake community" since the very beginnings is closing up shop. According to this report at the Shack, is closing up for good. It's the same old story:
As the revenue dried up we had to cut costs which meant letting more people go. With you, Aurora and Redwood being let go, our readership pretty much dried up. It has reached the point where it really isn't worth while keeping the site active. We still have equipment we have to maintain and rack fees for our co-host. I kept the site up probably longer than I should have from a business standpoint, but its reached its limit. I am very sad to see all these websites dying.
I wish the complete team from Stomped luck for the future. You were one of my favourite site!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Published by [NT] 3

The whole Warp2Search Team wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Take care of you and remember:
Don´t drink more than we would do! Stay tuned
Your Warp Team

Cute Chick for auction (250 000+ pounds)

Published by [NT] 6

Mr Magoo over @ MaxReboot found this nice link. If you like to bid for this girl or you want to take a look first, click here Oh, btw, how much you want to bid for our very own Rancho*? Write a comment and make a offer ;-))

#warp2search Hits Gamesnet IRC!

Published by [NT] 0

Thats right we got ourselfs an IRC channel! Grab a copy of MIRC, configure your server to gamesnet ( or are good.) And join us in #warp2search, you'll find us there with the latest news and gossip and of course you'll be able to interact with everyone who reads the site! if you have Mirc installed already you can click this link to join us : Join #warp2search @irc:// Well what are you waiting for!