24-pipes R520 Yield Rate at 3%

Published by Newsfactory 1

We heard that the last R520 spin at TSMC is at 3% yield rate for 24 pipes and we can certainly expect a much lower yield for 32-pipes R520. Obviously ATi is still facing some yield issues for their R520 @ 90nm process and ATI could resort to a 16 pipes R520 for better yield and make up the loss with a much higher core clock of 700MHz+ as INQ has previously suggested.


ATI offers $100 rebate for buying into CrossFire

Published by Newsfactory 0

offers a rebate when you register your x800 or x850 series card and then buy a CrossFire edition card. It is unclear if existing, unregistered, x8x0 cards will work, but it appears that they will. The CrossFire edition card will have to be purchased before September 29th, 2005.


ATI Multi-Threading Patent - for WGF2.0 and Xenon Graphics?

Published by Newsfactory 0

Filed on 29 September 2003, ATI patent "Multi-thread graphic processing system" was granted on 31 March 2005 and although deals primarily with a multi-threaded graphics command queuing system this gives further evidence of a unified shader pipeline and also gives some potential insights into Eric Demers comments.


Official Catalyst Top 10 Tips

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Terry Makedon has developed a document with the Top 10 tips how to use ATI Catalyst Drivers and he would like to share with CATALYST users. Quote:It is basically a guide for the 95% of the market (a.k.a. non-enthusiasts), that have no idea what anti-aliasing, refresh rates, or even a driver is. It is a simple guide that has ten very basic tips for improving computing experience (and should be used by anyone with an ATI card and CATALYST drivers). Read More for details what the file contains and for the local download link.

Open Letter To ATI

Published by Newsfactory 5

We've slapped up an Open Letter to ATI in an effort to get them to discuss many of the issues that are affecting their profitability and ultimately you, the customer at Gamers Depot

New Ruby and Crytek Demos

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ATi has released some new demos for the Radeon X8X0 line.
Quite impressive stuff, if you got the right hardware.

An alternate workaround for X800 Windows XP Artifacting Issue

Published by Newsfactory 0

My name is Kevin Keenan. I?m a network system admin at Digital Networks North America. Also known as Rio Audio, ReplayTV, Escient, Marantz, DENON, McIntosh Audio. We were also formerly Sonic Blue and the infamous Diamond Multimedia. Anyway onto the story?

Catalyst 4.11 vs. 4.12 Beta

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Auf MyDrivers.com findet sich ein kurzer Vergleich beider Catalyst-Treiber. Getestet wurden die synthetischen Benchmarks 3DMark2001, 3DMark03, 3DMark05, AquaMark 3, sowie GL Excess. Klickt auf 'mehr', um an die Ergebnisse zu gelangen.

CATALYST 4.11 Available

Published by [NT] 4

ATI released Catalyst 4.11 for your download and update pleasure.
The 11th Microsoft certified official CATALYST posting of the year updates the driver to 8.071. This is a fairly minor update this month. Of note is that CATALYST 4.12 is slated to be posted as a beta in the next few days, and will be our best offering for an exciting and upcoming new game. Read More

ATi Desktop Roadmap Q2'04 - Q4'04

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Wie auf dieser Roadmap zu erkennen ist wird ATi noch dieses Jahr neue High-End-GPUs auf PCI-E-Basis herausbringen. Aber auch Mainstreamkarten, welche noch auf AGP basieren werden Ende des Jahres an den Endkunden gebracht. Roadmap Quelle: HKEPC

ATI Career Fair 2004

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ATI is on a hiring blitz. Right now, we have a number of exciting opportunities available. These positions demand experienced, top quality individuals with proven skills and talent. If you are that star employee and think you have what it takes to succeed at ATI, we invite you to come and explore our world of opportunities

ATI Earnings

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ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX:ATY, NASDAQ:ATYT) today announced its second consecutive record revenue quarter, driven by sales increases in both the personal computer and consumer product lines.

2004 revenues up 44.1% to $2.0 billion

ATI to roll out R500 GPU for Xbox 2 in 1Q 2005

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ATI Technologies is expected to roll out a new GPU, codenamed R500, for the Xbox 2 in the first quarter of next year, according to market sources.
The R500 will be built using a 90nm process at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and will deliver performance similar to ATI?s next-generation high-end graphics chip, the R520, the sources said.
ATI is cooperating with Microsoft to develop the chip, but the software vendor will be responsible for placing orders with TSMC. ATI will receive royalties from Microsoft based on the number of chips produced.
In related news, the sources said that ATI has completed the tape-out of its R480 chip, which is due to launch in the fourth quarter. The R480 is being manufactured at TSMC, using a 0.11-micron process. Source: DigiTimes

ATI Coupon Holders finishes 3rd

Published by Newsfactory 2

Half-Life 2 Fallout reports that ATI Coupon Holders will be granted the Bronze Package which will contain HL2, and CS: Source: As quoted by Steam Technical Support:

The ATI coupon vouchers will be transfered automatically to the Bronze Package. We will be offering upgrades to silver and gold for additional cost, but the details have not been fully worked out yet.

Catalyst A.I. - The future of optimisations?

Published by Newsfactory 3

As we've seen alongside several of the recent Radeon X700 previews scattered around, ATI have unveiled a new concept and driver feature which should be with us for the official Catalyst 4.10 release - Catalyst A.I.


Published by Newsfactory 8

ATI is today launching a new feature in their upcoming drivers called CATALYST A.I. which ?allows the driver to intelligently analyze applications and textures to maximize graphics performance and stability?. It?s ironic that a year later ATI are making this feature public and active in their driver which both they and nVidia used to try and deceive us.

ATI CATALYST AI - coming soon

Published by Newsfactory 0

Thanks to our bro's over at DriverHeaven for the Heads up!

Tomorrow NDA breaks on a new driver option from those smart folks at ATI Technologies. ATI have kindly allowed Driverheaven to post a little teaser from our article coming online tomorrow. Overall though its great that ATI now offer the user control over optimizations, even if its not worth their while disabling them.