Engadget reports that JailbreakMe 3.0 with support for the iPad 2 is live
Apple's iPad 2: Conservative, Inconsistent, but I'm Loving it
OSNews posted a review on Apple's iPad 2
Apple seeds Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Golden Master to developers
Right on time for its scheduled launch in July, Apple on Friday seeded the Golden Master build of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion to developers.
Apple planning for new MacBook Airs in July, A6 processor in 2012, and 15M iPhone 5s
Apple's component suppliers have begun taking the necessary steps to begin volume production of new MacBook Airs next month as rumors swirl over which firm will secure a deal to manufacture the company's next-generation mobile processor, dubbed the A6.
Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.6.8 Ahead of Lion Debut
As hinted at earlier this week, Apple has now released Mac OS X 10.6.8, the eighth maintenance update for Snow Leopard, via Software Update.
The Most Common iPhone Passcode is 1234
iPhone owners might pride themselves with having one of the most technologically advanced smartphones on the market, but according to iOS developer Daniel Amitay, their passcodes are decidedly less complex.
iCloud to address other half of iPhones never backed up via iTunes
Apple's new iCloud offering will not only offer iPhone users an experience untethered from iTunes, but will also be a timesaver for the company's retail store employees dealing with customers who have never synced or backed up their devices.
Apple's US Mac sales grow 15% in April & May; stronger June sales expected
Through the first two months of Apple's third quarter of fiscal 2011, U.S. Mac sales are up 15 percent year-over-year, but that number is expected to rise in June when Apple faces a more favorable 2010 comparison.
Hack Brings 3G Voice Calls to the iPad
Jailbreak-only app PhoneIt-Ipad brings 3G calling and texting to the iPad--just be sure to wear headphones.
Apple to Offer Unlocked U.S. iPhone 4s Starting at $649?
It appears that Apple will be launching unlocked version of the iPhone 4 to Apple Retail stores sometime this week.
Mac OS X 10.6.8 Build 10K537 Seeded to Developers
Apple today seeded Mac developers with a new version of Mac OS X 10.6.8, termed Build 10K537.
Foxconn sees financial drop after plant explosion
Foxconn saw a large drop in revenue after the explosion at its Chendgu plant last month, according to Digitimes.
Why Apple Scrapped MobileMe for iCloud
While there was much to praise about MobileMe, there were too many problems--both real and perceived--that ultimately doomed the service.
Apple Likely to Settle iCloud Trademark Lawsuit, Says Legal Expert
An Arizona company sued Apple in federal court last week over the "iCloud" trademark, court documents show.
New MacBook Air to Launch at End of June?
A brief Reuters report relays information from Taiwan's Economic Daily that claims that the new MacBook Air will go on sale in late June.
Apple set to overtake Nokia as Samsung becomes world's largest smartphone maker
An inevitable shakeup in worldwide smartphone rankings is set to take place in the coming months, when Apple is expected to surpass Nokia in smartphone sales, and Samsung will become the world's largest smartphone maker.
Apple almost worth more than Microsoft, HP and Dell combined
Before WWDC, Apple's market cap exceeded that of Microsoft and Intel combined. This week another report compares Apple to Microsoft, Dell and HP.
Apple predicted to ship 1.5M Sandy Bridge MacBook Airs with Lion per quarter
An anticipated refresh to the MacBook Air lineup, bringing Intel's latest generation Sandy Bridge processors, as well as the launch of Lion could boost Apple's thin-and-light notebook to build orders of 1.5 million per quarter, one Wall Street analyst believes.
iOS Developers Embracing Alternative Mobile Platforms, Shying Away From Mac
Fortune reports on a new survey conducted by Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference last week in which he surveyed a number of developer attendees to gain an understanding of their development interests.
iOS 5 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad – Overview
Tech-Reviews.co.uk published an overview of iOS 5 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad – Overview