AppleInsider posted a news story that Apple preparing to introduce Sandy Bridge iMacs early next week
Verizon iPhone untethered jailbreak now available for iOS 4.2.7
While GSM-iPhone owners have had the pleasure of an untethered jailbreak for the latest iOS iteration, 4.3.2, Verizon CDMA-iPhone owners haven't been so lucky -- until now.
Apple's Upcoming 'Reading List' for Safari to Compete with Instapaper and ReadItLater
Apple is working on a new feature for Safari in Apple's Mac OS X Lion that will bring a different kind of bookmarking functionality to the browser.
Apple scraps iOS-like slider tabs in latest Mac OS X Lion build
In the latest Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Preview Developer Build, Apple has scrapped the switch/slider tabs that were borrowed UI elements from iOS.
Apple Tweaks Mac OS X Lion UI In Response to Criticism
With Apple having pushed out a new update to the Mac OS X Lion developer preview program, those with access to the new build have been looking for changes in an attempt to see what Apple has been working on over the past few weeks.
Apple Seeds New Version of Mac OS X Lion (11A444d) to Developers
Apple has seeded a new update to Mac OS X Lion to developers.
Apple planning huge Brisbane, Australia Apple Store
Apple is set to open its largest Australian Apple store in the historic MacArthur Chambers according to papers filed with Brisbane City Council.
Sources: Apple utilizing 'iCloud' internally, service to be more than music
Apple Insider reports that Apple has begun adopting the "iCloud" name within several products currently under development,
Apple Did Buy the Domain
All Things Digital reports that Apple indeed bought the domain
Samsung Broadens Patent Dispute Against Apple With U.S. Suit
Bloomberg reports that Samsung is suing the iPhone creator in the U.S. a week after making claims in Asia and Europe.
White iPhone 4 Slightly Thicker Than Black iPhone 4
MacRumors posted a news story that the white iPhone 4 is slightly thicker than the black iPhone 4.
Apple Explains White iPhone 4 Delay
A lack of UV protection was the reason for the nine-month delay in the launch, according to Apple's senior vice president.
Developer Sees First Crash Report From iOS 5.0
iPhone developer FutureTap today noted today that it has received its first crash report from a device running iOS 5.0, suggesting that Apple is testing the operating system with third-party applications.
GarageBand for iPad running on an iPhone 4
YouTube user PSPfano has posted a video of GarageBand for iPad running on an iPhone 4.
White iPhone 4 Proximity Sensor and 'Death Grip' Tested
Italian site iSpazio has been able to get its hands on a white iPhone 4 as several European outlets have begun selling the device ahead of tomorrow's official launch.
TenFourFox brings Firefox 4 to PPC Macs
TUAW reports that TenFourFox brings Firefox 4 to PPC Macs
White iPhone 4 Goes On Sale Thursday
Apple's long-delayed device will be available at Apple Stores, AT&T and Verizon Wireless stores, and certain Apple Authorized Resellers.
Apple iPad 2 Review
Business Computing World published a review of Apple's iPad 2
Update Fixes Font Display, Printing Problems in Snow Leopard
A software update released by Apple Tuesday promises to take on issues with displaying and printing certain OpenType fonts in Snow Leopard.
iPhone 5 Rumors Give Way to iPhone 6 Rumors
Forget the iPhone 5, the iPhone 6 is on its way!