Just over a month ago, Apple filed a trademark lawsuit against Amazon over the company's use of the term "Appstore" for its own Android application marketplace.
Apple Including Ultra High Resolution Artwork in Lion for Possible Retina Displays?
A finding earlier this month by OSXDaily has generated some speculation about Apple's plans for "Retina" display Macs.
Apple to begin production of Thunderbolt MacBook Airs next month
Apple next month will reportedly begin manufacturing the first updates to its rejuvenated MacBook Air line as the company looks to maintain the impressive sales momentum generated by the ultra-thin notebooks and limit the market opportunity for would-be competitors hoping to wedge their foot in the door.
Samsung counter sues Apple over iPhone, iPad
Samsung Electronics Co has filed patent lawsuits against Apple over the U.S. firm's iPhone and iPad in a tit-for-tat case after Apple claimed Samsung's smartphones and tablets "slavishly" copied its products.
Apple Tracking Likely a Mistake, Say Researchers
The ability for iPhones and iPads to log users' locations probably reflects an error, say the programmers who discovered it.
Prototype next-gen Mac Pro detailed: redesigned, rackable, stackable
9 to 5 Mac reports that Apple is toying with a re-designed version of the Mac Pro
Apple confirms LTE iPhone is at least one generation away
TUAW reports that Apple re-confirmed it is not adopting the current generation of LTE chipsets in its iPhone handsets.
Possible fix for font issues in 10.6.7
TUAW posted a possible fix for the font issues in OS X 10.6.7
Apple Wins iPhone 4 and Key RFID Transponder Display Patents
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 18 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today.
iPhones and 3G iPads record location data without permission
iPhones and 3G iPads running iOS 4 have been intentionally storing the user's locations and time stamps without permission, two researchers have found.
iPad 2 Shipping Estimates Drop to 1-2 Weeks in Several Countries
Apple today once again lowered iPad 2 shipping estimates in many of its online stores around the world, now citing 1-2 weeks for new orders in those markets.
Supposed iPhone prototype shows alt folder and multitasking UIs
Vietnamese website Tinh t has once again gotten its hands on what appears to be prototype Apple hardware.
iPhone 5 Shipping in September with Faster Processor, Similar Look
Reuters reports that the next generation iPhone will start production in July and likely shipping in September.
Apple cleaning up App Store rankings by de-emphasizing downloads
Apple appears to be making changes to its App Store ranking system in order to de-emphasize the number of times an app has been downloaded.
ITC rules in favor of HTC and Nokia in Apple infringement case
The ITC weighed in on the infringement complaint Apple filed against HTC and Nokia and decided the two handset manufacturers are not liable for infringing on Apple's patents.
Samsung vows to countersue Apple
Samsung says it will take counter-action against Apple, which launched a lawsuit last week alleging Samsung copied the iPad and iPhone with its Galaxy family of smartphones and tablets.
Apple Releases iTunes 10.2.2 With Syncing and Video Previewing Bug Fixes
Apple today released iTunes 10.2.2, bringing a handful of bug fixes to the company's media management and syncing software.
Apple Targets Samsung With New Lawsuit Over 'Galaxy' Line
The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple has filed a patent lawsuit against Samsung, targeting the Korean company's "Galaxy" line of Android-based smartphones and tablets.
Three UK lists white iPhone 4 early, delivery on April 20
UK mobile provider Three has jumped the gun a bit and listed the white iPhone 4 for sale already on its website.
Spec Bumped iPhone 5 Set for September Ramp? Revamped iPhone in 1H 2012?
Concord Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has issued a new research note in support of earlier claims that the fifth-generation iPhone will not go into full production until September.