Apple has released Boot Camp 3.2 Update for MacBook Pro (early 2011).
iOS 4.3.2 Due in Next Two Weeks?
BGR claims that Apple is already working on another 4.3.x release that is due in the next two weeks.
IPad Causes Collateral Damage in Taiwan
Acer's CEO resigns amid slow PC sales and a delayed start in tablets
Office for Mac 2011 SP1 coming next week
Microsoft will release Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1 sometime next week
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion features new System Information app
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion will have a new feature that should make it easier for everyone to quickly find the system data they need.
Apple to Introduce New Final Cut Pro on April 12th?
ProVideoCoalition claims to have heard rumors that Apple is planning to use the Final Cut Pro User Group SuperMeet to announce the next version of Final Cut Pro.
"iPhone dead in water," claims Business Insider
Henry Blodget at Business Insider has posted about Comscore's latest smartphone market share survey
Photo Stream feature hints found in iOS 4.3
Possible confirmation of a Photo Stream service in iOS 5 has come after users spotted hidden references to the service inside the current version, iOS 4.3.
Wozniak: Tablet Is the PC for 'normal People'
Tablets are the culmination of what Steve Jobs wanted to create at Apple from the beginning, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said Monday.
iPhone 5 to Launch at End of June?
According to Korean site, Apple is planning on releasing the iPhone 5 during the 4th week of June.
iPad 2 Shipping Estimates for Online Orders Improve to 2-3 Weeks
Shipping estimates for new online orders of all iPad 2 models have improved to 2-3 weeks today, down from earlier 3-4 weeks.
MacBook Air projected to earn $2.2 billion per year
Analyst Mark Moskowitz with J.P. Morgan predicts the MacBook Air will be a $2.2 billion cash cow for Apple in 2011.
iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak available, but not for iPad 2
The iPhone dev team released the latest version of its PwnageTool for iOS 4.3.1.
Happy 35th birthday to Apple, Inc.
Apple Inc. turns 35 today.
Apple set to open massive European flagship store in Liechtenstein
TUAW posted a news story that Liechtenstein will soon host Apple's largest European flagship Apple Store.
Apple Releases Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2
Apple today pushed out a new developer preview version of Mac OS X Lion, offering an updated build of the company's next-generation operating system for testing purposes.
Apple Mac Buying Guide
PCWorld published an Apple Mac Buying Guide
OS X Lion Already Nearing Golden Master
TechCrunch posted a news story that Apple is preparing the first golden master candidate version of Mac OS X Lion
Apple Releases iOS 4.3.1
Apple has just released iOS 4.3.1
Mac OS X 10.6.7 Adds Support for New AMD Graphics Cards
Apple's new Mac OS X 10.6.7 update for the 2011 MacBook Pro includes support for a number of AMD graphics cards not currently found in Apple's machines.