NEC ND-2510A firmware 2.06 default +R DL Bitsetting

Published by Newsfactory 0

CDFreaks reports that wesociety used our news submit to tell us there is a new firmware out that may be of interest for NEC owners. Build date 06/24/04Quote dhc014 "This firmware should continue the pattern from 2.05 of bitsetting to DVD-ROM for +R DL discs by default."

BTC firmware updates

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at Station-Drivers send word new firmwares updates have been realeased for the popular BTC DRW1008IM/DRW1008IB , DRW1108IM/DRW1108IB and DRW1108UI/DRW1108UB series DVD recorders. BTC has improved the recording quality for several new media.

Pioneer DVR-A07U/XL and DVR-107D firmware v1.18

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at Station-Drivers send word of a new firmware update v1.18 for the popular Pioneer A07/107 series DVD recorders have been released. Pioneer has improved the recording quality for several new media.

BTC firmware updates

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at Station-Drivers send word new firmwares updates have been realeased for the popular BTC DRW1108IM/DRW1108IB and DRW1004IM series DVD recorders. BTC has improved the recording quality for several new media.

And for you Peeps that have the following Asus boards P4P800 Se , P4P800E and K8V Se there's a new Yukon Gigabit Ethernet driver out v7.06.

Pioneer DVR-A07U/XL and DVR-107D firmware v1.16

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at Station-Drivers send word new firmwares updates v1.16 for the popular Pioneer A07/107 series DVD recorders have been released. Pioneer has improved the recording quality for several new media.

Pioneer DVR-A07U/XL and DVR-107D firmware v1.15

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at Station-Drivers send word new firmwares updates v1.15 for the popular Pioneer A07/107 and S706-J series DVD recorders have been released. Pioneer has improved the recording quality for several new media.

NEC DVD RW-/+ Firmware Updates

Published by Newsfactory 0

Our bro's over at send word that they've snagged two new Firmware Updates for NEC's DVD+RW-ND 1100a version 1.09 and for the DVD RW-1300A version 1.0a!

they also tell me that they now have Cat 7.99 for ATi's range of mobile Cards.

Sony dru500ax DVD Dual RW Drive - Firmware Upgrade 2.1A

Published by Newsfactory 0

Sony just released Firmware Upgrade 2.1A for Sony dru500ax. 2.1A Allows your Dual RW drive to record at 4X on 4X compatible DVD-/+R media. Improves reading and writing performance and reliability. Reduces vibration noise for the discs with unbalance or eccentricity. Improves audio playback on written discs with stand alone systems. Improves reading and writing performance with 8cm DVD-R/RW. Increases readability with Recordable Double Layer Disc.

NEC 2500 @ 2510

Published by Newsfactory 0

Thanks to our bro's over at CDFreaks for the heads up! 2510 (Dual layer) firmware works on 2500!

NEC 2500 Hack Beta 9a is out !

Published by [NT] 0

Another new firmware version hack is out for the nec2500, beta 9 from the guys over at CDFreaks

This firmware update will write at 8x instead of 6x onto Bulkpaq printables and printable G04s !

NEC 2500 Hack Beta 8 is out

Published by Newsfactory 0

The latest hacked nec2500 firmware; beta 8 thanks to Herries over at CDFreaks.

Most common 4x DVD+R's and 4x DVD-R's should work @ 8x now!

Pioneer DVR-A07U/XL and DVR-107D firmware v1.13

Published by Newsfactory 0

CD reports that new firmwares updates for the popular Pioneer A07/107 series DVD recorders have been released. Pioneer has improved the recording quality for several new media.

New Pioneer DVR-A07XL And DVR-107D Firmware

Published by Newsfactory 0

Techseekers reports that Pioneer Austraila have released new firmware v1.12 for the 107D and A07XL!

DVD-R/RW Writability Improvement +R/+RW Writability Improvement DVD Playability Improvement CD-R/RW Writability Improvement CD Playability Improvement DVD-RAM Playability Improvement Support 8X writing on New Mitsubishi Chemical