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Warp2search Hang Out

Warp2search Hang Out

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Word Association Game

The average adult has learnt a total vocabulary of 36,600 words, how about you? intro> The rules are simple; one person posts a single word (typically contained in the English dictionary) then the next person would reply with the first word that comes to mind.
65 13668
avatar Last reply by dimvlaan on

Checking Time

Checking server time. . if anybody else want to say something, please do so.
8 2379
avatar Last reply by Anonymous on

ISA Server 2006 Public Beta Open

Brief Description Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 is an integrated edge security gateway that helps businesses secure their Microsoft application infrastructure, streamline their network and safeguard their IT environment.
1 1164
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

Microsoft Egypt Nile Theme

Brief Description An Egypt Nile desktop theme with new wallpaper, animated cursors, new icons, new sounds, and a screensaver. Overview Decorate your desktop with Egypt Nile Theme.
1 1244
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

Microsoft Brazilian Carnival Theme for Windows

Overview Brazilian Carnival is famous all around the world. Have the feeling of being in this party by donwloading this theme. We have basically 3 types of party according to the regions: Olinda, Salvador and of course Rio de Janeiro.
1 1057
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

French Police Abandon Ballmer's Microsoft For Mozilla

The Freedom Revolution, you could call itif you're a politically correct U. S. patriot. Yet it's been a non-violent, bloodless radical change over in France, where the country's police force is renouncing Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser for the Mozilla Foundation's open source browser Firefox.
1 1196
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

IFILM - Superbowl Commercials

Has the great satan pulled you over from the darkside? Just what the hell is this Driver Heaven place anyways and why are you shamelessly pimping it?
1 1384
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

The first cell phone for sports fanatics

If you´re a rabid sports nut, you gotta get yourself one of these. Actually, you don´t have to be a fanatic. If you just find yourself running to watch a game on TV or listen to sports radio frequently, or if you have a favorite team or teams and like to keep up with pertinent news and scores —then the brand new ...
1 1164
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

Deutsch: Smoking Ban

I gained 7 points on 3DMark2001.No big performance increase. I heard this was mainly to fix bugs in the drivers. .
1 1242
avatar Last reply by garikfox on

F.e.a.r Tournament

If any of you guys live in the Austin TX area, there is a fear lan tournament at frys. . . they already had on in cali and las vegas. . . . . (I won the las vegas lan) and you can win a copy of the game.
2 1245
avatar Last reply by dredlock on

From PimpRig - To PCApex ?

Ahhh yes. . . change. Adapt or die. That is the subject that has brought us here today my friends. No doubt those of you who are familiar with our site has already noticed that we now fly our geek flag under a new name here.
1 1094
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

Phpclanwebsite "par" and "poll_id" Remot

Phpclanwebsite par and poll_id Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in Phpclanwebsite, which could be exploited by remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands.
1 1483
avatar Last reply by Jackass on

Best Place To Download Music (e.g. Napster, Yahoo)

Hi there. I've decided to go legal with downloading music due to all the RIAA hapennings but didn't know which offers the best service. All I know of is Napster, Yahoo and iTunes although I dont have a iPod so you can cancel that out.
3 1709
avatar Last reply by Anonymous on

AOL Wins $5M Judgment Against Spammer

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - A man who sent billions of junk e-mails hawking online college degrees, sexually explicit Web sites and generic Viagra must pay more than $5 million in penalties to America Online Inc.
1 1374
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