Date: 2025-02-24 00:16 | Last update:

Warp2search Hang Out

Warp2search Hang Out

Warp2search Hang Out (488) General Gamers Place (341) General Graphics Card Talk (135) Everything Windows (286) Feedback (108) General Software (295) Ati General Topics (203) Nvidia General Topics (385) Helpline (34) General Hardware (503) Everything Linux (77)


The Lounge

I am a Devry University student majoring in Networking. I am quite good at what I do so far, and decided to start using my skills for something practical and at the same time something fun.
1 772
avatar Last reply by nagetech,

King Kong - How a movie is made

Just wanted to show you the unofficial website of the upcoming movie King Kong, made by Peter Jackson, Director of Lord of the Rings. Why I am telling you that ? Well, most interesting on the website are the production diarys, which gives you a detailed view behing the scenes of shooting, post production and many more.
1 1492
avatar Last reply by Degger*,

broadband and A64 site loads in 60 seconds

? wa? fix your server it should not take a minute to load a webpage esp when i have road runner and Athlon 64.:finger: ppl on dialup must be going insane waiting to load this site :knife: warp to the future! :finger: :knife: ya.
7 1164
avatar Last reply by NIN9,

April 05 Desktop Thread

Dark Biene
Another month starts and Yes its time make the change wallpaper/skin anything. . to make the desktop look new and fresh. Let the creativity flow. or just post ur simple minimilistic desktop.
13 5778
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Gmail invites now at 50

Gmail account holders now have 50 invites and I've checked and confirmed it as I have used one of the original six which left me with 5 for ages now. Today over at CDRLabs, I saw a thread about it and checked and I see its at 50 now.
14 2195
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

My SLI (Pics)

Srry cant resist not too show you all. Benches: 3DMark03: 18,704 3DMark05: 8,509 No OC. Forceware 71.81.
14 4794
avatar Last reply by garikfox,

Variable Vs Identifier

i have recently come across this question in Visual basic what is the differences between variables and identifiers. I have no idea of what they vary in, i thought they are the same.
2 1660
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

February 05 Desktop Thread

Another month starts and Yes its time make the change wallpaper/skin anything. . to make the desktop look new and fresh. Let the creativity flow. or just post ur simple minimilistic desktop.
7 2335
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

ABC UFO show, 2/24

Make sure you all watch !! :evil: Its on in the evening time, Im not gonna put time it will just confuse people. On ABC. 8).
8 3079
avatar Last reply by rtz,

LMAO - CPU breakfast :D

http://www. rabidhardware. net/index. php?id=44 Welcome to the 21st century. The age of conservation, renewable materials and Jolene Blalock. As we're urged to replace our gaming equipment on a weekly basis, many tonnes of silicon, lead, and copies of Daikatana make it into our planet's landfills.
1 1829
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Video battle

I'm really sorry if this topic seems abusive to admins and moderators but we do need to know what people think about our dilemma. We´ve created an animated video but we can´t decide what song mix fits better to edit this video.
2 2141
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

A Gov. Road Sign :/

Yep this sign was photographed here in AZ, Between Ash Fork and Seligman. Nice 9mm Holes ! heh. . .
3 1788
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Underground Tunnels/Base

This is _Legion_, co-administrator of x-bios. 3dgames. ru We are sorry for the delay but we hope to be getting back on-line ASAP. Hang in there X-BIOS supporters!! We WILL be back.
9 2786
avatar Last reply by garikfox,

Micheal Jackson: Guilty ?

The funny thing about these and the 28.32 drivers are that they work within the Nvidia Refresh Rate-Fix program, but they don't really do the job. Cause when you run the NV.
7 2627
avatar Last reply by kyro,

Blogging - An increadible Medium

WEB LOG (BLOG) For all of you tech heads out there that want to run your own site but don't have money for a hosting service or to pay for a domain name? Start Blogging.
3 2097
avatar Last reply by Hancoque,

Radi Upgrade Story

Dark Biene
So, i finally upgraded my Radi :-) if u can´t remember, take a look here to see why i did that. . . . ok, this is my new baby: Up Down Side and btw i cleaned my desktop, because i´m using 2 PC´s and now i´ve got my KVM Switch :-) Before work @all That´s my PC - old look u also can see the old Radi there.
7 3309
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

How to improve W2S ?

In the past 1/2 year i had not much time to work on W2s, cause of my job which tooks a lot of time. I also noticed that we have lost some visitors and I would like to ask why ? Please state how to improve W2S to bring her back, what is missing, what you would like to see.
35 11301
avatar Last reply by j3di3,