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Nvidia General Topics

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FX User's Read This One.

Guyz the New DET drivers include a hidden OC utility called Coolbits by NVIDIA I guess, I did the reg entry too add this feature, WOW this is WOW, ok I hit auto detect on 3d Preformance too OC it, WOW again, it put it at 372/646, YEAHHhawww !! ALL FX has this so why not UPGRADE yer card, and its by NVIDIA too, I he ...
2 1154
avatar Last reply by Degger*,

New card.

Well I didn't know where to put this as it talks about both cards, but if a moderator isn't happy about where this is then feel free to move it where you think its needed.
16 4040
avatar Last reply by garikfox,

Nvidia Detonator 44.65 Windows 2000 / XP BETA

This morning we have uncovered a new, previously unreleased Nvidia Detonator driver version 44.65.This is the latest known build from the 44.xx series. This driver is a generic release and works for RIVA TNT, GeForce, Geforce 2, GeForce 3 + 4, the 'Ti' range of cards, GeForce FX and some Quadro cards.
4 1511
avatar Last reply by Degger*,

Patched .INF file for 44.61 Detonator

W2S, There is truly no sarcasm in this comment. Your site is one of the most pop up add plagued addresses on the net. However, I commend you for posting news, unbiased, as the content and software offered, has a potential to affect what a visitor sees at your site, thus having the potential to affect the numbers gi ...
10 3223
avatar Last reply by SnakeSH,

How to enable Side Band Addressing

Hey guys, I'm having some troubles enabling Side Band Addressing on my graphics card. Both my card and mobo support it but I can't seem to get it to enable. Does anyone have a reg fix that adds the option in the nvidia control panel? or can a third party app like powerstrip do it?.
7 1951
avatar Last reply by NIN9,

GeForce 4 MX 440 for Pentium III

Hi, I am might put GeForce 4 MX 440 for my pentium III computer so will it work realy realy good???? Can I play Grand Theft Auto III, Half Life 2 etc??? Later can I play GTA Vice City in my computer???? If yes please tell me if there is any programs you can download it from the internet and make the graphic more be ...
4 1477
avatar Last reply by El_Coyote,

Hardware Failure

For $275 this thing better wash my car, get my mail, and order pizza for me! I can't believe anyone in their right mind would pay that much money for a CASE! Get real! Is it made of diamonds? I don't care what features it comes with, you'll never see me spending that kind of cash on a place to store all my hardware.
7 1746
avatar Last reply by ZetLAW,

eVGA Geforce FX5200 W2S Price

Sponsor News Just got words from eVGA, that they made a special offer for their -GeForce FX 5200 Ultra Gamers' Special Card: At first some specs: • Original 5200 Ultra Reference Fan • Maxim Thermal Sensor (6649) • Aux.
4 2550
avatar Last reply by ZetLAW,

nforce2 epox 8rda+ still top dog.

Why do you feel the need to post complete bollocks? X-Setup 6.1 has been out for months. 19 new plugins were released at Christmas, but you didn't even mean that !!! EP.
1 1359
avatar Last reply by chriscustom,

WinFast A340 TD

Hello everyone I have been looking for a new graphics card and noticed this card at a local computer store for $209 AUS. Short specs: _____________________________________ nVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 GPU 64/128MB DDR memory (128 for me :wink: ) Support TV-output Support DVI-I monitor Microsoft DirectX 9.
7 1925
avatar Last reply by d_a_n,

BIOS Installations

Well, I have yet another question for all you techies who are really intelligent How do I install a video card BIOS. I got one for my ti4200 verto card. I have a 60kb.
10 2476
avatar Last reply by DarkJedi,