Date: 2025-02-23 13:04 | Last update:

General Graphics Card Talk

General Graphics Card Talk

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Diamond viper v330

The VIPER uses an nvidia chip, www. nvidia. com has newer w2k drivers for it, a lot newer than Diamonds. (It's a Riva 128).
3 1312
avatar Last reply by Chicken,

VisionTek GF4 Ti4200

I have the VisionTek GF4 Ti4200 and I tried flashing it to a 4400 bios. But it failed for some reason and I don't know why. Does is anyone have a bios. rom that i can flash it with that will work and instructions so im doing it right.
2 1204
avatar Last reply by DaSnIpE,


Does anyone know where I can get video card bios for a Geforce 4 Ti4600? You would be helping me out alot. thanks. :D.
7 2223
avatar Last reply by eterniti,

Best driver for Geforce2 MX400?

I have a GeForce2 MX and the best performing drivers I've tried are the 29.80 drivers. Well, that's not completely true because the 30.82 drivers were faster but I've had A LOT of problems with them.
5 2076
avatar Last reply by Chicken,

Visual Quality

Toni Beckham at AMD said: AMD has not recalled any AMD Athlon XP processors. We continue to ramp shipments of the world's highest-performance processor for desktop PCs.
5 1712
avatar Last reply by Chicken,

about gf2 mx400 ,help me,thankyou!

my Graphics Cards is gf2 mx400.on the GPU type NVIDIA' logo GEFORCE 2 MX DC6412.00 0215B3 S TAIWAN WHY DID IT HAVE NOT TYPE MX400? (MY ENGLISH IS NOT GOOD,NEVER MIND) THANK YOU!!!!!!.
8 2151
avatar Last reply by hahahayeah,

a question,thank you

celeron4 1.7G/ 256M DDR/ winxp/ GeForce 2 MX 400/ use 30.00 driver 3DMARK 2001SE defaults setting score is only 1100 point this score is so high, why? thanks!!.
10 2045
avatar Last reply by hahahayeah,

TV out on Geforces, let's sort these once and for all

...OK, so here goes.... 1. What program do you use to get the picture to yer telly? 2. What player do you use? (why) my answers - 1. TV-Tool 6.5 2. Power DVD, mediaplayer, rad Light..... - and then the problem. I'm having enormous problems to get the freaking picture to the TV everytime I change the Geforce drivers ...
1 1023
avatar Last reply by dFence,

monitor unknown problem in V8440 card

Wow at last. Rancho, big thanks for this one, but they last released offical driver 13 months ago. So it its about it from Creative. Its also suprising that these drivers are so up to date, only about a week old.
1 843
avatar Last reply by Tony,

Performance Analyzer

I have a ATI Rage Furry Maxx. When i go to Madonion and use there performance analyzer on any page that is linked it tells me that a TNT2 Pro will give me a 43% increase in performance.
2 1499
avatar Last reply by Chicken,

3dmark 2001 Error

I have a computer at work and I'm able to install and run 3dmark 200 v1.1.When I try to install 3dmark 2001 se I get error texture initilation failed reduce to 16bit color.
4 1626
avatar Last reply by +P4r4No1D+,