while playing winamp, it's really upsetting. . . and extremly upsetting cause the sounds of the banners are looping :evil:.
News postings
My opinion is that there should not be too many posts on game news. This isn't a game site!? I suspect most people come here for news on computer software and hardware, and most important, various bios/driver updates.
Exclamation point over usage.
I throughly enjoy your site. It always contains useful information and interesting news. However, does every news topic warrant another exclamation point? Many grammar sites discourage this.
Well, I just wanted to ask you why you don't have a search script for news? I see you have one for files, but how do I search for old news ?
The shutting out of anonymous comment posters...
This is fine and all. . . its your choice how to moderate things. However. . . I notice you have seperate accounts for both news comments AND the forum? So I have to sign up twice.
why when im logged into forums ...???
im not logged into the home page ?? just curious,chris
Positve feedback
Hey. . . just had to slip you guys a line or 2 just to say thanks. . . this site ROCKS. . . . love it. . . keep up the good work. . . . and merry Xmas and HNY to all there.