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Longhorn plantronics driver?

Im after a plantronics dsp 300 (although the drivers are mostly generic) driver for windows longhorn beta. I would take it off the old xp drivers but apparently the.
8 2964
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Windows Update Error :(

All the drivers there u mentioned, apart from Nvidia Media Driver Version 1.0.8 , don't support cards other then NV17M and NV17! - Don't bother downloading ano of them!.
5 1849
avatar Last reply by Cellar_Dweller,

Not working AutoLogon w/o Password

Do you know the problem. . . installed DX9 or some other stuff and whoot no more Autologon ? the problem. . . tools to change autologon require passwords to enter, but huh I am a single PC user WTF should I use a password so heres a little reg tweak to get AutoLogon working fine and without time limitation again Wi ...
2 1509
avatar Last reply by kyro,

start up

must be version 4 win update(the windows catalog) regular win update didnt show anything new in over 2weeks,just checked. i cannot get reaction from browse button on windows catalog or when placeing where i want the update to go it produces error or i dont have permission.
2 1444
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Windows XP won't load!!!!!!!!

On boot Windows XP freeze!!!!!!! That is to say on boot screen of WinXP the loading bar continues to move, but the HD don't load. In my opinion this happened when I use a tweak that gave more power to CPU: rundll advapi32.
7 2548
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Microsoft Confirms another bug in IE6 & IE6 SP1 SP2 soon

Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Internet Explorer 6.KB article 816625 Disk Contents Are Not Refreshed in Windows Explorer When You Press F5 When you change disks in your disk drive and then press F5, the contents of the new disk are not refreshed (updated) in Windows Explorer.
2 2184
avatar Last reply by Juomaru,

how can i change the disk drives leters?

Yes, the. nap files are only playable inside napster right now. . . but give nullsoft some time, and i bet that they'll support. nap as well. otherwise, new napster is pretty cool!.
7 2093
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Problems with Windows XP Pro

Hi. I have built a brand new system with the following things: Albatron PX-865PE Pro II ( Bios 1.03b) Intel P4 3 Ghz 800 Mhz FSB HT Zalman 7000A-cu copper cpu cooler 1 GB ( 2x 512) Kingston Hyperx Dual DDR 400(DDR 3500)CL2 2x Seagate 160 GB 8 Mb HDD/ ATA100 MSI Geforce 4 ti 4200 128 Mb ram ( my old card) ( Nvidia 52.
3 1789
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

authority/system problem . My WInXP turn oFF

hello. i install a fresh copy of winXP over a fresh partition (Fat32). frecuently (about 10-30 min) the OS pop UP a message : windos must restart becouse the calling to remote process service end in a way inexpected.
6 1904
avatar Last reply by feliclope,

New Asus A7N8X Deluxe BIOS 1007

the new BIOS from Asus are out, the 1006 version was a VAST improvement in stability for overclocking but haven't had a chance to torture-test the new 1007's. .
1 1140
avatar Last reply by ThudZ3ro,