Everything Windows

Hi guys, I want to just know whether which windows is the best?? Is it Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Prefessional? I want to know it quickly because, when I change windows I have to change it to Windows XP Home Edition of either Windows XP Pro.

Using SUS to do Windows Updates within the enterprise, I have 2 Issues: A) SUS updates my machine, but leaves 3 critical updates out. When I modify the GPO for the next hour to run again, it doesn't.

Windows Update problems?
Is anybody else having issues with Windows Update with 2K? It seemed to start yesterday. . . .

Windows 2003 problem - Sub menus
I love Windows 2003 server when tweaked to work as workstation. Everything is smoother and seems to work a bit quicker than in XP, clear installation could of course have something to do with it.

Locked myself out...
Ok, here's the deal. My HDD dies on me :cry: , so I replace it and all is well again. The problem is retrieving my old data from the dead HDD. I slapped the 'dead' HDD in my box again and am able to extract many files, except I get an 'Access denied' mesage when I try to get data from my admin account on the old drive.

XP wallpaper with Hay
Where can I d/l this wallpaper from? I've searched the web for it and can't find it on any windows sites or google. Someone please email it to me or direct me where I may d/l it from.

Windows XP retail vs. OEM
I've got an HP laptop with the 4-CD OEM installation. I've also got a desktop with a retail version of XP home. Is there any way to use the retail installation disk and the CD key from the OEM version to make the install? I know the product ID has OEM listed in it, but looking for ways around it so I don't have to ...

So, can I install Win XP PRO w/ FAT32?
ooops. seems like, Betanews had to remove his Windows Commander RC1 and Beta4 Files. . . :(.

XP Pro on Unsupported Hardware!!
its also known by developpers to be shitty :/ it not as good as 3dsmax, sadly. .

Got this from MS beta testing messenge
Robert McClelland
Dear Potential Tester, Thank you for your interest in testing Microsoft products! We will keep your information on file for 6 months and will be in contact with you only if chosen to participate in a Beta Program.

Taskbar Settings!
I have a small irritant that maybe someone in here know the answer to. The taskbar. Everytime I reboot it resets it's self. I have it set to autohide, keep on top, show quick launch.

Trying to clone XP HOME to another hard drive - Won't boot!!
I have now tried using:Partition Magic, Ghost, XCopy, XXCopy, WDC Utilities. I have tried cloning in dos, XP and Win2003 server. No luck. I have googled til I dropped and have found no one who has been successful in cloning XP HOME - lots of tricks but no success.

Windows XP SP2 build 1224 Download
Together with xBetas we present to you a new Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 1224.This one has been released yesterday and includes some of the newest fixes from the previous version.

Blue Screen Of Death...WHYYYYYY!!!
Why do I keep getting the Blue Screen Of Death (so its called) everytime I restart my comp??? Its really gay because once I do that my comp keeps restarting on Windows XP loading screen and then even if I choose Start Windows Normally or the Start Windows With Working Configuration (or whatever its called), it stil ...

hibernate vs shut down on laptops
i just got my first laptop and i dont know which one to choose. . . so i want your opinion on this. . .