Everything Windows

Hi guys, maybe somebody can help me out. I want to place some hotlinks in my Internet Explorer Navibar (where refresh, bookmarks, media e. g is placed) Would be more comfortable for me than using the favourites (open folder, search site, click on it.

Want A 1337 Desktop?
Found this nifty proggie that lets you do some pretty cool things to your desktop Loads of scripts are available on the site as well. www. samurize. com Here's an example of what the program is capable of.

DirectX 9.0a - Dxdiag maintains CPU utilization in 99%
Silent Warrior
New Features include Virus Rape (TM) - Will make sure a virus is unable to breed into other files and Quantum Mechanical Core (TM) - Knows all pieces of data possible

MSN Icon Pack
lol I was really bored so I build a small pack with my own msn icons Download the toilet thing wasnt my idea ^^

Windows .NET Server 2003 + OpenGL
Hi everybody I just installed the Enterprise Edition and after a hours of tweaking and tuning decided to go ahead and try some gaming stuff So i installed the latest official Detonators 43.

Multiple Processors in XP...
no its not, Inforgrames UK said they made a mistake about the shedule so no Unreal Tournament 2 atleast from Inforgrames. .

internet explorer problem
In one of the updates was there a pop up blocker? cause no pop ups or java works at all on my machine now? anyone else have this problem? whats the fix? like a idiot i had automatic updateing on and something ain't right.

Arghh Why Does ChkDisk Come Up?
Hey. Why is it that whenever my Windows XP loads up I get a ChkDisk running on my NTFS drive. Its annoying because I have to wait for it (which dont take long and I know it sounds lazy) and cancel it within the 9 seconds.

XP tray problems
hi. i noticed that when i log in immediately after the XP log screen shows, some items that should appear in the tray are not there but when i look at the task manager, those programs are running.

DirectX 9.0a full install
How could i make full install of DirectX 9.0a. . . i mean that kinda that i could save it on CD and i don't need internet connection for install it. . . 9.0 have redestibution pack (about 32 mb log) anything like this exist for 9.

Win XP Pro Activation
I've installed win xp 3 times now,different upgrades my last upgrade was 2 120GB Seagate Serial ATA Harddrives. I did a clean install an went to activate windows an it said I had to call microsoft for a new activation code,is there anyway around this? :cry: I do alot of swapping i'm currently waiting for the ATI 98 ...

Is it possible: To retrieve an email in Outlook after.......
wow microsoft don't waste much time do they. .

WindowsXP Task Manager Problems
I have this problem with Task Manager and I don't know how to fix it. What happens is that when I try to get Task Manager up, all that happens is that the little computer icon and box appear in the taskbar but not the text, nothing else happens, the task manager doesn't appear.

Why Do I Have 2 Drives???
I downloaded this file a long time ago, but it is not final release of Liveware 3.0.Creative says that it will become available sometime in January. It only cost 3 euros any how.

The bedst Tweaks....
Is there anybody who knows a program or a website with some good Tweaks to Windows Xp etc. . . The program have too be freeware. . . no shareware. .

.net 1.1
wp ogri
after installing. net 1.1 i find i have an extra user in my user accounts and it has its own password. how do i or do i need to disable this or delete it. any help is cool.

GREAT deal on Klipsch 5.1's
I'm not sure what the policy here is on mentioning prices or places to buy things but I came a cross a KILLER price at CompUSA this afternoon and wanted to share it since it's cheaper than anything on Pricewatch.