Everything Windows

need help system reboot.
currently i am on P4 2.4 ghz, gigabyte mobo 845P 667, ram is 512, soundblaster live, mx440 graphic card. After install the driver of the necessary on the XP pro, the computer keep on restarting.

Disabled Administrator - SOS
I disabled the ADMIN and forgot to add a new one in Windows XP, however no there is no admin i cant do a thing!! Good side is i have a Windows 2000 Server CD and if i use the Recovery Console then it doesnt ask for the ADMIN password and i have access to any file on the system.

Plex(Longhorn) theme for WinXP.
Below is screenshot of my current desktop Modded by Plex Style 8.0 M4 (Visual Theme). If you want to enjoy, warp2 themexp. org.

Before/After Clear font screenshot
Has anyone else try the new P4B 1007.2 bios yet? I have its running perfect. . Havent noticed any changes in bios set-up though. . . .

Win XP and Bootmagic dualboot problem
Who Oh Who can help me with this problem? I have an 80 Gb HD partitioned as follows: 1x Primair/Active 15 Gb Label WinME – incl OS Win ME 1x Primair/Hidden 15 Gb Label WinXP – incl OS Win XP 1x Primair/Hidden 15 Gb Label Linux – Empty 1x Extended/Logical 35 Gb After installing Win XP as second OS on a separat ...

Is dx9 safe to download?
I like to try all the latest software, and im looking forward to seeing 3dmark03 but it requires dx9.As a general rule I try to stay away from MS stuff cause its generally unstable crap, especially until its been out for a long while.

Win XP Errors Help!!!!
Hey guys, I've been getting a load of problems with winxp at the moment. Whenever I try to install some software and updates (happens alot with Norton AV updates) and limewire I get an error message saying that Can't run 16 bit application.

(WMI) might be corrupted
I'm getting the following error when I click Properties on WMI Control under Services and Applications on my WinXP Pro box. . . Failed to Connect to because WMI: Access denied Also, when I click the Advanced tab of my LAN Connection Properties, the following message is displayed.

BeOS 5 Max installation problem
I read Review on BeOS5 and decided to try it. After downloading Max ver ( from here:- http://www. bebits. com/app/3148 )and burning it using nero(by modifying AthlonXp Cue file as suggested), i decided to install it.

Complex Partitioning with dynamic disks
Basically, I have an 80 GB and a 120 GB HD What I would like to do is create an 160 GB (2 x 80 GB) striped volume using dynamic disks between the two of them, with a 40 GB simple volume in the remaining space on the larger.

ME will not install after FDISK
I recently decided to redo my computer, I had it set up as a dual boot system with 98 and 2000 PRO, I reformated the PRO partitions to FAT using the CD, then i reformated the 98 portion using the ME boot disk by using FDISK, so far so good until I tried to install ME, I received a General Protection Fault in Module ...

NTFS Directory unaccessible
hey guys, I had to format my computer yesterday cos I had a load of problems with different software crashes and what not. All my files were backed up in my My Documents directory of which is stored on my second HDD.

Win XP Prof cdkey
DELETED !!!!! No warez and CD-Key sharing in our forums. Last warning, one time again and you will be banned. .

Windows media player 9 and other related files are avaiable
Windows media player 9 and other related files are available at MS update site. http://v4.windowsupdate. microsoft. com/en/default. asp.

Have you tried Cleartype font on ur XP?
Have you tried turing on Clear Type font on xp? You might ask why do u say XP. . . cause MS provides it only for XP. I just tried it and i wish i had a W2S FTP account where i could upload my after beforescreenshots and post them here.

2 Hard drives
Hi everyone, I am planning on getting a 120GB Western Digital hard drive soon. I already have a Seagate 40GB hard drive and am planning on leaving it in. I currently run on Win98SE but am wanting to upgrade to WinXP Pro.