Everything Windows

Its ok. . . seems abit squashed. i like it the way it is. looks good thou. make it a bit wider if u do stick with it. :) *clap clap* Keep up the good work!.

windows 98 r2 update
Ive only recently reinstalled win 98 (to have a dual booting os with win xp). Does anyone know where i can download all the updates to win 98 in one (like a service pack).

XP problems - no cd drives & continues reboots
First of all, I just like to say that Warp2Search. net is Great! It's so updated. Seems like there are a ton of people working on it all the time. Well, here's my problem.

PC3200 ram speed help
all right, I was hoping someone here could help me out. I just got an xp2200 and a soyo kt400 dragon platinum mobo. on top of that, I got 2x256MB of PC3200 mushkin ram.

Windows xp + Mouse
in windows xp everytime i am installing something from cd my mouse lags why is that is there a fix???? athlon xp 2000+ abit kx7-333 sblive geforce4 ti4200

hi. . anybody know what means by 'Driver_IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal' error message? It splash when Win 2000 being freeze. . . . nothing to do else than restart it.

slow startup in XP with NIC
Can anybody tell me the registry key to delete which will help speed up my boot-up process when on a network? :oops: I know I saw a fix for this somewhere, where you searched for a registry key and deleted it, but can someone please remind me.

NT 4.0 Works Installation problem HELP!
Of all the Os's; NT is the least one i have installed. but this is Unusual. I have to install NT Works on a P-4 1.5 Ghz, jetway 845 MB(onboard SavageDDR Vga), 128 mb SD-ram, 40 GB Samsung.

Status Bar
Hi All, Does anyone know how to keep the 'Status Bar' displayed in Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer? Thx :)

Pausing AutoRun
Damm! You guys havenĀ“t something other to do, than post all of this urls??? ;-)) Nice job!! Greetings Mr_ChineseMa

Multi OS Boot Disk
I believe there was a utility on the news section last week which worked really well. . . . except I lost the floppy I made! Anyone remember what it was called.

nothing works to stop balloon tips, help me or shoot me
I did a google search, did all the regedit stuff, downloaded powertoys, nothing works. everytime I hold mouse over anything, shortcuts, icons I get that yellow balloon tip crap.

Maybe an XP SP1 bug?
could it not just be that the server is down serving the images ???? ive no problem with any pictures and installed nearly alle betas of the SP1

HOW CAN REMOVE WMP9 to instal sp1106 final
HOW CAN REMOVE Windows Media Player 9-2773 to instal sp1106 final. thank you.

limit bandwidth
Network with 2 computers, connected via a switch, both windows xp. one sharing the internet connection (ISDN) with the other. Can I share the bandwitdt with a certain ration from the internet connection to the computer? e.

Mouse registry settings
i messed up my mouse settings trying to do that registry tweak for windows xp for my mouse is crazy the only way i had to fix it was to delete the smoothx and smoothy values now i want them back how do i get them back please help

Documents and Settings folders linked in start menu
Eehh, what's this? This is exactly the same version AND file as the first release. The file which got out yesterday also has the preview feature!! So why the post?.