Everything Windows

Dear friends, I have a problem for my sound card sblive player 1024.When I m using Win98 or ME its ok working fine but on NT40,2000, or WindowsXP I cannot use my sound card.

Unknown CPU usage in winXP??
1- check cpu for overheating, 2- have u installed any tweakware, customizer. . tweak xp. . . ; if so then uninstall them. 3- if u have been using the same HDD for long time without defragging please defrag it.

How many times can WinXP be activated?
WTF? even after installing these creative drivers i still can't get discreet 4 chnannel surround from my Klipsnich 4.1s. Anyone else have this problem? try the tester in AudioHQ and see.

Buying Windows XP Cheap
Well duh, anyone who would install an unreleased, unsupported, hotfix that they got from a warez site has to be a total retard. .

Help Me!!? About installing Directx9
Are you using WinXP? Im not sure why it would block you though, maybe the file is corrupt? You could also try logging in as the built-in administrator instead of a created one.

File download when click .EXE file in SP1 GET RID OF IT???
Ever since I installed SP1 on my PC for Windows XP, when I double click on an. EXE file to install a program from my hard drive it pops up a box saying File Download, this might contain a whoopty whoop and blabla.

internet explorer 6 service pack 1 question
just downloaded sp1 installation tool what i know is: i can select just download to download all files for sp1 and save them on a cd for installing sp1 whenever/whereever i want what i don't know: do i need the original files from ie6 any longer? can the sp1 only be installed over an existing ie6? do i need the las ...

XP SP1 Install Problems
Hmm, somewhere i found SmartDoctor (ver. 2.00). It shows RAM Tempterature also. Any Comments?.

The newest Radeon drivers are available for free down load at ATI. Theses drivers are for XP and work super slick ,they add speed to the install and seem flawlessly int oXP without a hitch!!!!!!!!!! These drivers really work!!!!!!!!!.

windows XP question
If you just use the upgrade mode, no. If you tell it to do a clean install, yes you will loose it all. It should ask you when it starts up which you want to do.

login error
Yepp, and it can already be cracked by UnSafedisc 2.40.10 Dumper / Rebuilder. .

A little FUBAR on my part. Ver 2002 of Win XP ::DOH!:: oh well, who needs sleep anyway. .

XP SP1 build 1073
http://www. driverheaven. net/thread. php?post=21879#21879 http://www. xtechnet. net/modules. php?name=D. . . download&cid=36 http://www. iexbeta. com/ http://www.

Killer new Windows XP Style !
I have released the new ChaNinja WindowsXP style at http://www. themexp. org and http://www. deviantart. com, its still in beta stage but the comments and feedback has been very good! It'll give your WindowsXP the EDGE!.

os choise's
And again the don't work. . !!! i have a IFEELMOUSE and the logitech drivers are always a problem. takes about 20Mb memory over ms mouseware4.0 and thers always problems in games the scrollwheel don't work if you don't shut down some file crl alt del i don't remember the name of this file as i use the MS mouseware4.

win2k boot problem
My brother is running windows 2000 sp2 on his computer. He rebboted it when it froze up on him whille surfing the internet. It is now giving this error on start up.

IRQ conflicts!!
anyone knwo the irqs for video aduio and nic? i get this Retarted error IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL says somethig bout a ntoskrnl. exe ? should i just install win 98?.