Everything Windows

Hey People, Have anyone of u(with XP SP 1 leaked) found dramatic performance improvement. I have heared After SP installation XP wa buzzing nicely on CEL 500 PC.

Need working copy of XP
:roll: Can anyone help me acquire a working copy of Win XP? Please email me with your requirements. Thanx. :wink: Degger*: Hi guys, please notice our rules! We can´t allow links to crackz or something like that !!.

win 2000 adv server help
i just installed win 2000 adv server, i need help configuring it like msconfig for windows xp, whats the one for the adv server? any help is greaty appriated, :lol:

M$ a couple of fries short of a happy meal
Can't tell if its real or not but you can download exactly same skin to desktopX from www. wincustomize. com, with desktopX you can make your desktop look just the way you want.

Help. . I forgot admin password, & guest is disabled, can't go in. . . . .

To see Admin Password in W2K.
hi, i would like to see the Administrator password without changing it in Windows 2000 Pro. can anyone help or advise please?.

Direct X 9 fix
does anyone know were the fix is for DX 9 thier was a registry setting you had to change, it was here but it seems to have been over written with somethign else, any help weould be great, :roll:

port 1433 scans up dramatically--The Internet Storm Center..
Go ahead check your Logs youll see. . . I started noticing dozens of these scans around Monday night and they continue today. It seems to be a MSSQL Worm Graph: http://isc.

You will get XP, resistance is futile !!
Soon only Windows XP will be available to buy, resistance is futile, your other OSes are irrelavent. . . You will be assimilated into the WinXP collective, consumer choice is irrelavent, you will comply or be destroyed! MuHahahahaaaaaaa.

Duel Booting? The ESCD Bit me, and it HURT!
Reinstalling Windows on a Duel Boot system – Don´t ignore the ESCD! I am using a duel boot setup, with Windows XP being the main workhorse, and Windows 98 hanging around just in case.

Windows 2k booting problems (Stop errors)
I have just installed windows 2000 on to my computer and dont have much experience with it. I set it up as a second os to my windows ME on a different partition for making music.

short cut problem
when clicking on the shortcut to c drive I have started getting an error cannot find file s. exe. the pop up looks like a cd popup I also have a d Drive and it works properly.

Windows Listen all the tim ein the I.Net ???
I noticed that: I played a bit with my Windows XP Home and I typed in the comand line: netstat -a This command shows you all network connection: But now look what i found: On third position: TCP > mycomputername:microsoft-ds mycomputer:0 listen on 16 th position: UDP > mycomputername:microsoft-ds mycomputer:0 ...

window hidden programs
Does anyone know where a list of the programs hidden in windows such as msconfig,winipconfig,sfc. . . can be found. I realize that there quite a good number of them.

Is there WMP 8 available for win98-ME?
Does anybody knows whether there is WMP 8 for Win98-ME. .

I need XP to see more than 4 IDE devices
I built a computer and I have more than 4 IDE devices on it, and XP professional is only seeing the first 4.Does anyone know of a fix. I did a search and could not find a thread.

Can't open "properties" for ISP
I am running XP and go to control panel>Network and internet connections>network connections I am trying to change the settings for MSN (my ISP), but the change settings of this connection and the right click>properties simply does not respond acting like a dead link.

ICQ Abnormal Termination in W2K!
I am using W2K Adv Server+ Service 3 RC 3.51+FAT32 Suddenly one day before, I got this message Runtime Error Program: C:Program FilesICQICQ. exe > abnormal program termination I immediately use DB Convert to fix the list, then fine for a moment.