Everything Windows

ok guys,. . . . anyone that is using SP2 please listen, I need these questions answered before I install sp2.. . . i) for some reason I can't slipstream SP2 onto my old slipstreamed copy of XP SP1.

Will Win Xp SP2 RTM go over a beta version of sp2?
Hi, I am new on here and this is my first post. I currently have beta version 2149 of sp2 and i had always read on other beta versions that they couldn't go over other beta versions.

IE errors
Why does IE not show correctly images? Most of the time i get an red X instead of the correct image. PLEASE HELP ME cause i am out of ideeas I attached a screenshot to understand better what i mean.

Looks like RTM will be build 2180.Im D/L'ing it now. http://board. iexbeta. com/ibf10/index. php?showtopic=45182.

Outlook Express: "Compact" doesn't work
It seems that Outlook Express doesn't find its own folder when it comes to using the Compact feature. Look at the image. Since I use a non-default folder this may be the reason why it isn't found.

Windows will not load in any mode. Boot virus is suspect.
Ok, been looking everywhere to try and get this resolved. Not sure if I'm posting it in the right area, but I'll try anyway. Shut down my computer, and when trying to reload it I got the screen where you select what mode to start in (as if the last time you shut down you shut down improperly).

ntvdm.exe hogs my CPU with 99%
Hi all, Windows XP prof SP1 with 512MB RAN and a AMD 2GHZ CPU. Any software that calls ntvdm. exe will hog my CPU. Photoshop, some packages durineg 'file open' etc.

I am thinking of getting a note book. The reasons of buying is because i want to be mobile (easy to carry around, that's it). I am not concerning on the wireless or 802.

outlook express folders
i just change my email address (to a non hotmail one) and updated outlook express i use another 1 for work and would like to keep the folders different for both of them how do i do this as they are currently both in 1 folder??

weird upside-down video problems
I'm having an odd problem using WMP9 in WinXP; during certain movie clips (not all) the video-image randomly flips upside-down during playback - the problem can only be rectified by closing WMP and restarting it with the same clip, though at the same point the video will flip upside-down again.

Can WindowsXP Pro act as DHCP server?
We have small network, all PCs are running WindowsXP Pro SP1.One of the PC - let's name it Main have 2 NICs, and with simple ICS all other PCs can access Internet.

Has SP2 broken nVDVD for anyone else?
Hey there guys, I can't seem to find the problem with my nVDVD. It won't start up let alone run. Tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it like 10 times already.

Windows Messenger 6.0 Beta
If you want to download and try it, do this : Go here : http://www. aasen3d. com/modules. php?name=Do. . . wdownload&cid=5.

Windows updates fro USB key?
A friend recently told me of a tech who carries all the Windows XP updates on a USB key, and had a simple way to tell Windows Updates to look to the USB key instead of the Windows Update URL when running Windows Update.

Where is the XP-SP2-RC2?
Dark Biene
Windows XP SP2 RC2 set for Wednesday =>Posted by: Newsfactory. =>Monday, May 24 Any infos why it didnĀ“t come out till now?.

So Many Viruses... I JUST FORMATTED!
Okay I just reformatted my PC and I seem to have a good 4 backdoor viruses, 2 trojans, I got the SASSER WORM! and a stupid thing called f0r0r, which I had enough trouble getting rid of.

Share programs/ games
Hi, I have installed a game (counter strike) under a user with Admin. privilege. The user with limited account cannot run the program unless he right click on the icon and select Run As.

Sasser.A/B/C/D/E/F Worm Removal Tool
Dark Biene
A situation has been identified where the Sasser. A or Sasser. B worms could have infected some systems before the application of MS04-011. This tool will help remove the Sasser.

you don't say this will be pad number 5

Installed the latest and greatest Longhorn within VMWare and here are some screens. . . .