Date: 2025-03-01 00:58 | Last update:

Ati General Topics

Ati General Topics

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9800xt vs. nVIDIA 6800ultra

I dont know if you guys say this already but ill post it here anyways. Looks like {H}ardOCP has snagged a 6800 ulstra and tested it against a 5950 and a 9800xt.
20 6918
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Radeon 9600XT & Rivatuner

How Typical, Buffer Overflows, Microsoft, AOL and Now RealNetworks, wouldn't you think 1 Of These Companies would get it right. . . guess not, thats just software.
10 3821
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Which card would you use?

I have a FireGL X1 and I also have a Radeon 9600XT. Which one would you guys prefer? I did softmod the firegl so my system thinks it's a 9700pro. .
16 6416
avatar Last reply by KillerKebab,

Fire GL X1 128

I've recently just got a Fire GL X1 128, and I think it's a very good card, but will it handle my games? :cry: I want to play Half-Life 2 when it's released, but I don't know if my $500.
6 2461
avatar Last reply by XIII,

ATI Bios Flash

I remember back in the day of the 9700pro and the 9500pro days that there was alot of flashing of bios'. I have a 9600xt. . . anyone hear of any bios' for that card or any of them right now.
6 3501
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,


i dont no y this is happening im only getting 6500 in 3dmark 2001 is this card meant to br this slow? i 'upgraded' from a gf4 mx coz the visuals stink on that (i had a 5900 in between but sold it coz ive been lured by the 12000 score of the 6800) this is a temporary solution till the next gen cards will b on the ma ...
16 5568
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Newly converted ATI user

I just bought a 9600xt to replace my G-ForceFX 5600 256mb and i used to score 20,000 in Aquamark3.. heh. . now i score 32,000 with the 9600xt. Also I score around 4,500 in 3dmark '03 with my xt; vice 2,800 with the old G-Force.
12 3962
avatar Last reply by NIKEMARINE,

Good driver removal tool

I know nvidia has detonator destroyer. . . . does ati have such a prog? Cause i have junk from DNA to Omega to regular catalyst. Also if anyone has and imput. .
3 2597
avatar Last reply by dredlock,

ASUS V.card and ATI's Driver

Hello, i have the ASUS 9200SE video card and i'm use the catalyst driver 4.4 by ATI. In the driver page of asus there's a driver, but. . . what driver is best?.
2 1857
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Sapphaire 9800XT temp question

I am curious what should my Sapphire 9800XT temperture average should be at? Right now its at 71 C with out the Overdrive enable. i am using the current Catalyst Drivers version 4.
13 4312
avatar Last reply by megatron,

A Problem And A Question!

First Of All. . I'm Finally Back @ W2S! I was kinda busy the last few months so i didn't post much at the Mainpage. . But Now that's gonna change A few days ago i went from a Nvidia GeForce 3 to a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro!! And the Card really rocks!! All my games are much smoother and looking much better! I only have a ...
9 3057
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Half-Life and Catalyst 4.2

Just wanted to know if anyone ELSE was having trouble getting Half-Life to run with the new 4.2 drivers?? I can get DOD to run no problem. . . . but HL is kaputz !! This is within Win XP by the way.
3 2141
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

9700PRO 3dMark03 scores

I'm new here and I figured I would start off asking what people get with their card. I get from 5500-6000marks with my 9500np.
16 5360
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Bios Needed

PowerColor Ati Rage Radeon 9000 DDR 64MB Tv-Out DVI Need Bios for this craphics card. .
13 4230
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Ati Mobillity drivers

Hi all. . . just bought a laptop, my first ever. . . wot i wanna know is were i can get the latest drivers for the grafix card. Its an Advent 7027 P4 3.06 laptop with an Ati mobility radeon 9000 (64mb) grafix chip.
5 3102
avatar Last reply by XIII,