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Ati General Topics

Ati General Topics

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PowerColor 9500 Pro 128 driver problems

Recently downloaded ATi drivers 7.80, 7.81 & 7.83 and tried all versions replacing originals. Some direct from PowerColor. All had major graphics problems so had to revert to originals Abit KT7A,(Award 4 in 1) Athlon 1.
3 1491
avatar Last reply by YngwieII,

GTA3 + Radeon 9500 Pro = NO GO

This is a very cool program, I suggest anyone with an old 386 or better sitting around to set this up on your net connection. I has excellent security and stability and will run on pretty much anything.
6 2026
avatar Last reply by jumpyjim,

radeon 9500 questions

Hey Guys I'm completely new with ATI video cards, I'm using nvida since forever. But i want to know 4 things. Is the ati radeon 9500 128mb better than the geforce 4 ti 4600? and does it work in an Asus a7n8x (nforce2) motherboard? And also, is there a pro and non pro version? i only see the pro version on the ati w ...
4 1587
avatar Last reply by YngwieII,

Radeon 9000PRO vs 9100

I have read reviews and got some prices of both of these card. It seems that 9100 would out-perform a 9000pro, but the pro is much more expensive than the 9100.
5 2075
avatar Last reply by Shekers,

9000 Pro card concerns

I just replaced a GF2 MX 440 card with a 9000 Pro. Would have rathered a 9700 but don't have the money! But when looking for cards I was under the impression that the 9000 Pro should be able to out perform the GF2 - easily in fact! Was I wrong in assuming that? I've got he latest drivers from ATI (3.
5 1732
avatar Last reply by sorensenj,

Why is their no ATI news?

I've had several Nividia cards including the TI4600 and serval ATI which Im curently using R9700.they have all been great cards with no problems from any of them.
21 4530
avatar Last reply by El_Coyote,

3D Prophet 9700 PRO bios MAJ

This can be found @ http://www. radeonthetop. com/bios. php - 3D Prophet 9700 PRO bios MAJ (ajouté 09/01 - téléchargé 56 fois - taille : 32.4 Ko) Dernière MAJ du bios de Hercules 3D Prophet 9700 PRO Pas d'autres infos ! _____________________________________________________________ 3D Prophet 9700 PRO Zweiknoch ...
1 1431
avatar Last reply by Acidity120179,

did u patched 9500 to 9700?

I posted news about a patch released on Maxdownload. com. It promised a Radeon9500 card could be turn to Radeon 9700 Pro without any hardware modifications. How many of u Radeon9500 Owners patched it? , If yes, what was the result (change in 3dMark scores.
3 1979
avatar Last reply by El_Coyote,

Having serious problems.....

I just bought a radeon 9500 pro. I removed all old drivers and then the old card(geforce3ti500) and proceeded to install the new one. I put the card in my comp and now it wont even boot.
13 3433
avatar Last reply by El_Coyote,

7006 bios for 8500 64MB

where i could find a ver. 7006 bios for 8500 64MB? since the one( 113-82801-102 2002/02/07 )i have now is only for 128MB,and its 3d functions doesn't work. someone knows a link?.
11 2896
avatar Last reply by megatron,

ATi's Trade In Program

Has anyone here used ATi's trade in program? If so, how did it go and were you happy with the service? Also, was the price OK? http://theddrzone. com/press. php?id=92.
2 1877
avatar Last reply by MrMoke,