WinXPSP2 won't boot

Four year old Desktop machine was running fine, had not installed anything in months. Was playing a game when I heard a static sound from my speakers and the screen went dark and came on with a blue screen advising I had a problem (duh) and would I like to scan my HDD? I said yes, it reported HDD was fine I pressed ...

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Four year old Desktop machine was running fine, had not installed anything in months. Was playing a game when I heard a static sound from my speakers and the screen went dark and came on with a "blue screen" advising I had a problem (duh) and would I like to scan my HDD?
I said yes, it reported HDD was fine I pressed "any key" and my machine started to reboot and ended up at a screen giving me choice of "boots". I chose "Normal". Machine rebooted and took me back to the choices again. This time I chose "last good boot", it too took me back to the choices. I have tried all the choices applicable
with the same result. One of them starts and displays a list of files ,as though it's loading tem, only to stop and reboot.
I have;
1. Run recovery console from WinXP CD chkdsk/p/r says all is O.K.
2.Run Western Digital diags program it says HDD O.K.
3 Run a memory test program (memtest) that says memory O.K.
4. Swapped memory modules
5.Booted machine without memory to clear BIOS.
Any other thoughts?

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Responses to this topic


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get one of those linux live cds
or knoppix and try to run it from CD (NOT installing it)
(you may even disconnect the hard disk)

and see if it boots properly and works for a period of time ...

when you see the list of file run through ... can you see at which file it stops and reboots ?


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Answering in reverse order.
Yes I can see the file. Cannot include it here since I have to set up dead machine to this monitor I am using.
Will post back later.

For my edification.
Is booting with Linux and letting it run different than booting with Win install CD and letting it run?
I have booted with the install CD and let it sit at the C: prompt for a couple of hours.
(I'm not thinking power supply (?) since it's less that a year old Antec but, that maybe foolish of me.)
Thanks for the reply.


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thats a point
but it would try it anyway since it cant do any harm either

so the only thing that remains is reinstalling windows and see if the problem is gone .... unless you can get any more informations


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Did you check the eventlog to see if there are any entries? Maybe there are some more information available...

Let us know what you find.


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Did you check the eventlog to see if there are any entries? Maybe there are some more information available...

Have you any suggestuions how to get to the "event log" and "event viewer" when you can only get to a DOS (C:windows) prompt?
Microsofts instructions only show being able to run Event viewer
while in windows.


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Sh*t - you are right.

Will try to get a trick to find it...


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.... unless you can get any more informations

As I stated in my previous post when choosing "safe" the machine runs a list of files, stops, then reboots.

The file it stops on is C:windowssystem32driversmup.sys.
I copied "mup.sys" from a working machine and installed it on the dead machine. It's still dead.
I would believe my problem is the file that comes after "mup.sys"
whatever that may be?

Do you know where this "list" of files I am seeing comes from?
Is it the registry or is there some type of ".ini" folder I could look for?


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Yeah I highly doubt that the MUP (Multiple UNC Provider driver) has problems

since those .dll loaded are drivers
its should be in

but I have no idea in which order those entries are being loaded
but since you have access to the disk I would try one thing:

get a tool like
and do a binary compare on all files from drivers with a working machine to see if there is any corrupted file ...
and maybe delete/rename any driver that are not present on the working machine


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Thanks Mertcsh.


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and which one did the trouble ?

I was just thanking you for the reply.

BUT now I have a better deal!!!!!!!!

After reading some instructions closely,garnered from cyberworld,I was finally able to produce some messages after a "disable automatic restart". (O.K. I'll fess up, it took me a while to figure out when to push F8.)
The message suggests "changing video adapter" (can't do) and checking my BIOS,which is a little hard since it's 4 years old and don't support it anymore, and, I think I have the last BIOS upgrade.
The the message goes on.
***STOP: 0x000007E (0xC000005, etc;
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.
(Memtest86 showed I had no memory problem?)

IS XP is talking about the RAM or the cache on the CPU or the memory on the video card?
Since I don't have another machine to "test" my RAM on I'll have to buy new RAM to verify.


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hmmmm this doesn't sound good since I just can't say what to do now ...

Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.

means that windows is writing the data in memory to hard disk, so it can be analyzed by a specialist ... but you wont find someone to do this

have you tried reinstalling windows .... it really is the first thing to try when having problems like these .... since you have access to the disk ... just do a complete image of the disk with or any other tool like it