windows xp sp2 printer sharing

hi everyone, how do i set up a computer with static ip that anyone can access without needing to key in any usename and password? I want to make a pc base printserver.

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Joined 2003-03-22
hi everyone, how do i set up a computer with static ip that anyone can access without needing to key in any usename and password? I want to make a pc base printserver. i have set every printer but now thinking on how to make it available freely on the network. It would be nice that if i can just enter in the ip then i can see all the sharefolder and shared printer.

Thousand thanks.:thankyou:

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thats pretty easy ...

1. run the "Network Setup wizard" from "My Network Places" to enable file and printer sharing (if you haven't done already)

2. on the server goto "Printers and Faxes" right click that printer hit "sharing ..." and enable it

3. on the client just key in the IP address or name of the server as if you want to access the server for files - the printer should be listed next to the shared folders
--- alternative
goto "Printers and Faxes" choose "Add printer" choose network printer ... browse the server and there you go


399 Posts
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Joined 2003-03-22
OK, but now when i key the ip address on the client pc, it always prompt a log in screen. i want it to have no security. when i key in the computer ip address on client it shows the printers directly. i can't do this because it is not on folder layer. for example, i keyed in with out directory name, the computer will not ask for login. :thankyou:


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Make sure the "Guest" account on the server is enabled

2. when you share a printer / directory make sure that you not only enable sharing but also allow access to that p/d in the "Security" tab to either "Everyone" group or the "Guest" account