Website Designing

I want it!

This topic was started by ,


34 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-08-19
Hey if anybody knows how to design websites just give me you're website links.

I will soon have my own website designing website up soon.

If anybody wants a website just tell me. I could even maybe do one for free! :D

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Responses to this topic


1 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-08-21
haha.. i'm glad someone thinks so

was looking at logs, and noticed ppl coming to my site from this thread.. so i thought i would check it out..


34 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-08-19
Thats a SICK site! I really like ' Things that piss me off '

Its very funny :lol:


363 Posts
Location -
Joined 2002-04-11
what will be your site about Marcel? :hmm:


34 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-08-19
What exactly are you trying to say?

Are you a girl by any chance?